Texas Association of Student Councils
Board of Directors Meeting
Monday,August 1, 2016, 9:00 am
Austin Westin at the Domain–Camellia Room
President Amina Mabizari called the meeting to order. Vice President JulianaHenry gave the invocation, and Parliamentarian Esmeralda Vilche led the pledges to the United States and Texas flags. Roll call by Secretary Dylan Angel revealed all Board members present with the exception of TASSP President Dr. Devin Padavil and TASSP/TASC Executive Director Archie E. McAfee. Kendall Haase from Cedar Creek High School was in attendance as a guest.
Approval of Meeting Minutes from April 10, 2016: After hearing no additions or corrections to the minutes, President Mabizari stated they were approved as written.
Officers’ Reports
- 2016 NASC Conference Report: President Mabizari reported on the 2016 NASC Conference in Portland, Oregon. The Texas delegation began their pre-trip on June 21st and the Conference was held on June 24th through June 26that Century High School. The pre-trip highlights included zip lining, sightseeing, bonding in a short period of time, and gathering in the evening for reflection and discussion. The conference breakout sessions covered time management, fund raising, public speaking and school culture. The keynote speakers delivered powerful messages that created a widespread sense of unity. The NASC Conference and pre-trip was a wonderful experience and strengthened the students’ leadership skills and helped to prepare them for their leadership role at the state level.
- TASC 2017 Annual Conference Report and Theme Proposal: Conference Coordinator Rebecca Brady and Kendall Haase from Cedar Creek HS proposed “Dare to Dream. Dare to Do.” as the 2017Annual Conference theme. The Conference Coordinator School plans to showcase historical and modern innovative leaders and thinkers. Cedar Creek HS is partnering with other schools in TASC District 18 to host the conference. This is a new model that will include more schools and students in planning the conference staging, decorations, performances, advisor hospitality, etc.
- 2016-2017 State Service Project: Juliana Henry proposed “Dare to Donate” as this year’s state service project. Texas schools will partner with Donate Life Texas, and their staff will train students how to present organ and tissue donations to their peers and in their communities. Information will be sent to district presidents and posted on the website.
- State Steering Committee Retreat/Strategic Planning: Elected Advisor Tommy Calais presented the TASC Mission and Vision/Values Statements, and Elected Advisor Antoinette Hernandez reported on the TASC Goals. Past President School Advisor Krysta Reedreported on the Membership Initiative and recommended that a committee be formed to review the initiatives in a meeting prior to the Advisors Workshop. Mr. Calais discussed the District Initiative and the need for a District Needs Committee which will be chaired by Elected Advisor Ryan Golden who, in April, was elected to a three-year term on the Board. This committee will meet to evaluate the initiatives prior to the Advisors Workshop and will plan to arrive early to the Lakeview Advanced Workshop to continue their work. Middle level elected advisor Lisa Gilbertdiscussed the middle level program support initiative and recommended that a survey be sent to middle school advisors to determine their needs. TASC Director Terry Hamm said that she would utilize the experience of the two middle school principals serving on the Board to determine ways to improve participation at the middle level annual conference and the middle level summer workshops.
- Report Form Area Focus: Each of the TASC State-Approved Projects Report Forms as well as the Sweepstakes Award were reviewed and updates suggested. Energy & Environment Report Form was presented by Juliana Henry; DASH was presented by Esmeralda Vilche;Pride & Patriotismwas presented by President School Advisor Sabina Baig; Community Service was discussed by Rebecca Brady;Outstanding Student Councilwas reviewed by Dylan Angel; and Sweepstakeswas reviewed by Krysta Reed.
- Social Media & Communication Report: Dylan Angel gave the Social Media & Communication Report including activity on TASC’s Twitter, Facebook and Instagram accounts. Dylan proposesusing Snapchat as a marketing tool. TASC will need to purchase a Geofilter for specific events including the high school and middle level annual conferences.
