B.A. Colgate University, Hamilton, New York (1947)
University of Stockholm, Sweden (1948)
M.S. Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah (1949)
Ph.D.University of Wisconsin, Madison (1953)
1971 Department of Criminology, Law and Society, School of Social Ecology, University of California, Irvine. (Visiting Professor, 197172; Professor, 19721987; Acting Director, 1974-75; Professor Emeritus, 1987 ).
Fall 1996Department of Law, Police Science, and Administration of Justice, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, City University of New York (Distinguished Visiting Professor).
Spring 1981College of Human Development, Pennsylvania State University. (Distinguished Visiting Professor).
Winter 1979Faculty of Law, University of Sydney. (Visiting Professor).
1976 1977Institute of Criminology, Cambridge University. (Visiting Fellow) (also Visiting Fellow, Wolfson College).
1957 1972Department of Sociology, California State University, Los Angeles. (Assistant Professor, 195760; Associate Professor, 196063; Professor, 196372).
1969 1970 School of Criminal Justice, State University of New York, Albany.
(Visiting Professor).
1952 1957 Department of Sociology, University of Oklahoma, Norman.
(Instructor, 195255; Assistant Professor, 195557).
2008 Lifetime Achievement Award for Outstanding Professional Contributions
in the field of White-Collar Crime, National White-Collar
Crime Center/White-Collar Crime Research Consortium (hereafter “Geis Award”)
1992Donald R. Cressey Award for Excellence in Fraud Detection and Deterrence, National Association of Certified Fraud Examiners.
1989Richard A. McGee Award for Distinguished Contribution to Research on Criminal Justice, American Justice Institute.
Spring 1987Fulbright Award, Lisbon, Portugal; Consultant, Ministry of Justice.
1985Edwin H. Sutherland Award for Outstanding Contributions to Theory or Research in Criminology, American Society of Criminology.
1980Distinguished Faculty Lectureship Award, University of California, Irvine.
1980Paul Tappan Award for Outstanding Contributions to Criminology, Western Society of Criminology.
1980Stephen Schafer Award for Outstanding Achievement in Victim/Witness Research, National Organization for Victim Assistance.
Winter 1979Senior Scholar Grant for Australia, Council for International Exchange of Scholars.
1971Outstanding Professor Award, California State Universities and Colleges.
1967-1968Distinguished Professor Award, California State University, Los Angeles.
1964-1965Liberal Arts Fellowship in Law and Sociology, Harvard Law School, Cambridge.
Summer 1960 Summer Research Training Institute in the Administration of Criminal Justice, University of Wisconsin (Social Science Research Council).
Summer 1958Summer Research Training Institute in the Judicial Process, University of Wisconsin (Social Science Research Council).
1951 1952Area Training Fellowship, Social Science Research Council, and Fulbright Fellowship, Oslo, Norway.
1949 1951Carnegie Fellowship, University of Wisconsin.
1982 1983CoPrincipal Investigator, Practitioner Fraud and Abuse in Government Medical Benefit Programs, National Institute of Justice, U. S. Department of Justice (82IJCX0035).
1980 1981Principal Investigator, Employers' Attitudes and Actions in Regard to Occupational Health in California, Division of Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Department of Industrial Relations, State of California.
1979 1980Principal Investigator, Deterring Automobile Repair Fraud: A Field Investigation, Law Enforcement Assistance Administration, U. S. Department of Justice (79NIAX0050).
1976 1978Principal Investigator, Forcible Rape in England and Sweden, National Institute of Mental Health (MH 28868).
1975 1977CoPrincipal Investigator, Bystander Intervention in Crime, National Institute of Mental Health (MH 26667).
1973 1975CoResearch Director, Parole Volunteer Project, California Council on Criminal Justice (#1746-2)
1971 - 1974CoPrincipal Investigator, Public Compensation for Victims of Crime, Ford Foundation.
1969 1970Principal Investigator, The Use of ExNarcotic Addicts as Streetworkers, National Institute of Mental Health (MH 16323).
1969 1971Research Director, Evaluation of Aftercare Program of Narcotic Addict Rehabilitation Act (NARA), Federal Bureau of Prisons (JIC-22030).
