Dear Parents,

A new and exciting event will be taking place at Rolling Hills Elementary this year. The American Cancer Society® Relay For Life® already exists in our community, providing 12 hour event where community members have the opportunity to honor cancer survivors and remember those who have battled cancer while raising money for the American Cancer Society. To support that community event, we are having our very own Relay Recess here at the school!

The students at Rolling Hills Elementary, are going to walk Relay style during their recess to raise awareness about how to prevent cancer (wear sunscreen, don’t smoke, and exercise) and to honor survivors and those who have lost their battle with cancer. For the Relay Recess, students will be walking around the playground to try and help raise money for the American Cancer Society. The students will have the opportunity to walk in memory of someone, or to walk to support a survivor. Luminaria bags will be offered to the students as well. The students may have these bags brought to Relay For Life of Council Rock in May, to be displayed during the luminaria ceremony. We are hoping to raise awareness and to make a difference in our community. Help us make this a success for them.

Rolling Hills students can raise funds during the walk-a-thon (see attached sponsor form), selling luminaries/purchasing luminaries ($1 each), shopping at our Relay Shop (0.50-3.00 items available) the week of the event, and purchasing a lap bracelet ($1) to keep track of their laps during our relay.

We will have a wear purple day for our event which will take place on Friday September 30, 2016 and should be a fun filled event for the kids! If you are interested in helping out on September 30th and have submitted your clearances please contact me!


Kelly Korn