- State Awards, Elections and Applications: 1. Krysta Reed reported on TASC and TASSP Scholarships. TASC presents five $1000 scholarships to seniors each year. She recommends limiting the responses to questions on the application to one page using a 12 point font. TASSP provides two $1000 scholarshipsfor individual student councils based on contributions to their principals in meeting school accountability measures, the demands of unfunded mandates, and creation of a positive school culture and climate. Ms. Reedalso recommends that the application be changed from “up to 5 areas” to a more challenging requirement of “5 areas.” Terry Hamm reported that middle level schools have a difficult time competing with high schools for this scholarship. 2. EGB Advisor of the Year application: Antoinette Hernandez reported that in the past the student officers and elected advisors judged the applications for Advisor of the Year. Antoinette recommends allowing all elected Board of Directors members to judge the applications. 3. Campaign Rules and Conference Policies: Vice President Advisor Kristi West recommends the following: increase the campaign expenditures to $1200;student representative will give a two minute introduction of their school’s campaign platform during the Opening General Session and no platform introduction given during the Meet the Candidates Sessions; the 3’ x 8’ banner must advertise the school’s theme and platform; the storyboard has been eliminated; candidates booth space will be increased to an 8’ x 10’ area; schools being late or missing a formal meeting or mandatory event shall be disqualified; if a violation occurs, the offending school shall be asked to correct the infraction; a candidate school’s name shall be removed from the ballot if the violation is intentional or flagrant; and, if another school reports a violation against a candidate school, it must be in writing. 4. Top 10/5 Videos: Based on last year’s committee chair’s recommendations, Dylan Angel suggests amending the application form to clarify instructions for submission. 5. Application to Run for Office: A school will complete a school, advisor and student qualifications resume to submit with the application to run for office. 6. New Award for Advisors: Antoinette Hernandez recommends exploring the possibility of an award for advisors who have already received the EGB Advisor of the Year Award. 7. State Officer School Duties: Duties relating to the Secretary School chairing the Tabulations Committee will be moved to the section titled “under the direction of the advisor” instead of “in conjunction with the advisor.”
TASC Staff Reports
- TASC Proposed Budget: The 2016-2017 Proposed TASC Budget was included in the Board binders. Terry Hamm did a thorough review of the income and expenses anticipated for the coming fiscal year.
- Membership/Participation Report: TASSP Past President Charlie Jehlen gave the membership report. The goal for the 2016-2017 fiscal year is 1,394 schools.
- TASC Policies: Mr. Jehlen reviewed the TASC Policies which were included in the board binders. Policies reviewed included: Conflict of Interest, Document Retention and Destruction, Whistleblower, and Policies Related to Exhibitors at TASC Events.
- Annual Conference: Ms. Hamm reported on the attendance and evaluations of the 2016 Conference. The attendance was great and the evaluations were outstanding. Ms. Hamm was pleased with the number of schools that ran for office.
- Summer Leadership Workshops: Ms. Hamm discussed the 2016 workshops. Not all workshops have been reconciled so she does not have exact attendance numbers. Summer Workshop registration fees, policies and procedures. Ms. Hernandez reported on the training program for Directors/Consultants in Training and recommends that they arrive to the workshop one day early for both level one and level two and attend the workshop without their hometown delegation for level two. Mr. Calais reported on Summer Workshop Salary for Four Night Workshops and One Day Workshops. For all workshops, he recommends that salary be based on the “total registered” rather than “actual attendance” and the following statement added: “Salary bonus scale does not apply to cancelled workshops.”
- SASC (Southern Association of Student Councils) Conference: Krysta Reed reported that this year’s SASC Conference will be held in Nashville, Tennessee.
- TASC Website: Ms. Hamm reported that we have a new website through MemberClicks. Registration for this year’s Summer Workshops was much easier than last year. Social communities will be available on this website and should help pull people to the website and provide more services to schools.
- Student Leadership Curriculum Academy: Antoinette Hernandez reported that the Curriculum Academy will be held August 2-3, 2016, at the Austin Westin at the Domain, and there are approximately 25 advisors registered for the training.
- Supplemental Text for Student Leadership Course: Tommy Calais reported that the supplemental text is in the final phase of editing. Lessons are planned in such a way that they can be used by any leadership class teacher.
- Advisors Workshop: The Advisors Workshop will be held at the Embassy Suites Hotel and Conference Center in San Marcos on September 24-25, 2016. Keynote speakers include Brene Brown and Phil Boyte; both are excellent speakers. In 2017 and 2018, Ms. Hamm is considering a Sunday/Monday pattern rather than a Saturday/Sunday pattern.