1969 1970CoProject Director, Explorations in Deterrence and Criminal Justice: Phase I, New York Office of Crime Control Planning (OCCP #186).
1968 - 1971 Contact, Center for the Study of Crime and Delinquency, National Institute of Mental Health, for preparation of a manuscript on
victimless crimes (NIH 69-283).
1967 1969Research Director, Boyle Heights Narcotics Research and Demonstration Project, Office of Economic Opportunity.
1966 1969Project Director, Study of Compensation to California Victims of Violent Crime, Walter E. Meyer Research Institute of Law.
1962 1965Project Director, A Halfway House for Narcotic Offenders, National Institute of Mental Health (MH 808).
Editorial Board, Open Law Journal, 2007-
International Board of Advisors, Criminal Studies Center (Portugal), 2006-
Advisory Board, Crime and Delinquency, 2000-
Member, Advisory Committee, National White Collar Crime Center, 1997-2002
Editorial Board, American Journal of Criminal Justice, 1993-2002
Editorial Advisor in Criminal Justice, Northeastern University Press, 1992-2003
Overseas Correspondent, Current Issues in Criminal Justice, Sydney, 1991-96
Member, Editorial Advisory Board (Sociology), University Press of America, 1989-91
President, Institute for Financial Crime Prevention, 1988-90.
Member, Board of Regents, National Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, 1988- 1990; President, Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, 1992-2002
Member, Advisory Board, Edward Sagarin Institute for the Study of Deviance and Social Issues, 1988-
Member, International Editorial Board, International Review of Victimology, 19872000
Editorial Advisory Board (sociology), Peter Lang Publishing Co., 198689.
Associate Editor, Criminal Justice Policy Review, 198490.
Associate Editor, Justice Quarterly, 198485.
Editorial Board, Criminal Justice and Behavior, 198388.
Advisory Board, Crime and Social Justice (later Social Justice), 1982-90.
Criminology Editorial Consultant, Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, 19801993.
CoEditor, Series on Contemporary Criminology, State University of New York Press, 198088.
Executive Committee, World Society of Victimology, 198088.
Member, Advisory Committee, National Organization of Victim Assistance, 197982.
Member, Advisory Panel, National Crime Survey Redesign Program, 197983.
Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Criminal Justice Contemporary Issues, 197984.
Consultant Editor, The Company Lawyer, 197987.
Associate Editor, Criminology Review Yearbook, 197982.
Member, Editorial Board, Law and Human Behavior,197782.
Member, Editorial Advisory Board, Sage Annual Reviews of Alcohol and Drug Abuse, 197780.
Member, Board of Consulting Editors, Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 1976-81.
Member, Criminal Justice Advisory Board, Rand, Santa Monica, CA, 197677.
Associate Editor, Victimology: An International Journal, 197679.
Assistant Editor, Criminology, 197479.
Member, Editorial Board, Addictive Diseases, 197478.
Member, Editorial Advisory Board, Journal of Criminal Justice, 1972
Member, Narcotics Addiction and Drug Abuse Review Committee, National Institute of Mental Health, 19701974. (Chairman: 197374).
Faculty, National College of the State Judiciary, Reno, NV, 197274.
Consultant, National Commission on Causes and Prevention of Violence, 196870.
Consultant, Joint Commission on Correctional Manpower and Training, 196769.
Associate Editor, Pacific Sociological Review, 196770.
Consultant, President's Commission on Law Enforcement and Administration of Justice, 1/2 time, FebruarySeptember, 1966.
Consultant, Job Corps, Office of Economic Opportunity, 196466.
Advisor, President's Committee on Narcotic and Drug Abuse, 196364.
Training Faculty, National Council of Juvenile Court Judges, 196365.
Research Director (parttime), Oklahoma Crime Study Commission, 195456.
Reporter, New Brunswick, NJ, Daily Home News, 194748.
Reporter, Hartford, CT, Times, Summer, 1946.
Radioman 2/C, V-12, ROTC, U. S. Navy, 194245.
American Bar Association: Chair, Subcommittee on WhiteCollar Crime, Committee on Criminal Justice, 198485.
American Society of Criminology: President, 197576; Member, Executive Committee, 197172.
American Sociological Association: Section on Criminology: Chair, 197071; SecretaryTreasurer, 196669; Member, Executive Council, 197376, 198386.
