Unit: 1 Heather Bundick / Week: 7 Day:1 Monday 9-26-16
Domain: Operations and Algebraic Thinking / Suggested time/duration: 60 minutes
Standard: MAFS.2.OA.3.3
Determine whether a group of objects (up to 20) has an odd or even number of members, e.g., by pairing objects or counting them by 2s; write an equation to express an even number as a sum of two equal addends. / Learning Target(s):
  • show and explain how to pair manipulatives to demonstrate odd and even numbers
  • show and explain how an even number can be separated into two equal groups (without altering one of the objects) while an odd number cannot be separated into two equal groups.
  • write an equation to express an even number as a sum of two equal addends, also known as doubles
  • identifynumbers as odd or even and explain why.

Rigor: Procedural Skill and Fluency / SMP(s): 4. Model with mathematics 7. Look for and make use of structure8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning
LearnZillion: Unit 12, Lesson 1: Decompose whole number into two equal groups to determine whether a number is even or odd, dry erase boards, chart paper, markers,Flocuabulary, Addition and Subtraction flash cards, Lakeshore Daily Practices, Teachers Pay Teachers games and worksheets,FACT MAFS.2.OA.3.3 Card Sort/Odd Even,
  • Flocabulary Video:
  • Brainstorm items that come in pairs. Teachers write students responses on chart paper.

  • LearnZillion Unit 12, lesson 1:
  • Use teacher notes to guide discussions and understanding.
Explore: Centers:
  • M: Students will pair up and practice math facts (Addition and Subtraction)
  • A: Students will work on odd and evens worksheets all week: Lakeshore Daily Practices Wed and Thurs/Mon, In-Class practice LearnZillion.
  • T: Students will practice concepts on Front Row/Prodigy/Moby Max
  • H: Students will explore manipulatives and games. Games: Card Sort- Odds or Evens, Pumpkin Patch Challenge, Fall for Odds and Even Numbers, Friendly Ghosts Odds and Evens.

Exit Ticket at the end of the LearnZillion Lesson
Informal Observation and Checking understanding from Exit Ticket
Options for remediation/extension:
Remediation: Create homogeneous intervention groups and use manipulatives for students to create rows of equal/not equal groups. Extension: Each student can create their own “Card Sort/Odd Even” card and quiz and trade their cards.
Unit: 1 / Week: 7 Day:2 Tuesday 9-27-16
Domain: Operations and Algebraic Thinking / Suggested time/duration: 60 minutes
Standard: MAFS.2.OA.3.3
Determine whether a group of objects (up to 20) has an odd or even number of members, e.g., by pairing objects or counting them by 2s; write an equation to express an even number as a sum of two equal addends. / Learning Target(s):
  • show and explain how to pair manipulatives to demonstrate odd and even numbers
  • show and explain how an even number can be separated into two equal groups (without altering one of the objects) while an odd number cannot be separated into two equal groups.
  • write an equation to express an even number as a sum of two equal addends, also known as doubles
  • identifynumbers as odd or even and explain why.

Rigor: Procedural Skill and Fluency / SMP(s): 4.Model with mathematics 7. Look for and make use of structure
Number Representation Cards, LearnZillion, Grade 2, Unit 12, Lesson 2: Decompose numbers to decide if a number is even or odd, LearnZillion, Grade 2, Unit 12, Lesson 8: Write an equation to prove that a given number is even or odd, LearnZillion Lesson 8 Practice,
  • Flocabulary: The Even and Odd Gameshow:
  • Watch the Video Book: “Missing Mittens,”
  • Students split into groups and decide whether the class is odd or even
  • Students will take a formative assessment: Pumpkin Patch: Odd and Even Addition
Explore: Centers:If students finish early, they can choose a center of their choice.
  • M: Students will pair up and practice math facts (Addition and Subtraction)
  • A: Students will work on odd and evens worksheets all week: Lakeshore Daily Practices Wed and Thurs/Mon, In Class Practice LearnZillion.
  • T: Students will practice concepts on Front Row/Prodigy/Moby Max
  • H: Students will explore manipulatives and games. Games: Card Sort- Odds or Evens, Pumpkin Patch Challenge, Fall for Odds and Even Numbers, Friendly Ghosts Odds and Evens.

Card 6 on LearnZillion as a class.
Pumpkin Patch: Odd and Even Addition
Options for remediation/extension:
Remediation:Use Card 3 from LearnZillion, Grade 2, Unit 12, Lesson 2 “Decompose numbers to decide if a number is even or odd” in homogeneous groups. Extension: Howard County Site 2.OA.3.3, Assessment Task 5
Unit: 1 / Week: 7 Day:3 Wednesday 09-28-16
Domain: Operations and Algebraic Thinking / Suggested time/duration: 60 minutes
Standard: MAFS.2.NBT.2.8
Mentally add 10 or 100 to a given number 100-900, and mentally subtract 10 or 100 from a given number 100-900. / Learning Target(s):
  • mentally add and subtract 10 or 100 up to 900 using a variety of strategies.

