August 2000



Mailing AddressAssociate Professor of Economics

Barney School of Business and Public Administration

Department of Economics, Finance and Insurance

University of Hartford

West Hartford, Connecticut 06117

Home Address20 Lowell Rd

West Hartford, CT 06119


Office: (860) 768-4779 and 768-4581 (for messages)

Home: (860) 523-7402

Academic Qualifications

Ph.D. (Economics), State University of New York at Buffalo, 1973

MS (Statistics), Andhra University, Waltair, Andhra Pradesh, India, 1958

MA (Economics), Andhra University, Waltair, Andhra Pradesh, India, 1957

BA (Hons.) (Mathematical Economics) Andhra University, Waltair, Andhra Pradesh, India 1956

Academic Honors

1.All straight A's in Ph.D. Program at S.U.N.Y. Buffalo, NY 1969-72.

2.First Class, First Rank in MS (Statistics) in Andhra University, Waltair, India, 1958

3.Selected in India on a nationwide basis for Smith-Mundt Scholarship and Fulbright Travel

Grant for the United States in 1969.

Employment Record


University of HartfordAssociate Professor1981Present

University of HartfordAssistant Professor19741981

National BureauResearch Analyst19721974

of Economic Research

State University of New York, BuffaloTeaching Assistant19701972

Research Experience


University of HartfordIndustrial Org., Theory ofAssoc. Prof. &1974Present

Money, Utility Rates etc.Asst. Prof.

National Bur. of"Diffusion of Prod.Research19731974

Econ. ResearchInnovations"Analyst

S.U.N.Y./ Buffalo"Analysis of Firm Profit Rates"Research Assoc.19721973

Andhra Univ."SocioEconomicResearch19591962

Waltair, IndiaSurvey of Nagarjuna SagarAsst.

Irrigation Project".

Teaching Experience


University of HartfordEconometrics, O.R., Quant.Graduate1974Present

Decision Methods,

Managerial Stats.

Managerial Econ.

Business Stats., Quant.U.Graduate 1974Present

Analysis for Bus. Decisions,

Managerial Econ.

AUC CourseU.Graduate19891998

S.U.N.Y. at Buffalo, NY.Eco. Stats., Micro & MacroU.Graduate19701972

Eco. Theory.

Andhra Univ.Eco. DevelopmentGraduate19581969

Waltair, IndiaInternational

Economics, Math.

Econ., Growth Econ.


1."A General Method of Deriving the Inefficiencies of Banks from a Profit Function" with Akhavein, Swamy and Taubman, Vol. 8, #1, 1997 Journal of Productivity Analysis, Kluwer AcademicPublishers, Boston.

2."Circumstances in which Different Criteria of Estimation can be Applied to Estimate Policy Effects" with Dr. P.A.V.B. Swamy and J. S. Mehta, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, Vol. 50, 1996, pp 121-153. North Holland Publishers.

Publications (cont’d)

3."What Do Regressions of Interest Rates on Deficits Imply? " with Dr. P.A.V.B. Swamy and Dr. B. R. Kolluri, Southern Economic Journal, Vol. 56, #4, pp. 10101028, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, April, 1990. This study was extensively quoted in staff working papers "Deficits and Interest Rates: Theoretical Issues and Empirical Evidence" of the Congressional Budget Office, January, 1989.

4."Innovation and the Personality Profiles of Firms," with Dr. M. Gort, International Journal of Industrial Organization 5 (1987) pp 115126. NorthHolland Publishers.

5.Book Review. "Conversations with Economists," by Arjo Klamer, Rowman & Allanheld Publishers, 1984, in The Journal of Economics, Vol. X, 1984, pp 243245, Missouri Valley Economic Association, St.Louis, Missouri.

6."The Determinants of Product Innovation: A Study of Manufacturing Industry in the US" The Journal of Economics, Vol. lX, 1983, pp 220225, Missouri Valley Economic Association, St. Louis, Missouri.

