MiddlesexCounty 4-H Advisory Council Meeting
Tuesday, June21, 2011 – held at the Congregational Church, Littleton
Meeting called to order by Emily Oneschuck, acting president: 7pm
Present: Sue Lewis, Theresa Lewis, Shannon Donahue, Wendy Marcks, Joanne Brown, Emily Oneschuck
Secretary’s report – Joanne Brown motioned we accept; Shannon Donahue 2nd – carried
Treasurer’s report – Submitted by Joanne Brown – bought pins for next year’s Awards Night because pins on sale and free shipping - $80.00 income for the bakeless bake sale – Theresa Lewis motioned we accept; Sue Lewis 2nd – carried
MA 4-H Foundation Golf Tournament - Pam put together spa raffle basket– in the $40.00 range.
Ice Cream Social to take place September 20th – Sue Lewis brought up Amiee Balzac as a possible speaker – save the date email sent out to all leaders – Theresa, Emily and Shannon invite teens to come to social by starting a Facebook group, putting up a sign at fair work nights
Joanne Brown passed out annual event calendar
Horse report – Dee not here tonight
State news – Foundation asking for counties to fund a hole for $150.00 – Foundation lost corporate sponsors for the golf tournament - Emily mentioned that she could ask her parents about making a donation – Theresa mentioned that she could ask EMC for a donation – 8 delegates going to the National 4-H Congress – after this year the proceeds from the 4-H gala will be gone – the state will only be able to send 4 teens to each national event – counties asked to donate money towards national teen events for next years budget – state board discuss the way ribbons work with VPs – state board decided that there would be no appeal process to dismiss 4-H volunteers – Sharie will have the final say for volunteers – state is trying to get the ambassador program started again
Discussed what leader in good standing should do – ideas on what a leader need to do to be a leader in good standing, go to state volunteer forum, attend a couple of MAC meetings, participate in county event like winter forum and fair, know about VPs and records, and participate in the statewide community service food drive
Camp report – attendance back up – Bemis Corp. donate $1800 in camper grants – hired science intern for the camps, Maureen Kelly
Nominating committee – Pam is collecting a list of nominations for the September meeting – Emily Oneschuck volunteered to be on the nominating committee
Action Items:
•Wendy contact Amiee Balzac about possibly speaking at the ice cream social
•Emily set up Facebook group for Middlesex teens. Emily, Theresa and Shannon invite all 4-H teens to join group.
•Theresa go to EMC and ask for donations for the 4-H Foundation Golf Tournament
•Emily ask her parents who run a business, for a donation for the 4-H Foundation Golf Tournament
Meeting adjourned 8:50