Rigor: Conceptual Understanding / SMP(s): 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning


LearnZillion, Grade 2, Unit 8, Lesson 1 “Add andsubtract tens and hundreds mentally”, Base Ten blocks, Place Value mats, Lakeshore Magnetic Base Ten blocks, variety of counting tools (number line, hundred charts, manipulatives, etc.), Hundred Charts 1-1000 (hint: glue pages together to create one large chart)

  • “Down by the River,” counting by 10’s and 100’s. Starting at number 43 and 143.
  • Video Counting by 10’s:

  • LearnZillion Grade 2, Unit 8, Lesson 1:
  • Pause after the answer is shown on video: (43 seconds)
  • Build the number 87 on dry erase boards, have students add one more 10. Which number is it? 97 One more time: 107
  • Do a couple more two digit numbers, Write the answers on the board.
  • Continue the LearnZillion slides.
  • Help Kareem: Do the same for 100’s.
Explore: Centers:
  • M: Students will pair up and practice math facts (Addition and Subtraction)
  • A: Students will work on odd and evens worksheets all week: Lakeshore Daily Practices Wed and Thurs/Mon., Pumpkin Patch: Addition/Odd and Even (thinking take as formative?)
  • T: Students will practice concepts on Front Row/Prodigy/Moby Max
  • H: Students will explore manipulatives and games. Games: Card Sort- Odds or Evens, Pumpkin Patch Challenge, Fall for Odds and Even Numbers, Friendly Ghosts Odds and Evens.

Use card 7 from the LearnZillion lesson as addition practice, follow teaching notes for common misconceptions and errors.
Formative Assessment Option:
Use Card 8 questions from the LearnZillion lesson
Options for remediation/extension:
Remediation: Use Base Ten blocks for students to have a concrete representation before moving to mentally counting.
Unit: 1 / Week: 7 Day:4 Thursday 9-29-16
Domain: Operations and Algebraic Thinking / Suggested time/duration: 60 minutes
Standard: MAFS.2.NBT.2.8
Mentally add 10 or 100 to a given number 100-900, and mentally subtract 10 or 100 from a given number 100-900.
Explain why addition and subtraction strategies work, using place value and the properties of operations. / Learning Target(s):
  • mentally add and subtract 10 or 100 up to 900 using a variety of strategies.
  • applytheir knowledge of place value to explain why mental math addition or subtraction strategies work.

Rigor: Procedural Skill and Fluency / SMP(s): 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning
LearnZillion, Grade 2, Unit 8, Lesson 3 “Subtract 10 and 100 mentally”, Base Ten blocks, Place Value mats,
LearnZillion “How Close Can You Get?”(minus 10 cards, minus 100 cards, optional recording sheet), Thousand Chart-can use chart from Week 7, Day 3), FACT NBT.2.8 “Odd One Out”
  • Lesson on Adding and Subtracting 10’s and 100’s Video:
  • Add an incentive to listening to this video: Playing “Down by the River,” this time counting backwards from 10’s and 100’s.

  • LearnZillion, Grade 2, Unit 8, Lesson 3 “Subtract 10 and 100 mentally:
  • Once on card 4, play the game “How Close Can You Get?” with the students versus the teacher to model how to play the game.
  • Place game in the Hands on Math Center.
  • M: Students will pair up and practice math facts (Addition and Subtraction)
  • A: Students will work on odd and evens worksheets all week: Lakeshore Daily Practices Wed and Thurs/Mon.
  • T: Students will practice concepts on Front Row/Prodigy/Moby Max
  • H: Students will explore manipulatives and games. Games: Card Sort- Odds or Evens, Pumpkin Patch Challenge, Fall for Odds and Even Numbers, Friendly Ghosts Odds and Evens, How Close Can You Get? Game

Card 6 practice
Informal observation
Options for remediation/extension:
Remediation: Students may need Base Ten blocks to support subtracting 10 or 100
Unit: 1 / Week: 7 Day:5 Friday 9-30-16
Domain: Operations and Algebraic Thinking / Suggested time/duration: 60 minutes
Standard: MAFS.2.NBT.2.8
Mentally add 10 or 100 to a given number 100-900, and mentally subtract 10 or 100 from a given number 100-900.
Explain why addition and subtraction strategies work, using place value and the properties of operations. / Learning Target(s):
  • mentally add and subtract 10 or 100 up to 900 using a variety of strategies.
  • applytheir knowledge of place value to explain why mental math addition or subtraction strategies work.

Rigor: Application / SMP(s): 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively 6. Attend to precision 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning
CPALMS Lesson “Mental Math Mania”,Hundred Chart poster, “Mental Math Mania” Game cards and directions,
CPALMS Summative Assessment
  • Model how to play Mental Math Mania. Game Cards printed out and directions on sheet.

  • Review with Mental Math Mania Game. Pair up students to use the manipulatives.
  • Tell students to also state whether the answer is odd or even.
  • Students will take a summative assessment on both odds and evens AND mentally adding and subtracting 10’s and 100’s
Explore: Centers:If students finish early: Finish up unfinished work and then choose center of choice.
  • M: Students will pair up and practice math facts (Addition and Subtraction)
  • A: Finish unfinished work.
  • T: Students will practice concepts on Front Row/Prodigy/Moby Max
  • H: Students will explore manipulatives and games. Games: Card Sort- Odds or Evens, Pumpkin Patch Challenge, Fall for Odds and Even Numbers, Friendly Ghosts Odds and Evens, How Close Can You Get? Game

Summative Assessment
Summative Assessment is found within the “Mental Math Mania” lesson under “Summative Assessment”
Options for remediation/extension:
Remediation: Students may need Base Ten blocks to support this leanring
Extension: You may challenge the students to add and subtract different numbers to/from 100-900 such as 5 or 20. You may have students write word problems for this skill and have them exchange word problems to solve for the answer.