Course Syllabus for EGS 1111C

Fall Semester 2005

COURSE TITLE: Engineering Graphics

CREDIT HOURS: 3 Semester Hours


TIME: 10:05 - 11:20 (Class), 11:20 -11:50 (Lab), T and R, Sec. 001

10:10 - 11:25(Class), 11:25-11:55(Lab), M and W, Sec. 002

INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Zoreh Moshir


PHONE: 201-8334


OFFICE HOURS: 9:00 - 10:00, 4:30 - 5:30 M and W

9:00 - 10:00, 1:45- 2:15 T and R

10:00- 12:00 F and also by an appointment

TEXT: Earl, James H., Engineering Design Graphics, 11th edition, bundle ISBN# 0132217929 , Upper Saddle River , New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 2004.


EQUIPMENT: One each of the following items:

30-60 triangle (10")

45 triangle (8" to 10")

architect’s scale (triangular)

metric scale (triangular or flat)

ames lettering guide (OPTIONAL)

general shape irregular curve (French curve)

case instruments:

large compass (5" to 6" radius)

small compass (2" radius) (OPTIONAL)

dividers (OPTIONAL)

circle template

pencils (2H, HB)

sandpaper pad (OPTIONAL)

eraser and erasing shield

drafting tape


OBJECTIVES: This course is designed to help students understand the principle of Engineering Drawing, learn about Design Process and expand their creative talent and visualization capabilities.



Upon completion of this course, students should attain:

1. A knowledge of projection theory, sketching and drawing techniques.

2. An ability to visualize and conceptualize objects in two and three dimensions.

3. Experience in constructing geometric figures, drawing and dimensioning multiviews, auxiliary views, sectional views

and 3 dimensional objects .

4. An understanding of working drawing ( assembly and


5. Familiarity with Design Process: problem identification, preliminary ideas, refinement of idea, analysis, decision and implementation.


CLASS ATTENDANCE: All students are required to attend all class and examination sessions.


STEDENT CONDUCT CODE: Students must adhere to “Conduct Code” at all time.


ADMINISTRATIVE WITHDRAWALS: It will be the student’s responsibility to officially withdraw from this course.

Academic Alert Information: In accordance with the State Board of Education,

students are allowed a maximum of two withdrawals from a course – the third time a

student enrolls in a course – a grade must be assigned. Students may have only three

attempts per course including the original grade, repeat grades and withdrawals at any

point in the semester. A fourth attempt may be allowed through an academic appeals

process based on major extenuating circumstances – such cases are handled via the

Counseling Department. In accordance with the Florida Statutes, students enrolled in a

course more than two times shall pay the full cost of instruction except in approved

circumstances as handled via Enrollment Services.

GRADING: 1. Assignments: 35 %

Drawing (5 points each)

Lettering = 1 point

Line Weight = 1 point

Accuracy = 1 point

Correctness = 1 point

Neatness = 1 point

2. Mid-term 20 %

3. Final Exam 20 %

4. Project 10%

5. Class Participation 5%




80-89% B

70-79% C

60-69% D

59% and bellow F




Chapter 1 Engineering and Technology, Scale Reading and

Hand Writing Practice

Chapter 2-9 Design Process

Chapter 10 Drawing Instruments

Problems: 1, 2, 4, 6(page 129)

Chapter 11 Lettering

Problems: 1, 2 (page 139)

Chapter 12 Geometric Construction

Problems: 13, 16, 22(pages 160-161)

Chapter 13 Freehand Sketching

Problems: 27, 36, 39, 40, 46, 52(pages 176-177)

Chapter 14 Orthographic Drawing with instruments

Problems: 1, 2, 6, 7, 12, 13 (pages 201-203)

Chapter 15 Auxiliary Views

Problems: 15, 22 (pages 224-225)

Chapter 16 Sections

Problems: 7, 12, 15, 18, 27, 30, 32 (pages 243-245)

Chapter 20 Dimensioning

Problems: 39, 44, 46 (page 335, choose one problem)

Chapter 23 Working Drawing (no assignment)

Chapter 25 Three Dimensional Pictorials

Figures: 25.8, 25.29, 25.30, 25.33 (pages 443-450)

Problems 1, 2, 3, 4(page 465)

Chapters 2-9. Design Process:

- Problem Identification

- Preliminary ideas

- Refinement of idea

- Analysis

- Decision

- Implementation



The purpose of this project is to help students learn how to conduct a Library research in areas of Engineering, Architecture and related Technology that they are more interested to it.


Find an article from one the following journals that are closely related to your interest and /or major. Write a short review of the article. Please attach a copy of article to your report.


Visit the Reference Department that is located on the second floor of TCC Library. Librarians are on duty to assist you in using the Library's resources. This would provide you with an opportunity to learn the process and techniques of conducting a Library research.

All the journals are organized alphabetically by title in the periodical section of the TCC library's reference department. In addition, the following resources are in the Assignment Alert binder at the reference department:

“Architectural Record”
"Chemical and Engineering News"

"Civil Engineering"
"ENR-Engineering News"
"Issues in Science and Technology"
"Journal Florida Engineering Society"
"Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering"
"Journal of Surveying Engineering"

* See 2004-2005 TCC Catalog; Section: College & Academic Policies, pages 32-37.

Program website: http://www.tcc.fl.edu/dept/tpp/programs/engineering.htm