7."A Model of Micro Basis for Decentralization in Economies," The Journal of Economics, Vol. VIII, pp. 2934, 1982, Missouri Valley Economic Association, St. Louis, Missouri.

8.A letter in a symposium on "Long Term Implications of IMF Loan to India", published in A.I.E.S. Newsletter, July 1982.

9."Rational Expectations and the Demand for Money: Some Efficient Estimates," with Dr. B. Kolluri, The Journal of Economics, Vol. VII, 1981 pp. 2630, Missouri Valley Economic Association, St. Louis, Missouri.

10."Concentration And Profit Rates: New Evidence On an Old Issue." (See #10 below) Abstracted and published in C.F.A. Digest Vol. 7 Number 2, Spring 1977.

11."Concentration and Profit Rates: New Evidence on an Old Issue," with Dr. M. Gort, Explorations in Economic Research, Vol. 3, #1, Winter 1976, pp. 121. Note: This article was cited by Richard Schmalensee of MIT in his article "Do Markets Differ?" published in American Economic Review, June 1985.

12."A Note on the DownwardSloping Wage Curve in a NeoAustrian Growth Theory," Indian Economic Journal, Vol. XX, No. 1, JulySeptember 1972.

13."On a sufficient Condition for Transitivity of Majority Decision," The American Economist, Vol. XVI,

Fall 1972 #2.

14.Report on the SocioEconomic Survey of the Nagarjunasagar Project area, four volumes, published by the government of Andhra Pradesh, 1972. The first drafts were actually prepared by me.

15."BenefitCost Ratio and The Internal Rate of Return in the Nagarjunasagar Irrigation Project," Indian Journal of Commerce, Vol. XXI Pt. 3, September 1968.

16."Production Function for Manufacturing Industry in Andhra Pradesh," with P.A.V.B. Swamy, Asian Economic Review, Vol. VI, No. 2, February 1964.

Refereed Proceedings Published

  1. Teaching Economics to MBA students at the University of Hartford. Paper co-authored with Dr. Kolluri and presented at the Economics and the classroom,Second Annual Conference, Idaho State University, Pocatello, Idaho, March 30 – April 1, 2000.
  1. “Introduction to Quantitative Methods in Business: A New Course without Calculus,” with Dr. Kolluri. International Conference of the Global Business and Technology Association on Emerging Global Issues in the Next Millennium, held in Montego Bay, Jamaica, West Indies, April 1-4, 1999.
  1. "Effectiveness of the AFDC Antipoverty Programs in the US", with Dr. M. Panik. This paper was refereed to be one of the best papers presented at the Thirtieth International Atlantic Economic Conference held during October 1114, 1990 at Williamsburg, Virginia. It was published in "Best Papers Proceedings", Vol. 1, January 1991.
  1. "Demand for Money in the US" with Bharat Kolluri. This paper was refereed to be one of the best papers presented at the 32nd Atlantic Economic Conference, Washington, DC. Oct. 3-6, 1991. It was published in "AES Best Papers Proceedings," Vol. 2, No. 1, January '92.

