Local School Testing Plan
The GaDOE has conveyed to districts the need for a written local school testing plan. Though we know that we have procedures in place at each school, many schoolsmay not have a formally written testing plan. Below you will find an outline to help you develop the local school testing plan for the school year. Please develop the local school plan with guidance from the outline below and from your administrative team. The local school testing plan should be kept on file and accessible to any district personnel.
- Receipt and verification of materials
- Your materials arrive at the school and then what happens?
- Where is your secure testing room?
- Who has access to your testing room?
- Who signs for the testing materials?
- Local School Training
- Are training procedures in place for all staff that will be involved or impacted by testing (custodians, cafeteria staff, etc…)?
- How and when will examiners, monitors and proctors be trained?
- Distribution of Materials
- How are the materials counted and prepared?
- Are testing rosters prepared in advance?
- Are procedures in place for students that will have different examiners throughout the course of the test?
- What are the procedures for ensuring that students get the correct version or form of the test each day?
- What are the check-in and check-out procedures?
- Do the check-in and check-out procedures include dates and times?
- How are the testing bins prepared?
- Communication with a variety of audiences
- Talk to fellow AP and avoid testing days as fire drill days.
- How does your school handle late arrivals on testing days?
- Are there schedules that need to be changed?
- How will our school communicate with parents?
- Before the test
- When results arrive
- What types of things do I need to remind the Front Office staff about?
- How will we communicate with teachers during testing?
- What are the procedures for (high school & middle school) students that return to the school to test (i.e. Ombudsman and former students)?
- Testing Protocols and Testing Situations
- Who should I call for….
- What are the procedures for reporting testing anomalies/incidents/irregularities?
- Special Populations
- How do you verify identification of students returning to test?
- How are accommodations for students verified?
- Provide additional training for examiners of students with accommodations.
- Distributing Results to parents/students
- What are the procedures for notifying parents/students of results?
- Retest results?
- How are student/parents notified of remediation and retest opportunities?
- How are the test results used in the school to guide planning and instruction?
- How students/parents are notified of the possibility of variance/waiver (high school) or retention appeals (elementary and middle school)?
The testing plan will be developed during the first 9 weeks of this year. The draft will be reviewed in small groups and an opportunity to add/revise the plan will occurduring January. Finalized plans should be submitted to the System Director prior to the administration of spring testing.