Association for Criminal Justice Research (California): Member, Executive Council, 197376; 197881; 198588; 1988-91.
British Institute of Securities Laws: Honorary Member, 197790.
National Council on Crime and Delinquency: Member, Professional Council, 197376.
Society for the Study of Social Problems: Member, Executive Committee, 197075; Chair, Committee on Crime and Juvenile Delinquency, 196467; Member, Committee on Standards and Freedom of Research Publications, 195859.
"A Disillusioned Look at International Education," Education, 68 (September 1947), 2023.
"Outgrowing Alcoholic Culture: Sweden's Solution," International Student, 45 (October 1947), 2223.
"Socialism and Smorgasbord," PEN, 23 (February 1948), 1014.
A Study of Racial Attitudes and Problems in the Educational Program, Provo, Utah. Master's thesis. Brigham Young University, 1949. 168 pages.
"Do Utah Schools Face the Race Problem?" Utah Educational Review, 43 (January 1950), 2022.
"The NAM in the Schools," The Progressive, 14 (March 1950), 1012. Reprinted: The Guild Reporter, 13 (May 12, 1950), 11-12; Congress of Industrial Organizations, Department of Education and Research, 1950.
"Rental Housing and the Family Cycle," (with Svend Riemer), Journal of the American Institute of Planners, 17 (Spring 1951), 7779.
"International Education Reexamined," Education, 71 (June 1951), 634637.
"Geography in Norwegian Schools," Education, 72 (February 1952), 434439. Reprinted: Den Høgre Skolen (Oslo), 51 (May 1, 1952), 246248.
"Knut Hamsun, 18591952," The Norseman (London) 10 (MayJune 1952), 160166.
"Hollywood Brutality Abroad," Film Sense, 3 (JulyAugust 1952), 57.
"Some Factors Related to Norwegian Stereotypes of Americans," Proceedings of the Oklahoma Academy of Sciences, 33 (1952), 272274.
"Oklahoma's County Attorneys," (with Herbert Costner), Oklahoma Bar Association Journal, 24 (April 25, 1953), 687694.
American Motion Pictures in Norway: A Study in International Mass Communications. Doctoral dissertation. University of Wisconsin, 1953. 419 pages.
"The Death Penalty in Oklahoma," Proceedings of the Oklahoma Academy of Science, 34 (1953), 191193.
"Film Censorship in Norway," Quarterly of Film, Radio, and Television, 8 (Spring 1954), 290301.
"Progress at Oklahoma State Penitentiary," The Prison Journal, 34 (April 1954), 2830.
"Municipal MotionPicture Theater Ownership in Norway," Quarterly of Film, Radio, and Television, 9 (Fall 1954), 7991.
"A CrossCultural Study of University Students," (with William Simenson), Journal of Higher Education, 26 (January 1955), 2125.
"Jeremy Bentham," Journal of Criminal Law, Criminology, and Police Science, 46 (JulyAugust 1955), 159171. Reprinted: Pioneers in Criminology. Edited by Hermann Mannheim. London: Stevens, 1960, 5167; 2nd ed., Montclair, NJ: Patterson Smith, 1972, 5168.
Municipal Law Enforcement in Oklahoma. Oklahoma City: Oklahoma Crime Study Commission, 1955. 46 pages.
"Matching Probation Officer with Delinquent," (with Fred W. Woodson), NPPA Journal, 2 (January 1956), 5862. Reprinted: Sourcebook on Probation, Parole, and Pardons. Edited by Charles L. Newman. 3d ed., Springfield, IL: Charles Thomas, 1968, 384390.
"Courtship Patterns of Norwegian and American University Students," (with William Simenson), Marriage and Family Living, 18 (November 1956), 334338.
"Cameras in the Courtroom," (with Robert E. L. Talley), Journal of Criminal Law, Criminology, and Police Science, 47 (JanuaryFebruary 1957), 546560.
"Forum Anonymous: The Techniques of Alcoholics Anonymous Applied to Prison Therapy," (with Joseph A. Cook), Journal of Social Therapy, 3 (1st Quarter 1957), 913.
"Basic Issue in Canon 35 is the Right of Defendant to Impartial Trial," The Quill, 45 (May 1957), 911.