- Middle Level Workshop: The Middle Level Workshop will be heldat the Embassy Suites Hotel and Conference Center in San Marcos on November 4-5, 2016. Kevin Laue will be the featured speaker.
- Endorsed Programs: An overview of each of the TASC Endorsed Programs was included in the Board binders. The Endorsed Programs receive free advertising on the TASC website, and these program representatives are asked to exhibit at TASC Conferences. Ms. Hamm recommends that Cyberways and Waterways and Relay for Life be discontinued due to their lack of participation in Student Council conferences.
Action Items:
- 2016-2017 TASC Theme: Motion by Juliana Henry and second by Sabina Baig to adopt “Dare to Dream. Dare to Do.” as the 2016-2017 TASC Annual Conference Theme. Motion passed.
- 2016-2017 State Service Project: Motion byEsmeralda Vilche and second by Ryan Goldento accept “Dare to Donate” as the 2016-2017 State Service Project. Motion passed
- Approval of State Strategic Plan: 1. Mission: Motion by Tommy Calais and second by Charlie Jehlen to approve the TASC Mission Statement: TASC promotes, develops and empowers leadership through student councils and advisors in secondary schools in Texas. Motion passed. 2. Vision.Motion by Tommy Calais and second by Carrie Jackson to approve the TASC Vision Statement: TASC builds leaders that positively impact our schools, communities, state and nation. Motion passed. 3. Values: Motion by Tommy Calais and second by Lisa Gilbert to approve TASC Values: We believe in a powerful student voice. We believe in the journey of leadership. We believe in building a strong web of support. We believe that leadership skills can be learned and enhanced. Motion passed. 4. Goals: Motion by Antoinette Hernandez and second by Jasmine Johnson to change the 2nd and 4th goals as follows: Goal #2: TASC will enhance the journey of leadership for students, advisors and their councils through providing training and a network of support. Goal #4: TASC will advocate for successful student council programs. Motion passed. 5. Membership Initiative: Motion by Krysta Reed and second by Juliana Henry to continue the membership initiative as written, create a committee to review the initiatives and meet to discuss strategies to the meet the initiatives. Motion passed. 6. District Initiative: Motion by Ryan Golden and second by Nancy Wangler to continue the District Initiative and form a District Needs Committee to study and evaluate how TASC can best serve the districts throughout the state. Motion passed. 7. Middle Level Initiative: Motion by Sabina Baig and second by Juliana Henry to continue the middle level program support initiative. Motion passed.
- Approval of State Report Forms: 1. Energy & Environment: Motion by Juliana Henry and second by Gayle Waldrip to change the dates to reflect 2016-2017 and to remove Cyberways & Waterways from the report form. Motion passed. 2. DASH (Drugs, Alcohol, Safety & Health): Motion by Esmeralda Vilche and second by Dylan Angel to change the dates to reflect this reporting year. Motion passed. 3. Pride & Patriotism: Motion by Sabina Baig and second by Esmeralda Vilche to approve the report form with dates changed and, on pages 1 and 3 of the report form, change page number for sample format to page 7. Motion passed. 4. Community Service: Motion by Juliana Henry and second by Ryan Golden to approve the report form with changes of dates and adding an additional table for reporting results of the State Service Project. Motion passed. 5. Outstanding Student Council: Motion by Dylan Angel and second by Sabina Baig to change the dates to conform to this year and change the list of endorsed programs to reflect adoption by the Board of Directors. Motion passed.
