Information for Applicants
The Branch: Fisheries Management of the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and the Department of Environmental Affairs, Branch Oceans and Coasts are co-ordinating the application and evaluation process for permits for research purposes, as envisaged under Section 83 of the Marine Living Resources Act.
We are aiming that 95% plus of permits are received through a structured application process, which will allow evaluation of applications by panels of experts established for this purpose. We are cognizant that the dynamic nature of the research environment will still require occasional ad-hoc permit applications, and justifiable ad-hoc applications will still be entertained. However, we envisage that ad-hoc applications will be the exception rather than the rule, and urge the research community to take advantage of the structured system as far as possible.
Who may apply
The following draft guidelines have been developed in order to determine eligibility for research permits. .
The following are eligible to apply:
(a) a recognized research organisation wanting to conduct research and utilize marine living resources for research and teaching purposes;
(b) an organisation which has a formal affiliation or written agreement with a recognized research organisation;
(c) an organ of state;
(d) a tertiary institution outside of the Republic;
(e) a vessel undertaking collaborative national and regional research;
(f) a public aquarium;
(g) a museum;
(h) a private organisation wanting to perform monitoring to evaluate the effects of anthropogenic stresses on marine living resources and ecosystems, excluding marine aquaculture organisations; or
(i) an organisation appointed by the Department to conduct research on its behalf.
The following are ineligible to apply:
(a) a commercial marine aquaculture organisation which must apply for a permit in terms of Section 13 of the Marine Living Resources Act;
(b) a private organisation undertaking research other than to perform monitoring to evaluate the effects of anthropogenic stresses on marine living resources and ecosystems; and
(c) an organisation wanting to conduct commercial marine bio-prospecting in terms of the National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act.
Deadlines for applications
Applications for permits to be issued by the end of the second week in December must reach Branch: Fisheries by the end of the second week in October.
Ad-hoc applications
Although ad-hoc applications will be entertained, we urge that the ad-hoc application route only be used for applications that cannot be considered during the bi-annual process. It is possible that the ad hoc applications will only be considered on a quarterly basis.
How to apply
All applications should be made on the Application Form. These should be sent by e-mail to , with the subject-line heading “Research permit application”.
All applications will be issued with a reference no. within 10 working days after the closing date. Should this not be the case, please contact to ensure that your application has been received.
Applications for research in Marine Protected Areas
Applications for research within Marine Protected Areas must be accompanied by proof of registration of the project, or some other form of written support/authorisation from the Management Authority of the MPA(s) concerned. Should an MPA Management Authority withhold such support from a proposed project, please contact the Director: Dr Alan Boyd, Biodiversity and Coastal Research, Department of Environmental Affairs, Branch: Oceans ad Coasts, (021 402 3070) to discuss this before proceeding. In addition it should be noted that all MPAs now fall under the auspices of the National Environmental Management: Protected Areas Act, 2003 (Act No. 57 of 2003). As such to the extent that specific MPA regulations require a permit application for research within an MPA other than in terms of section 83 of the MLRA, such permit will be considered in terms of NEMPAA. However research in MPAs still require a permit from DEA under section 83 of the MLRA and where a NEMPAA permit is also required, DEA will consider the applications concurrently and until specific research regulations are published, the requirements for a DEA MLRA research permit application will suffice for a NEMPAA MPA research permit application and applicants will not need to submit a duplicate application.
How your application will be evaluated
Applications will be evaluated according to applicant eligibility, sound science of the proposal, resource sustainability, biodiversity and ecosystem considerations, the ethical treatment of animals, and human safety. For the most part, we defer to the animal ethics policies of the institutions under whose auspices the research is conducted. However, some cases may also be referred to an appropriate Ethics Committee for consideration.
Applications for work in Marine Protected Areas will consider the necessity for the work to be conducted specifically within MPAs.
Overview of the application and evaluation process
October / November / DecemberWeek 2 / Week 3 / Week 4 / Week 1 / Week 2 / Week 3 / Week 4 / Week 1 / Week 2
Applications received
Review and feedback
Evaluation panel
Permit preparation
Response to applicants
Period of issue of permits
Under the Marine Living Resources Act, permits may only be issued for a maximum period of twelve months. It is therefore not possible to issue permits for longer than a maximum of one year at a time.
Permits for related activities
Research involving beach driving
A separate permit must be applied for from the Chief Directorate: Integrated Coastal Management (Tandiwe Njajula e-mail: , 021 819 2442). The application for the research permit must precede that for the beach driving permit.
Research involving diving in dive ban areas
A separate permit must be applied for from the Chief Directorate: Resource Management (Raymond Scott e-mail: or phone: 021-402 3236). The application for the research permit must precede that for the dive ban permit.
Permits to export whole organisms (dead or alive) or parts thereof for research and/or educational purposes
A separate export permit must be applied for from Customer Services (Magda Burger e-mail: or phone: 021-402 3180 of fax: 021 402 3362).
Permits to import whole organisms (dead or alive) or parts thereof for research and/or educational purposes
A separate import permit must be applied for from Customer Services (Magda Burger e-mail: or phone: 021-402 3180 of fax: 021 402 3362).