The purpose of the Dripping Springs ISD Agricultural Science Center is to provide an extension of the classroom to be used for students’ supervised Agricultural Science projects, and to provide living space for project animals as space allows. Priority will be given to students who would not otherwise have a place to keep a project animal.
In order for all parties to best use the Agricultural Science Center, and to ensure the safety of the students, animals, and others on the property, the following procedure must be followed. To ensure compliance, Dripping Springs ISD employees including the Agricultural Science Teacher and school administrators will monitor the operations of the facility and compliance with facility procedure.
Facility access
1. The following kinds of animal projects may be kept at the Agricultural Science Center: Breeding Heifers; Steers; Goats; Lambs; Poultry; Rabbits; and Pigs.
2. For security purposes, student access to the facility will be limited to between 5:00am and 10:00pm. The Agricultural Science Teacher has access to the facility at all times for special circumstances.
3. A student must be a Dripping Springs ISD student and an FFA member in good standing to be eligible to use the facility for raising a project animal.
4. Students and/or parents must attend the annual barn meeting/orientation set by the Agricultural Science Teacher(s) to review rules and regulations. The Agricultural Science Center Use Acknowledgment of Student Responsibility form must be signed by both student and parent. Failure to attend the meeting and/or failure to sign the acknowledgment form will result in automatic removal from the barn.
5. Students keeping project animals at the Agricultural Science Center will be issued a security card for facility access. To receive a card, students will be required to put up a $5.00 rental fee, which will be returned once the card is returned at the conclusion of the year. If this card is lost, the student must notify the Agricultural Science Teacher immediately after becoming aware that the card is missing to allow the card to be deactivated. A replacement card will be purchased using the $5.00 rental fee. To get a new card will require a new $5.00 deposit.
6. All student facility access cards must be returned by the 1st Friday in April. Failure to turn in an access card will result in the loss of your $5.00 deposit.
7. Only project animals, which have received approval from the Agricultural Science Teacher, are allowed at the Agricultural Science Center at any time. No dogs or pets are allowed in the barn due to safety concerns.
8. The Agricultural Science Teacher will assign pens for each student project; these will not be changed without the Agricultural Science Teacher’s approval. For health reasons, animals may enter the facility only after visual inspection by the Agricultural Science Teacher.
9. No male breeding animals are allowed at the facility. Animals no longer eligible to compete at approved shows must be removed from the facility. All animals must be removed from the barn by the 1st Friday in April.
10. Projects must be related to FFA. Priority for space will be given to DSHS FFA project animals. Junior FFA students enrolled in DSISD may house their projects at the facility at the discretion of the Agricultural Science Teacher, based on pen availability. Priority will be given to DSHS FFA students who would not otherwise have a place to keep a project animal. Depending on pen availability, students with multiple animals (of the same species) may be limited in the number of pens used to allow for other students’ animals to be housed at the facility.
11. All students’ projects are under the direct supervision of the Agricultural Science Teacher.
12. Neither DSISD, Dripping Springs High School, Dripping Springs FFA, Dripping Springs Ag Boosters, the DSISD Agricultural Science Teacher nor any school official or employee will be responsible for injury to or death of any project animal. (Securing project insurance is an owner option.)
student conduct
1. The most recent DSISD Student Handbook and Student Code of Conduct will apply to student use of the facility.
2. The student is responsible for his/her family and guest(s) at all times. Any guest coming to the Agricultural Facility must receive prior approval from the Agricultural Science Teacher before admittance is permitted. If a guest violates the rules of the Agricultural Science Center, it will be treated as though the student had violated the rules and that guest will no longer be permitted on the premises.
3. As with all DSISD facilities, no alcohol or tobacco use by anyone is permitted at the Agricultural Science Center at any time.
4. Ethical and humane treatment of animals will be practiced at all times. Cruelty to the animals or harm to any animal, as deemed by the Agricultural Science Teacher, will not be tolerated. Violation of this rule will result in the immediate loss of Agricultural Science Center use privileges and the eviction of the project animal at the owner’s expense.
5. Students are to respect the value of the Dripping Springs ISD Agricultural Science Center. Any vandalism or defacing of property or equipment will result in appropriate disciplinary actions as prescribed in the DSISD Student Code of Conduct and Extracurricular Code of Conduct, notification of law enforcement, and immediate termination of facility access. Future access will be limited or denied. No warnings will be issued. The Agricultural Science Center is monitored by 24-hour surveillance cameras.
6. Students are responsible for cleaning, feeding, and maintaining their own project area (e.g. pen) at all times. Parents are permitted to help care for a student’s project – but should not be the sole care giver. Any animal not fed, watered, and cared for daily will be removed from the facility at the owner’s expense.