"Canon 35 in the Light of Recent Events," American Bar Association Journal, 43 (May 1957), 419422, 475.
"Thorstein Veblen: Conspicuous Dissenter," New York Times Magazine, August 11, 1957, 6667.
"Thorstein Veblen on Legal Education," Journal of Legal Education, 19 (1957), 6267.
"Racial SelfFulfillment and the Rise of an AllNegro Community in Oklahoma," (with William E. Bittle), Phylon, 18 (October 1957), 247260. Reprinted: The Making of Black America. Edited by August Meier and Elliott Rudwick. New York: Atheneum, 1969, Vol. II, 106118; Blacks in White America Since 1865. Edited by Robert C. Twombly. New York. McKay, 1971, 156170.
"Veblen on Jewish Intellectualism," Chicago Jewish Forum, 16 (Winter 195758), 107110.
"Publicity and Juvenile Court Proceedings," Rocky Mountain Law Review, 30 (February 1958), 101126. Reprinted: Law Review Digest, 8 (NovemberDecember 1958), 4155; Children's Bureau, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Washington, 1958, 26 pages; NPPA Journal, 4 (October 1958), 333355.
"Order of Final Argument in Minnesota Criminal Trials," (with Marilyn Kunkel), Minnesota Law Review, 42 (March 1958), 549558.
"Lyles v. State: Cameras in Court Camera," Oklahoma Law Review, 12 (May 1959), 218232.
"Sociology, Criminology, and Criminal Law," Social Problems, 7 (Summer 1959), 4047.
"In Scopolamine Veritas: The Early History of DrugInduced Statements," Journal of Criminal Law, Criminology, and Police Science, 50 (NovemberDecember 1959), 347357.
"La NarcoAnalyse et la Jurisprudence Des Tribunaux Americains," Revue de Science Criminelle et de Droit Penale Compare, 15 (JanuaryMarch 1960), 139140.
"Sociology and Crime," in The Sociology of Crime. Edited by Joseph C. Roucek. New York: Philosophical Library, 1960, 733. Reprinted: New York: Greenwood Publishers, 1969.
A Study of the Sociology Graduates of Los Angeles State College, 19511960, (with Herman J. Loether), Los Angeles State College, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, 1960. 42 pages.
"The Status of Interrogation Drugs in the United States," Journal of Forensic Medicine, (Johannesburg), 8 (JanuaryMarch 1961), 2933.
"Preliminary Hearings and the Press," U.C.L.A. Law Review, 8 (March 1961), 397414. Reprinted: Publishing, Entertainment, Advertising Law Quarterly, 3 (September 1963), 253275.
"Juvenile Justice: Great Britain and California," Crime and Delinquency, 7 (April 1961), 111120.
"DrugInduced Statements," (with Ernest R. Kamm), ClevelandMarshall Law Review, 10 (May 1961), 313319.
"Trends in the Dismissal of Tenure Teachers," (with Robley Huston), in The Yearbook of School Law. Edited by Lee O. Garber. Danville, IL: Interstate Publishers, 1962, 199209.
Man, Crime, and Society: The Forms of Criminal Behavior, (with Herbert A. Bloch), New York: Random House, 1962. 642 pages.
"Toward a Delineation of WhiteCollar Offenses," Sociological Inquiry, 32 (Spring 1962), 160171. Reprinted: Walter C. Reckless, The Crime Problem. 4th ed. New York: AppletonCenturyCrofts, 1967, 360362; Crime in America: Perspectives on Criminal and Delinquent Behavior. Edited by Bruce J. Cohen. Itasca, IL: F. E. Peacock, 1970, 243251; 2nd ed., 1977, 397406.
"The Social Sciences and the Law," Washburn Law Journal, 1 (Spring 1962), 569586.
"Publication of the Names of Juvenile Felons," Montana Law Review, 23 (Spring 1962), 141157.
"Alfred Charles Sam and an African Return: A Case Study in Negro Despair," (with William E. Bittle), Phylon, 23 (Summer 1962), 178194. Reprinted: BobbsMerrill Reprint Series on Black Studies (BC24), 1970; The Black Man in America Since Reconstruction. Edited by David M. Reimers. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell, 1970, 131-152; Black Brotherhood: Afro-Americans and Africa. Edited by Okon Edet Uya. Lexington, MA: D. C. Heath, 1971, 113-127..
