Beaufort Pointe Owners Association Meeting, Nov. 19, 2016
- Tyson called the meeting to order at 12:15 p.m. Those present introduced themselves: Harold, Karen & Cam Tyson, Jan Lewis, Neil Elks, Bill & Delores Darden, Robert & Mary Coggins, Charles Thomas, Kennith Whichard. Kirk Doolittle, Angelika & Jim Noblit, and Frank McLawhorn. Lewis recorded the proxies and numbers of votes to be cast by those present.
- The minutes from the June 11, 2016 meeting were approved as submitted (Doolittle/D. Darden, unanimous vote).
- The agenda was approved as submitted.
- Budget Coordinator B. Darden presented the Treasurer’s report for Sarah Sabornie. He worked many hours with the Association’s accountant and property manager as well as Pete Miller from the firm that conducted the cash reserve study to create balance sheets, income statements and budgets that accurately reflect the assets, liabilities, equity, income and expenses of the Association. Darden noted that the Association records date back only to 2010 when the Owners Association took control of the property from the developer and Pamlico Properties was hired as property manager. Darden reviewed 2016 expenses, noting that the main variances were for mowing, clean-up, sewer repairs, and the storage lot. Darden met with staff at the county tax assessor’s office and was able to get 13 of the Association’s 14 properties exempted from real estate taxes going forward. Lot 47 is the only property that will be taxed. Members commended Darden for his work on the Association’s finances.
- Old Business (Tyson unless otherwise indicated))
1)Realty sign removed from entrance
2)$1,000 CD purchased at First South Bank to start a cash reserve for the wooden bridge. This purchase was authorized at the June Owners Association meeting.
3)Pump station update / reminder not to dispose of grease down drains: Dale Anderson repaired four sewer leaks and discovered a valve that was improperly closed, apparently due to damage caused by a mower. Since the valve has been opened, there have been no more problems.
4)Mowing update – 2-year contract signed with Ed Alston
5)Storage lot – update on survey and rules governing use of the lot by Owners: Dale Anderson checked the survey stakes and confirmed that they are in the correct location. The fee to use the lot is $150 annually and will be prorated if use starts later in the year. Additional details were included on the annual dues mailing. B. Darden suggested that decals be issued for each item registered and stored on the lot. This suggestion was referred to the Board for discussion and action.
6)Unbuildable lots – Dan Withers of Rivers & Associates provided the following information:
I [Dan Withers] was able to obtain CADD files of The East Group's design drawings for the subdivision.Having these allowed me to see more clearly the details in the survey. For lots 16 through 21, which are the six I understood were up for consideration, the front setback on the lots crosses or is extremely close (less than 17') to the riparian buffer.This thin strip of buildable land is further encumbered because it is entirely within the 75' CAMA Area of Environmental Concern, which means that it is limited in terms of density. In a nutshell, you have a total of about 1,700 square feet of buildable land, and it's very narrow. It may be possible to construct something such as a playground,a "water dependent structure," or a driveway that is allowable under the Tar-Pamlico Buffer Rules within the buffer, but it does not appear to be practical to build a true hardscape structure such as a pool or clubhouse of some sort.
Tyson stated that possible uses included a basketball court, shelter or picnic tables. McLawhorn asked about trading impervious area credits from the non-buildable lots for use on other lots. Any such request should be made to the Board.
7)Mailbox depot (Thomas)
- Update on getting mail delivered inside the gate: we are waiting for the postmaster to visit the site and make a final decision.
- Discussion regarding using location of the mailbox depot if delivery inside the gate is approved: no decision was made. The discussion included the possible need to build a second mailbox depot/cluster outside the gate for homes located there or whether those owners might prefer individual mailboxes in front of their homes. Lewis will send out a survey or questionnaire regarding this. Thomas noted that installing a depot/cluster outside the gate requires approvals from DOT and the Planning Department and additional expense. He also suggested buying one or two 16-box clusters first for inside the gate (if approved by postmaster) and delaying a permanentdecision that would involve additional expense. Lewis suggested that the Association consider a special assessment of $100 for owners who use the mailbox depot/cluster to help offset the cost. No action was taken, but the Board will discuss further after the postmaster makes a final decision about delivery inside the gate.
8)The paperwork needed by Suddenlink has been signed and surveying has started. A representative told Elks that installation will be done by Christmas.
9)Only one mowing fee remains unpaid.
10) Enforcement guidelines (Lewis)
The guidelines were reviewed by Keith Mason. He had no changes. He recommended that the Owners Association vote to approve the use of the procedures as a guide for future actions by the Board. He does not think that the document needs to be recorded, as the bylaws and declaration of covenants continue to be the source documents of record. The guidelines were approved (Doolittle/D. Darden, unanimous vote).
- New Business (Tyson unless otherwise indicated)
1)B. Darden presented the 2017 Budget. He noted that it includes an increase in property management fees to reflect a provision in the contract that the fees will be 10% of dues. He suggested that the contract should be reviewed and updated. He also explained a payment to Travis Stephenson to reimburse him for sewer repairs that he paid for several years ago. He noted that the cash reserve expense increased by $2000 ($1000 for the wooden bridge and $1000 due to modifications to the case reserve study made by Pete Miller). A suggestion was made that the Board consider having the gate motors elevated so they won’t have to be removed when flooding is predicted. The budget was approved (M. Coggins/Whichard, unanimous vote).
2)ARC committee report (Thomas)
- Request by BP BOD and other owners to reconsider the new requirement (passed on June 11, 2016) that slats be installed on houses that are not fully enclosed on the first level: Motion passed to eliminate the requirement that slats be installed on these houses (Lewis/Doolittle, unanimous vote by secret ballot).
3)Request from Travis Stephenson for a special exception for a gas wagon: Motion to grant the special exception for the gas wagon currently owned by Travis Stephenson passed by majority vote using secret ballot.
4)Storage lot – request from an owner for electric hook-up: It was noted that this would likely incur a charge of at least $20 per month. This request will be deferred until actual use of the lot can be assessed over a longer period of time.
5)Covenants & Bylaws Committee
- This committee will be chaired by Charles Thomas and will review the Covenants & Bylaws and recommend changes. Neil Elks and Kirk Doolitte volunteered to serve on this committee.
6)Whichard raised a matter that will be referred to the Board: Status of Lot 12 with regard to dues since it is behind the gate and inaccessible from the road. He also noted that Pamlico Properties billed him for Lot 92, which he has legally joined with Lot 91. Lewis will contact Pamlico Properties to tell them of the error.
7)Elections (Secret Ballot)
- President: Charles Thomas was elected to a 1 year term. His term on the Board ends at the annual meeting in 2018.(Nomination by Whichard/Tyson, unanimous vote)
- Secretary: Jan Lewis was elected to a 1 year term as Secretary and a new 3 year term on the Board.(Nomination by Tyson/D. Darden, unanimous vote)
- Directors: Lloyd Jordan and Travis Stephenson were elected to 3 year terms on the Board. (Motions by D. Darden/A. Noblit and Whichard/Tyson; motion to close nominations by B. Darden/Elks; unanimous vote)
- Delores Darden continues her term as Vice President and Board member until the annual meeting in 2017.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 1:35 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jan Lewis, Secretary