DATE: 2 Jun 2004

1.0 General. Watercraft Sales and Information Technology (IT) Program Support

1.1 Scope. The purpose of this task order is to continue the watercraft exchange/sales program and IT based support services for the Watercraft Product Support Integration Directorate (PSID) and Program Manager's Office (PM). US Army Tank-automotive and Armaments Command (TACOM) acquired under GSA contract Professional IT and associated analytical and engineering services are required to plan, execute and operate the Army Watercraft Sales/Exchange Program. The contractor will provide these services and others as required as an agent on behalf of the Troop Support Group of TACOM. Size of this anticipated effort is governed by the Army Watercraft Restructuring Plan (AWRP) and can be a moving and changing requirement. In addition an Internet Web Site will be developed and maintained for the direct purpose of advertising the sale of Army watercraft vessels as projected by the AWRP and TACOM directives. Over 100 vessels have been tentatively identified by the AWRP as sales program candidates. There are currently approximately 45 vessels (identified by Fiscal Year (FY)) available for sale on both coasts of CONUS and OCONUS in the next three fiscal years. This number could change as unit missions dictate actual requirements.

1.2 Objectives. Task descriptions for the support and sale of the Army Watercraft vessels for the current FY and optional next two fiscal years are:

1.2a Assist in the coordination of sales strategy development and execution with owning units, higher Headquarters and TACOM.

1.2b Develop and maintain an Internet web site for the advertising and sale of the Army Watercraft vessels. This website should also have the capability to store sale and bid results as well as historical information. TACOM approval will be obtained for all web pages before issuance and upload to the Internet. This site will include all marketing data, vessel descriptions and pictures with sale dates and viewing periods. All bid requirements, bid procedures and forms will be provided via the Internet website.

1.2c Assist in the development of Environmental Characterization Statements of Work. Assist in the planning and participate (when required) of the vessel condition assessments at each unit location at USARC, 7th Transportation Unit or TACOM. Vessel condition assessment characterizations will include surveys ofpotential environmental hazards, demilitarization requirements, hull condition and include component inventories and equipment operational conditions. Provide technical review of the environmental characterization documentation. Monitor and report on inspection efforts and provide recommendations for corrective action.

1.2d Determine and identify appropriate target markets, potential buyer lists and create appropriate advertising for both print and web-based media. Marketing will include private, corporate and State/Government entities.

1.2e Prepare economic benefit analyses and maintain sales program records as required by Department of Army (DA) and General Services Administration (GSA) policies. As required, acquire market valuations from professional commercial watercraft appraisers.

1.2f Assist in the planning, coordinating and conducting of vessel viewing inspections at Baltimore, MD, Aberdeen Proving Grounds, MD, Tacoma, WA, Ft. Belvoir, VA that are currently scheduled for FY04 sales. Likely locations for FY05 & FY06 will be the similar to the ones specified for FY04 except for the addition of Hythe, England vessels (5).

1.2g Provide pre-sale plans of action to TACOM for approval NLT 60 days prior to bid due date. Prepare viewing appointment schedules, assist in obtaining bidder site access and field bidder questions and provide condition assessment data when required. The contractor will be present at vessel viewing inspections at all locations. Public viewing periods will be normally 5-10 days in duration on a by appointment basis.

1.2h Obtain, process and maintain applicable bid related documentation such as: sealed bids, End User Certificates, bid deposit checks, bid summaries and bid award recommendations. Provide bid debrief and upon government review and approval, prepare and process bid award letters, balance due information, and vessel release and pick-up authorizations.

1.2i Assist in the preparation, staffing and tracking of trade security clearance related documentation. As required, assist in processing bidder clearance documentation with TACOM and the Department of Commerce.

1.2j After clearance of sale funds from the winning bidder and receipt of all sale documentation and approvals, coordinate and monitor the vessel removal process. Once vessels are removed, issue appropriate bill of sales and quasi titles for each vessel sold.