Unpublished Papers and Papers Presented

  1. Teaching Economics to MBA students at the University of Hartford. Paper co-authored with Dr. Kolluri was presented at the Economics and the classroom Conferenc:Second Annual Conference, Idaho State University, ID March 30 – April 1, 2000.
  1. “Efficiency Analysis of Markets in Pacific Rim Countries,” paper presented at the –Managing Services in the Next Millennium- Conference of the Institute for Operations Research and Management Science held during May 4-7, 1997 in San Diego, California.
  1. "Teaching Introductory Statistics More Effectively in Business Schools," paper presented with Dr. Kolluri at the Conference on Trends in Introductory Applied Statistics courses: Topics, Techniques, Technology, Framingham State College, March 23, 1996.
  1. "Demand for Money in the US: A Study of Stability and Other Issues", with Dr. B. R. Kolluri. Presented at the Thirty Second International Atlantic Economic Association Conference, Washington, DC, October 36, 1991.
  1. "A Model of Chaos: The Case of Europe", with Dr. M. Panik and Dr. Richard Torrisi. Presented at the 66th Annual Conference of the Western Economic Association, Seattle, Washington, June 29July 3, 1991.
  1. "American Corporate Philanthropy", with John J. Sullivan. Presented at the Midwest Economic Society meetings, March 2931, 1990.
  1. "Rate of Return Determination in a Formal Regulatory Process: A Case of Electric Utility in Connecticut", with Dr. B. R. Kolluri. Presented at the Northeast Business and Economic Association meetings, Newport, Rhode Island, November 89, 1990.
  1. "What Do Regressions of Interest Rates on Deficits Imply", (revised) with P.A.V.B. Swamy and B. R. Kolluri. Presented at the Ninth International Symposium on Forecasting, June 1821, 1989, Hotel Vancouver, Vancouver, BC Canada.
  1. "Permanent Income, Inflationary Expectations and the Demand for Money in US: An Errorsin Variables Approach," with Dr. B. Kolluri, presented at the Nineteenth Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association ( in conjunction with Allied Social Science Associations ) , December 28, 1977.
  1. "Micro Basis of Decentralized Social Decision Making," paper presented at the Eastern Economic Association Meetings, January 1977, Hartford, CT.

University of Hartford Activities and Committees

Member, AUC Committee, 1999-

Member, Judicial Board, 1997-

Treasurer and faculty Advisor to Sigma Beta Delta (National Honor Society) Chapter at the University of Hartford, 1997-99

Member, University Scholar Committee, 1998-1999

Member A & S College Dean Search Committee, 1991

Member of Faculty Senate, 198788, 1991, 1992

Member, International Studies Advisory Committee, 199091. Faculty Advisor, `EKTA', Indian Students Association 1992-97

Senate Committees:

Taskforce on prejudice 198788

Master Teacher Award 198788

University Scholar 198788

Student Affairs 198788, 1992

Bookstore Advisory 198788

V.B.Coffin Research Grant Committee 198788, 197576, 1991

Graduate Studies 197578

Undergraduate Studies 197576

Human Diversity1991

Barney School of Business Committees

P& T Committee 199294

Curriculum Committee198990, 95-96, 96-97

Admissions 198788, 198687, 198586, 198485

Academic Standards 198283, Chair 197576, 199091, 199192, 1999-

Secretary and Parliamentarian to the197680

Faculty of the Business School

Member, Executive Mentor Council1993

Economics Dept.:

MAEc Steering Group, 1990; Course Coordinator, QNT 230, 1990, 1991, 1995-96, 1996-97

Computer/Data Resources, 1990.

Professional Associations and Activities


Editorial Advisory Board, Roxbury Publishing (198788)

American Economic Association

Institute of Operations Research and Management Science

Lower Connecticut Valley Operations Research Society

Board of Examiners of Ph.D. Dissertations of various Universities in India.

Attended workshop on Teaching undergraduate students, University of Hartford, Fall 1993.

Awarded Coffin Grants for Research in 1983, 84 and 95-96, 98-99 and Sabbatical in the Fall 1986 and Spring 2000.

These awards resulted in some publications referred to above.

Refereed Articles for

Journal of Macroeconomics, the Journal of Economics of the Missouri Valley Economic Association, and the Journal of Contemporary Policy Issues of the Western Economic Association, 1991, 1996.

President, Connecticut Valley Hindu Temple Society (250 members) from1983 -1999. The first phase of the Temple, including a Meeting Hall and Priest quarters in Middletown, Connecticut, costing about $700,000, was completed in 1989. Phase II consisting of sanctums for Hindu Deities and extensions is expected to be completed by 1999. The current phase is expected to cost over a Million dollars which will be raised from the Hindu community.

Consultant: Wiremold Co., West Hartford, CT, 1990, 1998