"Death and Social Values," (with Robert L. Fulton), Indian Journal of Social_Research, 3 (July 1962), 714. Reprinted: Death and Identity. Edited by Robert Fulton. New York: John Wiley, 1965, 6775; Sociology of Death. Edited by Jack Kamerman. East Rutherford, NJ: University Publishing Solutions, 2003, 1-5.
"Jews and Narcotic Addiction," Congress BiWeekly, 29 (November 12, 1962), 78.
"Corrections in California," The Prison Journal, 42 (Autumn 1962), 4348.
"The SelfImage of the Prostitute," (with Norman R. Jackman and Richard O'Toole), Sociological Quarterly, 4 (Spring 1963), 150161. Reprinted: Sexual Deviance. Edited by John H. Gagnon and William Simon. New York: Harper and Row, 1967, 133146; Deviance: The Interactionist Perspective. Edited by Earl Rubington and Martin S. Weinberg. New York: Macmillan, 1968, 348355; Sociological Perspectives: Readings in Deviant Behavior and Social Problems. Edited by Mhyra S. Minnis and Walter J. Cartwright. Dubuque, IA: Wm. C. Brown, 1968, 188197; Deviance: Studies in the Process of Stigmatization and Societal Reaction. Edited by Simon Dinitz, Russell R. Dynes, and Alfred C. Clarke. New York: Oxford University Press, 1969, 393400; Sexual Behavior: Prostitution, Homosexuality, Swinging. Edited by Ronald M. Holmes. Berkeley, CA: McCutchan, 1971, 2433; Society and the Environment: Contemporary Readings. Edited by Cecil E. Johnson and Malcolm M. MacDonald. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1971, 232243; The Social Dimensions of Work. Edited by Clifton D. Bryant. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: PrenticeHall, 1972, 314324; as "Den Prostituerades Bild av Sig Sjalv," in Stamplingsprocessen. Edited by Ann Lunden and Elisabet Nasman. Stockholm: Bokforlaget Prisma, 1973, 171183.
"Contributing to Delinquency," St. Louis Law Journal, 8 (Fall 1963), 5881.
"Changing Criminals: Volleyball Versus the Orgasm," in Experiments in Culture Expansion. Edited by Carol Spencer. Sacramento: Institute for the Study of Crime and Delinquency, 1964, 117123.
"Sociology and Sociological Jurisprudence: Admixture of Lore and Law," Kentucky Law Journal, 52 (Winter 1964), 267293.
"Correctional Work: 'Think Ye that Ye May be Wrong,'" Criminologica, 2 (May 1964), 35. Reprinted: Readings in Delinquency and Treatment. Edited by Robert Schasre and Jo Wallach. Vol. 7. Los Angeles: Youth Studies Center, University of Southern California, 1965, 99104.
The Longest Way Home: Chief Alfred C. Sam's Back-toAfrica Movement, (with William E. Bittle). Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1964. 229 pages.
"The Social Atmosphere of Policing," Police, 9 (SeptemberOctober 1964), 7579.
"The CommunityCentered Correctional Residence," in Corrections in the Community: Alternatives to Incarceration. Monograph No. 4. Sacramento: California Board of Corrections, 1964, 1928. Reprinted: Readings in Delinquency and Treatment, 1964, op. cit. 7283.
"Narcotic Treatment Programs in California," in Perspectives on Narcotic Addiction. Edited by John F. Mulcahy, Jr. Boston: Massachusetts Health Research Institute, 1964, 5875.
The Role of the Institutional Teacher, (with Houshang Poorkaj and Ronald Honnard). Training Report No. 1. Los Angeles: Youth Studies Center, University of Southern California, 1964. 134 pages.
"Training for Teachers of Institutionalized Delinquents," (with Houshang Poorkaj and Ronald Honnard), The Welfare Reporter, 15 (October 1964), 139142.
"A Dream that Faded," (with William E. Bittle), New York Times Magazine, December 6, l964, 4750.