- Approval of State Awards, Elections and Applications: 1. TASC Scholarships: Motion by Krysta Reed and second by Juliana Henry to change the rules on the application from a “100-word maximum” requirement to a statement that “responses cannot exceed one page using a 12 point font.” Motion passed. 2. TASSP Scholarships: Motion by Krysta Reed and second by Dylan Angel to change the requirement for “up to 5 areas” to a requirement of “5 areas.” Motion passed. 3. EGB Advisor of the Year: Motion by Antoinette Hernandez and second by Ryan Golden to open the judging of applications for the Eddie G. Bull Advisor the Year Award to all elected members of the TASC Board of Directors. Motion passed. 5. Campaign Rules and Conference Policies: Motion by Kristi West and second by Ryan Golden to change the following: in 1st paragraph – questions or suggestions should be emailed to rather than mailed to the TASC office; Failure to submit detailed platforms and themes 6 weeks prior to the Annual Conference shall (rather than may) result in disqualification; Campaign expenditures are limited to $1,200 rather than $1,000; Failure to be on time and present at any formal meetings will (rather than could) result in the candidate school being disqualified from the election; the student representative will give a two minute (rather one minute) introduction to their school’s candidacy during the Opening General Session; the introduction of the school’s candidacy will now include a detailed explanation of the school’s platform (rather than a brief introduction of the platform); during the Meet the Candidates Session, the two minute explanation of the school’s platform has been eliminated; the 3’ x 8’ banner must advertise the school’s theme and platform; the campaign storyboard has been eliminated; each candidate will be assigned to an 8’ x 10’ area (rather than an 8’ x 8’ area) in the exhibit hall; candidate schools shall (rather than may) use the allotted space to create a campaign booth; depending on the severity of the alleged violation, the offending school shall (rather than may) be asked to correct the infraction or to report to the Credentials Committee who will take whatever action is appropriate; a candidate school’s name shall (rather than may) be removed from the ballot if the violation is intentional or flagrant; the second way to report a campaign violation is when another school reports a violation by filing a formal complaint in writing (rather than verbally) against a school campaigning for office; on the schedule of events for candidate schools, missing a mandatory event shall (rather than may) result in disqualification. Motion passed. 6. Top Ten/Five Videos: Motion by Dylan Angel and second by Antoinette Hernandez to amend the application form to clarify instructions for submission of videos.Motion passed. 7. Application to run for office: Motion by Dylan Angel and second by Juliana Henry that a resume of qualifications of the school, advisor and student to run for office must be included with their letter of intent to run for office for the application to be considered complete. Motion passed. 8. New Award for Advisors: Motion by Antoinette Hernandez and second by Sabina Baig to explore options for an advisor award to celebrate their impact on TASC with findings presented at the November TASC Board Meeting. Motion passed. 9. State Officer Duties: Motion by Kristi West and second by Antoinette Hernandez to accept the proposed changes to the Secretary School duties which include moving all responsibilities related to serving as chair of the Tabulating Committee to the section titled “under the direction of the advisor” (rather than in conjunction with the advisor). Motion passed.
- Approval of 2016-2017 TASC Budget: Motion by Krysta Reed and second by Ryan Golden to amend the budget to include $500 for a membership initiative committee meeting and $1000 for a district initiative committee meeting. Motion passed. Motion by Krysta Reed and second by Esmeralda Vilche to approve the 2016-2017 TASC Operating Budget as amended. Motion passed.
- Adopt Membership Goal for 2016-2017: Motion by Juliana Henry and second by Dylan Angel to adopt the 2016-2017 membership goal of 1,394 as provided by the district presidents. Motion passed.
- Approval of Summer Leadership Workshop Policy Changes: Motion by Antoinette Hernandez and second by Juliana Henry in first phase for Consultant in Training and Director in Training, to includereport to workshop one day early(rather than report to workshop early) and that they attend level two without their hometown council. Motion passed. Motion by Antoinette Hernandez and second by Sabina Baig in second phase for Consultant in Training and Director in Training, to include must attend the workshop without their hometown delegation (rather than must attend the workshop without the responsibility of a hometown delegation), and report to workshop one day early(rather than report to workshop early). Motion passed. Motion by Tommy Calais and second by Patty Wangler that under Salary Bonus for Four Night Workshops and One Day Workshops the words “actual attendance” be changed to “total registered,” and under Cancelled Workshop for Four Night Workshops and One Day Workshops the following statement be added after the existing text, “Salary bonus scale does not apply to cancelled workshops.” Motion passed. Workshop directors, consultants,directors in training and consultants in training that serve on the Board of Directors did not vote.
- Consider Endorsement/Partnerships Programs: Motion by Krysta Reed second by Juliana Henry to accept the listed Endorsed Programs and ask that Ms. Hamm request an application from “Dude, Be Nice”once again with approval upon receipt. Motion passed.
Other Business: President Mabizari asked the Board to review the upcoming TASC dates and events printed on their agenda. Ms. Hamm expressed appreciation to Board members for their discussions and dedication to getting their job done correctly.