Coach Keener
Web Design
Cartoon Character
Using Photoshop, you will create your own cartoon character using only the shape and painting/drawing tools. Be creative, and be sure to save your work in the appropriate folder.
Criteria / Point ValueCreate a new Photoshop document named “Cartoon”. Save this file into your “Work” folder / 5
Using Photoshop, create a new document that is 8 inches wide and 10.5 inches high. Set the resolution to 72 DPI and start with a white background. / 10
For your background, use the brush or shapes tool to create a custom background (see an example). / 20
Use the shapes tool to create your cartoon character. You may use the drawing/painting tools to help you create odd or different shapes. / 25
Use color and make your cartoon look as professional as possible / 25
Insert your character’s name onto your document. Use a custom font and effects / 10
When finished, save the image in your “Work” folder to be graded. / 5
Total Value: / 100
Name: ______