1.2k Develop and maintain electronic database files for current and historical watercraft sale activity and provide or integrate this data with the watercraft system database currently utilized by the watercraft community (i.e. the Army Watercraft Online System-AWOLS). Provide or incorporate this data into reports or presentations for Army Watercraft reporting management as periodically required.

1.21 Assist in responding to all audit requests by providing requested data and documentation.

1.2m Establish and maintain commercial banking accounts to collect and disperse sales related transactions. Remit to TACOM all consolidated sales proceeds at the conclusion of each sale.

1.3 Contract Type. Time & Materials.

1.4 Quality Control. The contractor shall provide a description of their Quality Control plan to the client 10 days after award. Unsatisfactory work - Performance by the Contractor to correct defects found by the Government as a result of quality assurance surveillance and by the Contractor as a result of quality control, shall be at its' own expense and without additional reimbursement by the Government.

1.5 Place of Performance/Hours of Operation. The contractor will support the PSID TACOM in Warren, Michigan and will travel on an as needed basis to sale sites in support of the condition assessment, support of sales strategy development and planning activities and public inspection activities. Projected travel may include:

1.5a One (1) trip to Washington, DC for an average of 3 days each.

1.5b One (1) trip to Ft. Eustis, VA for an average of 3 days each.

1.5c One (1) trip to each sale site (in para. 1.2f) during condition assessment characterizations for one person for an average of 4 days.

1.5d One (1) trip to each listed sales site (in para. 1.20, during the viewing periods for two people for an average of 10 days each.

1.6 Period of Performance.

Duration of task is 08/23/04 through 08/22/07 or Date of Awar d through 3 years.

1.7 Continuity of Services. The Contractor recognizes that the services under this task order or contract are considered vital to the Government and must be continued without interruption and that, upon contract expiration, a successor, either the Government or another contractor, may continue them. The contractor agrees to (1) furnish phase-in training and (2) exercise its best efforts and cooperation to effect an orderly and efficient transition to a successor.

1.8 Option To Extend the Term of the Task Order

Note: Section 1.8 is only applicable to task orders that include Options.

Notwithstanding any other clause in this contract or task order, including the clause at FAR § 52.217-9, Option to Extend the Term of the Contract, the Government may extend the term of this task order by modification. The total duration of this task order, including the exercise of any options under this clause, shall not exceed five years.

The estimated hourly rate for options under this task order shall not exceed the hourly rate established in the schedule in effect when the option is exercised,

1.9 Option to Extend Services.

Notwithstanding any other clause in this contract or task order, GSA may require continued performance of any services within the limits and at the rates specified in the task order or contract. The option provision may be exercised more than once, but the total extension of performance hereunder shall not exceed 6 months. GSA will exercise the option by modification to the task order, The total duration of this contract, including the exercise of any options under this clause, shall not exceed five years.

GSA Information Technology Contracting Officer As specified on award document.

1.11 Reports.

In addition to the applicable requirements, the contractor shall provide the following deliverables and reports.

·  The contractor shall bring problems or potential problems affecting performance to the attention of the COR and ITR/AM as soon as possible, Verbal reports will be followed up with written reports when directed by the COR or ITR/AM.

·  The contractor shall notify the COR and ITR/AM when 75 % of the amount of the task has been expended (for Time and Materials task orders).

·  Delivery Instructions. All deliverables shall be delivered to the client no later than the date specified in the SOW. Deliverables are to be transmitted with a cover letter, on the prime contractor's letterhead, describing the contents. Concurrently, a copy of the cover letter shall be attached to the task in ITS&

1.12 Inspection and Acceptance. In the absence of other agreements negotiated with respect to time provided for government review, deliverables will be inspected and the contractor notified of the COR's and ITR/AM's findings within 5 work days of normally scheduled review. If the deliverables are not acceptable, the COR will notify the ITR/AM immediately.

