Pre-Authorization toSubmitGrant Proposals
Requirement:This pre-authorizationform is required for proposals to external funding sourcesprior to filing the Research Service Center’s Intent-to-Propose (ITP) online form,andfor proposals to the following internal funding sources: MEIF@USM and the USM Foundation.
Purpose:The purpose of thisform is to ensure that your Dean\Librarian\Director, the unit Vice President, VP for Human Resources, the Chief Business Officer, and the USM Foundation review and approve institutional commitments including space, hires, course releases, and matching funds for potential proposals.
Process:Please work directly with your college’s Financial Manager to complete the formonly after you have a fairly solid idea of the specific nature of the project and have targeted a specific sponsoring agency. Once completed, you and the Financial Manager must sign the form. Your Dean\Librarian\Director, the unit Vice President, VP for Human Resources, the Chief Business Officer, and/or the USM Foundation will approve, deny, or table the request to pursue the grant opportunity based on the review of the information you provide on this form. A request may be tabled if significant issues are identified that require resolution prior to making a final decision about approval.
Once your request is approved, you must submit a signed copy to the Research Service Center, MEIF@USM, or the USM Foundation. Proposal development/submission cannot go forward without the signed copy of the form.
Timeframe: To ensure adequate time for review and approval, this form must be completed and submitted to your dean at leasttwo weeks before filing an ITP with the Research Service Center, or the due date forMEIF@USM proposals.
General Information
Source of Funds / External / Sponsor Name:Internal / MEIF@USMUSM Foundation
Principal Investigator /Project Director
Phone Number / Email Address:
Proposal Title
Proposal Due Date / Proposed Project Period / Start: / End:
Likely Amount Requested: / $
Description of the Proposed Project
Provide brief and clear responses to Questions 1 though 7. Enter “Not Applicable” if a question is not relevant to your proposal.
- Purpose:
a)What is theproblem the project is addressing?
b)What are the groups who are likely to benefit from the project?
c)How does this project contribute to the mission of your discipline, department, college, USM, or your promotion and tenure?
- Need:
a)Why is the proposed project needed?
b)What is original or unique about this project?
- Outcomes:
a)What do you envision as the major objectives and/or outcomes of the project?
Resources Needed to Implement Project/Program
Provide brief and clear responses to the following questions:
- Personnel:
a)What personnel do you need (including yourself) to carry out the work of this project?
b)Will USM employees need release time from other responsibilities to work on this project?
c)How much time do you think each person will need to dedicate to the grant activities?
d)Who in your department will provide administrative and financial support.
e)Are you requested any new hires to complete the project? If yes, at what level?
f)If applicable, what institutional commitments will be required to maintain the new hires beyond the end of the grant.
- Equipment and supplies:
a)What equipment and supplies do you anticipate needing in order to carry out the project?
b)Do you already have access to this equipment/supplies or will these be purchased with grant money, other university funds?
c)Based on the nature of the equipment, will installation/renovation be required?
d)Will these be paid for by the grant or do you expect the institution to pay for the renovations?
e)What is the long-term plan for maintaining the equipment?
- Course Release:
a)Are you requesting a course release for the proposed work?
b)If so, have you notified your Department Chair and Associate Dean?
c)Are you currently receiving release time for other USM activities? If so, how much?
d)Are you currently receiving compensation from other grants or USM commitments? If so, how much?
- Space:
a)What space is required to house the activities of the project?
b)Does it already exist or is new/renovated space required? Briefly describe, if ‘yes’.
- Technology support:
a)Will you need support of IT to carry out the project? Briefly describe, if ‘yes’.
- Contracts with outside agencies or researchers:
Some grants expect collaborative efforts among other institutions and organizations through cooperative agreements.
a)Do you anticipate the involvement of other groups outside the University?
b)Do you already have contacts and interest from others or does this need to be developed?
- Institutional Financial Commitment:
a)Are there any USM financial commitments, E&G funding or direct cost share?
b)If applicable, indicate what institutional commitments will be required to maintain the project beyond the end of the grant.
Principal Investigator / Date:Financial Manager / Date:
Authorization Signatures
Dean/Librarian/Director / Approved Denied Tabled Date:______Notes:
Provost / Unit Vice President / Approved Denied Tabled Date:______
VP of Human Resources(FOR PERSONNEL REQUESTS ONLY) / Approved Denied Tabled Date:______
Chief Business Officer(FOR SPACE, USM FINANCIAL COMMITMENTS, AND COMMITMENTS AFTER THE GRANT). / Approved Denied Tabled Date:______
President of USM Foundation(FOR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FROM THE FOUNDATION) / Approved Denied Tabled Date:______
Last revised October 27, 2017