7. Students shall not enter another student’s pen or handle another student’s animal, except in the case of an emergency, unless granted permission by the owner of the animal or the Agricultural Science Teacher.
8. Students shall not feed, water, or medicate another student’s animal unless granted permission from the owner or Agricultural Science Teacher.
9. Students will be responsible for the purchase of and record keeping for feed and any feed additives as well as keeping a medication record.
10. Students are not allowed to use equipment such as tractors, bobcats, other front-end loaders, etc. at the facility.
Facility use & cleaning
1. The facility is to be kept neat and clean. The safety, sanitation, and appearance of the facility are a priority and the responsibility of students using the facility. All students who have a project animal at the Agricultural Science Center must attend all monthly/semester cleanup days unless prior arrangement (48 hours’ notice required) are made with the Agricultural Science Teacher. Students are allowed to miss no more than two cleanup days per school year.
2. Cleanup days and weekly cleaning duty lists will be created by the Agricultural Science Teacher and the designated student barn managers. This information will be posted at the Agricultural Science Center and through FFA communication channels and students using the facility will be held responsible for obtaining this information. Attendance at cleanup days and completion of weekly duties will be managed and checked by the Agricultural Science Teacher and designated student barn managers.
3. No modifications to the existing structure of the Agricultural Science Center facility are permitted. The use of electrical devices or extension cords must meet NEC and UL electrical codes. Cords should not lie in the aisle, across the pens or on the ground, as this presents a safety hazard to both people and animals.
4. Students will provide their own animal care equipment unless provided by Agricultural Science Department. DSISD and its employees are not responsible for the theft and/or damage of any personal belongings.
5. All manure and feedstuffs must be properly and promptly disposed of in the approved designated areas.
6. Broken or missing equipment shall be reported to the Agricultural Science Teacher immediately. Students must clean and return all equipment to the proper storage area after each use.
7. No glass containers are allowed at the Agricultural Science Center unless approved by the Agricultural Science Teacher.
8. Students/parents are not allowed to put out poison of any kind or any form of pest or rodent traps.
9. Animals may be required to be removed from the facility due to health concerns as determined by the Agricultural Science Teacher. Students may, at their own expense, request a veterinarian of their choice to consult with the Agricultural Science Teacher and the student regarding the health of the animal. Absent a written certificate of health from a licensed veterinarian, the final decision regarding removal of any animal will be made by the Agricultural Science Teacher.
10. All project animals, personal equipment, and personal supplies must be removed from the Agricultural Science Center by the 1st Friday in April. Students are responsible for the complete cleaning of all pens used. If a pen is not cleaned out within two weeks after removing your animal, a fine of $50.00 will be assessed and the student will not be allowed to keep an animal at the facility the following year. Animals, personal equipment, and personal supplies not removed will become property of the FFA chapter and sold. The appropriate authorities or agencies will be notified as appropriate or required.
11. Upon graduation, students will no longer be allowed to use the Agricultural Science Center.
The following steps will occur in the event of a student’s failure to follow the established rules (as deemed by the Agricultural Science Teacher) concerning the use of the Agricultural Science Facility:
First offense – The student will receive a verbal warning from the Agricultural Science Teacher and will be expected to take care of the problem immediately. The problem must be remedied to the Agricultural Science Teacher’s satisfaction. The offense will be listed on the Acknowledgment sheet.
Second Offense – The student will receive a verbal warning from the Agricultural Science Teacher and be expected to take care of the problem immediately. The problem must be remedied to the Agricultural Science Teacher’s satisfaction. The verbal warning will be followed up with a parent notification of the second infraction via email and made available to the Principal and/or Assistant Principal of the student’s school. A copy of the email and the offense will be added to the Acknowledgment sheet.
Third Offense – Upon receiving the third and final infraction notice, the student will be verbally informed of the (permanent) loss of the privilege of using the Agricultural Science Facility and an eviction notice will be mailed. Students and parents will be responsible for the removal of the animal and all personal property.
*If the animal has not been removed from the Agricultural Science Center within 72 hours of having been served an eviction notice via certified mail, the animal will be sold at auction. If the animal was sponsored by a scramble or non-profit organization, any residual funds (after all outstanding dues and fees are paid) shall be returned to that organization. If the animal was not purchased by a scramble or non-profit organization, any residual funds (after outstanding dues and fees are paid) shall be donated to the Dripping Springs FFA chapter.
Student’s Name:
I have read, understand, and will abide by the Agricultural Science Center Use rules and guidelines and that failure to do so will result in the consequences listed above.
I understand that I am responsible for my own actions and the actions of those allowed to enter the facility with me.
I will maintain a positive and cooperative working attitude with the Agricultural Science teacher and other Agricultural Science Center users at all times.
Student Signature Date
Parent Signature Date
Barn Cards Issued