Susan Robins
531 Ongs Hat Road
Southampton, NJ 08088
Application for Potential Puppy/Dog Buyer Date:
Home phone: Mobile phone:
E-mail address:
Your Occupation:
Spouse’s Occupation:
How did you learn about us?
Why did you decide to purchase a Golden Retriever?
Have you ever owned a dog before? What breed?
What became of it/them?
Do you prefer a Male _____or a Female _____ puppy or an adult? _____
For what purpose are you purchasing a Golden Retriever? (Check all that apply) Family pet_______ Obedience_____ Show_____ Agility____ Field_____
Hunting ___Tracking ____Therapy_____ Breeding ____Other___________
Do you have any special needs?
When would you like to take possession of this puppy?
How many children are in your family? Please give names and ages:
Do all family members want a new puppy?
Do any family members have allergies to dogs?
Are you aware that Golden Retrievers are large dogs (55-65 lbs female & 70-85 lbs male) and are sporting dogs and require exercise, how will you take care of this?
Do you own ___ rent____? If renting, do you have permission to have a dog?
Do you have a securely fenced in yard? _____Please explain type of fence, height and how large an area is fenced in.
What size is your yard?
Will someone be home with the dog during the day?
If not, how long will the puppy/dog be alone? Are you willing to have someone come in during the day to take care of your puppy /dog?
How many other animals in your family?
Please describe species and age.
Who will be primarily responsible for the puppy?
Who will train this puppy?
Where will this puppy be during the day?
Where will this puppy sleep at night?
Do you believe in crate training?
Are you aware that our pet puppies are sold on a Limited Registration with a spay/neuter contract?
Are you aware that Golden Retrievers shed a lot?
Are you aware that Golden Retriever puppies are very mouthy and need to learn bite inhibition?
How do you describe your family lifestyle and recreation?
Do you, or does anyone living in your house smoke?
Do you have a swimming pool?_____ inground___above ground___ Type of pool cover?
What lawn care company or fertilizers/pesticides do you use?
Are any chemicals currently or previously applied to any area the puppy will use?
Are you aware that Golden Retrievers often eat grass for reasons other than not feeling well?
Have you ever given up a dog to a shelter? If so Why
Do you agree never to tether your dog? This includes to posts, decks, trees, permanent structures, running lines or any other way.
How would your puppy be cared for when you are away?
Are you willing to maintain contact with your breeder throughout your puppy’s life, regarding personality, development, training, health problems, sharing photos if possible?
How would you describe the ideal temperament of the puppy you would like? (outgoing, reserve, playful, etc.)
Is there a particular look you would prefer? (size, color, structure)
Due to the large amount of cancer in Golden Retrievers, will you agree not spay before female’s first heat cycle or neuter before male’s first birthday so that their hormones may strengthen their body?
Are you aware that all puppies need to learn manners and require basic obedience? Do you agree to give your puppy a minimum course of eight weeks beginner obedience training?
If you buy a puppy from me and for some reason are no longer able to care for the puppy, do you agree that this puppy will be returned to me?
Do you understand that there is no perfect puppy?
Please give name, address and phone number of two references.
Please give name, address and phone number of veterinarian
Signed ___________________________