"In Re: Juvenile Court Publicity," in Current Readings in the Juvenile Court. Edited by Charles W. Tenney, Jr. Chicago: National Council of Juvenile Court Judges, 1964, 2832. Reprinted: Juvenile Court Judges Journal, 16 (Spring 1965), 1215; Cases and Materials Relating to Juvenile Courts. Edited by Orman W. Ketcham and Monrad G. Paulsen. Brooklyn: Foundation Press, 1967, 407412.
"Statistics Concerning Race and Crime," Crime and Delinquency, 11 (April 1965), 142150. Reprinted: Crime, Criminology and Contemporary Society. Edited by Richard D. Knudten. Homewood, IL: Dorsey, 1970, 2732; Juvenile Delinquency: A Reader. Edited by James E. Teele. Itasca, IL: F. E. Peacock, 1970, 243251; Race, Crime, and Justice. Edited by Charles E. Reasons and Jack L. Kuykendall. Pacific Palisades, CA: Goodyear, 1972, 6169.
"Liberal Education and Social Welfare: Educational Choices and Their Consequences," Journal of Education for Social Work, l (Spring 1965), 2632.
Juvenile Gangs. Washington: President's Committee on Juvenile Delinquency and Youth Crime, 1965. 60 pages. Reprinted, microfiche: Glen Rock, NJ: Microfilming Corp. of America, 1967; Reprinted in part: New Light on Juvenile Delinquency. Edited by Ronald Steel. New York: H. W. Wilson, 1967, 6674; Critical Issues in the Study of Crime: A Book of Readings. Edited by Simon Dinitz and Walter C. Reckless. Boston: Little, Brown, 1968, 149157; Juvenile Delinquency: A Reader. Edited by Richard D. Knudten and Stephen Schafer. New York: Random House, 1970, 158168.
"A Halfway House for Narcotic Addicts," in Committee on Drug Addiction and Narcotics, National Academy of Science National Research Council, Bulletin, 1965, 42414248. Reprinted: British Journal of Addiction, 61 (November 1965), 7989.
"Relation of Liberal Arts and Specialized Education at the Undergraduate Level," in Report of the Conference on Undergraduate Education for the Social Services. Inglewood: California State Colleges, 1965, 714.
"Identifying Delinquents in the Press," Federal Probation, 29 (December 1965), 4449. Reprinted: Washington: Children's Bureau, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, 1966. 6 pages; Deviance: Studies in the Process of Stigmatization and Societal Reaction. Edited by Simon Dinitz, Russell R. Dynes, and Alfred C. Clarke. New York: Oxford University Press, 1969, 393400.
Treatment Programs at Camps for Delinquent Youth. Edwardsville: Delinquency Study Project, Southern Illinois University, 1965. 18 pages.
"Violence and Organized Crime," Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 364 (March 1966), 8695. Reprinted in part in Papers Presented to the Sino-American Institute in Criminal Justice. Taichung: Tunghai University, 1986, 72-75.
"Experimental Design and the Law: A Prospectus for Research on VictimCompensation in California," California Western Law Review, 2 (Spring 1966), 8591.
"Recruitment and Retention of Correctional Personnel," (with Elvin Cavanagh), Crime and Delinquency, 12 (July 1966), 232239. Reprinted: Probation and Parole: Selected Readings. Edited by Robert M. Carter and Leslie T. Wilkins. New York: Wiley, 1970, 663671; Issues in Corrections: A Book of Readings. Edited by Edward Eldefonso. Beverly Hills, CA: Glencoe, 1974, 138147; The Sociology of Correctional Management. Edited by David A. Jones and Catherine M. Jones. New York: MSS Information Corp., 1976, 175182.
The East Los Angeles Halfway House for Narcotic Addicts. Sacramento: Institute for the Study of Crime and Delinquency, 1966. 401 pages.
"A Summary Discussion of Selection Issues," in The Offender: An Answer to the Correctional Manpower Crisis. Sacramento: Institute for the Study of Crime and Delinquency, 1966, 1927.
"California's Program of Compensation to Crime Victims," (with Dorothy Zietz), Legal Aid Briefcase, 25 (December 1966), 6669. Reprinted: Security World Magazine, 4 (January 1967), 2223; New Jersey Law Journal, 90 (April 13, 1967), 12.