Healthy Active Living Education, Grade 9, Open
This course emphasizes regular participation in a variety of enjoyable physical activities that promote lifelong healthy active living. You will learn movement skills and principles, ways to improve your personal fitness and physical competence, and safety and injury prevention. You will investigate issues related to healthy eating and nutrition, healthy sexuality, the use and abuse of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs, and will participate in activities designed to develop goal-setting, communication, and social skills.
Physical Activity Expectations
demonstrate personal competence in applying movement skills and principles;
demonstrate knowledge of guidelines and strategies that enhance participation in recreation and sport activities.
Active Living Expectations
- participate regularly in a balanced instructional program that includes a wide variety of enjoyable physical activities that encourage lifelong participation;
- demonstrate improvement in personal health-related physical fitness;
- demonstrate safe practices regarding the safety of themselves and others.
Healthy Living Expectations
- identify the factors that contribute to positive relationships with others;
- explain the consequences of sexual decisions on the individual, family, and community;
- demonstrate personal strategies to deal effectively with the social influences that contribute to the use and abuse of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs (e.g., cannabis);
- identify considerations in healthy eating and nutrition
- identify strategies to minimize potentially dangerous situations (e.g., violence prevention, injury prevention).
Living Skills Expectations
- use appropriate decision-making skills to achieve goals related to personal health;
- explain the effectiveness of various conflict resolution processes in daily situations;
- use appropriate social skills when working collaboratively with others.
**Every student in Grade 9 Phys. Ed. receives training in CPR.**
Guidelines and Expectations for Students
Attendance and Participation
You are expected to be present for each class. If you are absent, you are unable to meet the expectation outlines for the course; specifically:
- “participate regularly in physical activities”
- “maintain or improve personal fitness levels be participating in vigorous physical activities for sustained periods of time (e.g. a minimum of two 10-minute periods or one 20 minute time period of a minimum of four times a week)”
If you have an “unexplained” absence, a mark of zero will be assigned for the day until the absence becomes “explained” with the office and an admit slip is presented to the teacher.
Activity Attire
A complete and proper uniform is always necessary. This consists of the Bluevale gym uniform ($25.00 Bluevale Phys. Ed. t-shirt and burgundy shorts) plus sweat socks and a good pair of non-marking, running or court shoes. Sweatshirts and sweatpants are permitted when activities are held outdoors. Come prepared for the weather.
Students should store all valuables (e.g. money, electronics, jewellery, etc.) in their lockers prior to class. Do not leave them in the changeroom. Do not bring them into the instructional area. The school is not responsible for your belongings.
Grade 9 Girls Health and Physical Education
PPL 1OXSemester 2Winter/Spring 2013
Course Fee ($25) – see parent letter for details
White Bluevale T-shirt ($10)*
Burgundy Shorts ($15.00)*
(*If sending cheques, please make them payable to Bluevale Collegiate Institute)
Sweat socks
Athletic running shoes
hair tied back and/or pulled off the face
athletic pants and long-sleeved shirts/sweaters are only permitted during cool, outdoor classes
tank tops are not allowed
personal use of water bottles is encouraged (although breaks for the water fountain are given as necessary)
hats, sunscreen, and sunglasses are encouraged for outside activity
students will be advised of outdoor winter activities so they may dress appropriately
This is a participation-oriented course; therefore, students are expected to attend all classes.
Please arrive to class on time and in full uniform.
You will not be permitted to participate in class without proper athletic running shoes.
All absences and late arrivals must be validated with a note from parents (Parents - Students have 3 days to validate. Please do this as soon as possible.) Any absences (including extended absences) from school must be communicated by parents/guardians via the office.
Students are not excused from participating in class without a note from parents.
Please DO NOT LEAVE VALUABLES OR MONEY in the change room during class time.
If necessary, a “valuables” box is available from your teacher. (The teacher, Health and Physical Education Department and Bluevale C.I. are not responsible for lost or stolen items.)
Grade 9 Girls Health and Physical Education
PPL 1OXSemester 2Winter/Spring 2013
Course Evaluation
Daily Course Work70%
Active daily participation
Maintenance / improvement of personal physical fitness
Movement Skills
Safe use of equipment
Application of appropriate behavior and attitudes that enhance participation and enjoyment of physical activities (i.e., work ethic, attitude, cooperation, initiative, listening skills, leadership, wearing appropriate gym uniform)
Knowledge of facts and terms
Use of proper strategies/tactics
Communication of information/ideas (i.e., assignments)
Fitness and Pulse
Summative Evaluation30%
Summary of student’s progress and achievements during the semester
Self-evaluation of the student’s progress and growth
Application of learned skills in a range of physical activities
SummativeGames Assignment
Summative Games Participation
Summative Assignment
CPR Written Test