Special terms and conditions

2. Privacy Act. Work on this project may require that personnel have access to Privacy Information. Personnel shall adhere to the Privacy Act, Title 5 of the U.S. Code, Section 552a and applicable agency rules and regulations.

2.1 Personal Service. The client has determined that use of the GSA contract to satisfy this requirement is in the best interest of the government, economic and other factors considered, and this task order is not being used to procure personal services prohibited by the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Part 37.104 titled "Personal services contract".

2.2 Security. This project is "Unclassified". 2.3 Key Personnel.

The contractor shall identify key personnel in the technical proposal regardless of the type of task. NOTE: Key personnel may not be added nor removed from the task without express approval of the Contracting Officer's Representative (COR). The COR will attach a copy of the request and approval to the project in IT Solutions Shop (ITSS) Web-Based Order Processing System.

2.4 Records/Data. Data (electronic, manual or web-based) is normally generated in the petformance of this task order according to the sales program management, execution and inter face requirements within the Army Watercraft Management System. All data remains government property.

2.5 Applicable Documents. None cited. 2.6 Payment Procedures

GSA Electronic Invoicing.

All invoicing will be done electronically. Password and electronic invoice access may be obtained through GSA web site

Billing and payment shall be accomplished in accordance with this clause. The contractor shall have the invoice certified by the client representative. The contractor's invoice will be for no less than one month. The contractor may invoice only for the hours, travel, and/or unique services ordered by GSA and actually used in direct support of the client representative's project. A copy of the Governments's document (receiving report) accepting the covered services must accompany invoices submitted for payment. A copy of the invoice will be submitted to the ITR/AM along with the monthly status report, at the same time that it is submitted for payment. Failure to comply with the procedures outlined above, may result in your payment being delayed.

2.7 Government Furnished Items. The contractor shall specifically identify in their proposal the type, amount, and time frames required for any government resources, excluding those listed below.

The Government will provide the following: (If none, so state)

·  Office space, supplies, equipment etc.

·  Standard Operational Procedures, regulations, manuals, texts, briefs and other materials associated with the project and the hardware/software noted throughout this SOW.

2.8 Contractor Furnished Items. All items the contractor is to furnish during the contract.

Specific Requirements.

2.9 508 Compliance.

The Industry Partner shall support the Government in its compliance with Section 508 throughout the development and implementation of the work to be performed. Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended (29 U.S.C. 794d) requires that when Federal agencies develop, procure, maintain, or use electronic information technology, Federal employees with disabilities have access to and use of information and data that is comparable to the access and use by Federal employees who do not have disabilities, unless an undue burden would be imposed on the agency. Section 508 also requires that individuals with disabilities, who are members of the public seeking information or services from a Federal agency, have access to and use of information and data that is comparable to that provided to the public who are not individuals with disabilities, unless an undue burden would be imposed on the agency.

The Industry Partner should review the following websites for additional 508 information:—Content&ID-12

int ://wk I/Resources

Solicitation Provisions

1. Proposal Submission.

General Instructions,

Submission of the complete proposal will be done electronically utilizing the e-Buy system. YOU MUST ALSO EMAIL A COPY OF YOUR PROPOSAL IN WORD DOCUMENT FORMAT TO . The contractor shall submit a written cost and technical proposal for consideration before the due date and time for this RFP Proposal. The Government will require technical factors and will make award based on best value to the government, with technical factors and price being considered, as set forth in paragraph 1.5, Evaluation Factors.


1.1 Discounts in price proposal. Contractors are encouraged to offer discounts below contract and/or open market rates; whichever is applicable. When discounts are offered, proposals must clearly identify both the contract or open market price and the discount price for each hardware item or labor rate being discounted. Example:

1.2 Travel. As part of the Cost Proposal, the contractor shall provide any anticipated travel costs, if known, to include: origination; destination; number of trips; number of persons; and a breakdown of lodging, meals, transportation and related costs. Actual expenses are limited by the Government Travel Regulations and must be pre-approved by the client.