Biodiversity Spending in Algeria
1997 Planning
Algeria[1] indicated that all objectives and activities are costed. Grand total of the strategy 370.267.177.600 ou 371.109 DA.
2005 Reporting
Algeria[2] reported the following:
· 25 billion Algerian dinars for the forestry program
· 1.5 billion Algerian dinars per year for the steppe ecosystem
· 2.5 billion Algerian dinars for biodiversity and management of natural resources
The land and environment ministry planning provider, Through the de-pollution and environment fund, some Biodiversity Conservation Project.
Fund of Environment and Pollution
The Ministry of Agriculture has established a National Fund for Rural Development and Agriculture.
The Ministry of Physical Planning and Environment has established the Coastal Fund.
2009 Reporting
Algeria[3] reported that as part of the five-year national economic and social development for 2005-2009, the budget for the protection of biodiversity, coastal and marine environment reached a total of 35.5 billion dinars of which 17% DA 6 billion would allow funding of the preservation program of the coastline and marine environment through the coastal management plans (PACMO, PACMA, PACMAN).Indeed, the provisions of No. 02-02 of February 5, 2002, on the protection and enhancement of the coast and those of Law No. 03-10 of July 19, 2003 on the protection of the environment in the context of sustainable development, provide for instruments whose implementation results in the context of coastal development plan (CAP) with development operations, and protection of coastal areas subject to impacts related to urbanization and development of economic activities and this in conjunction with all sectors involved in this type of integrated programs, including the Ministry of Water Resources (wastewater management), the Ministry of Public Works (Management of waterfronts and cliffs), the Ministry of Tourism (bathing facilities), the Ministry of Transport (port infrastructure).
In addition, 11% of the total, or 4 billion dinars, were intended to fund the program activities to preserve biodiversity, natural areas and ecosystems (mountains, steppe, wetlands) and areas of development sustainable urban parks. The preservation and conservation of natural capital is a fundamental part of National Environmental Action Plan and Sustainable Development (PNAEDD). The priority actions were within the short to medium term as well and participated in improving the living environment through the implementation and development of urban gardens, and the preservation of endangered species and protection of areas which constitute the habitat of these species. The remarkable sites in more ways than one, such as mountain areas, wetlands, including part of the program.
Conservation programs of biodiversity are the subject of financial measures on the part of the state through national institutions. If necessary, particularly if financial measures are inadequate, some specialized international institutions are invited. This is the case of FAO and UNDP. It also happens that regional organizations (like the EU) are requested. It may be noted, followingbudget allocations allocated in the various projects and programs:
· Programme of the DGF (Forests): 4.2 billion DA (2004);
· Proposed Conservation: $ 0.6 billion DA (2004);
· Program Natural Sites: 2.5 billion DA (2004);
· Coastal Preservation Program (CAP): 6 billion DA (2005-2009);
· Proposed Preservation and conservation of natural capital: 4,000,000,000 DA;
· Programme of pollution of river wadis (Seybouse, El Harrach, Chlef): DA 6 billion;
· Proposed Conservation, development and capacity building in marine biodiversity and marine sites of ecological interest: 800 000 USD;
· Program MATET: DA 4 billion (annual average for 2005-2009);
· Funding for 73 research projects on biodiversity for an average annual value of 70 million DA;
· Draft national strategy development and sustainable resource development alfa forest of 189 121 USD, funded by FAO (2006-2008);
· Draft conservation and adaptive management of the traditional system of agriculture an estimated cost of 3.5 million USD, funded by FAO (2008-2013);
· Supporting the coordination of port management in Western and Eastern Mediterranean(MED COPE II) 197 090 USD, also funded by the FAO for 2008-2009.
On financial resources (2.11.), investigative programs are funded primarily by the state. It should, however, noted that in recent years, more active cooperation is developed by the Algerian and foreign institutions or international specialized, often through bilateral agreements, cooperation agreements or targeted assistance.
National funding (MATET FEDEP-and-MADR DGF), funds of bilateral cooperation (France /GEF) and regional organizations (CAR SPA/UNEP) and international organizations (FAO, GEF, World Bank,IFAD) contribute to the elimination of the backlog in the study and classification in reserve, development of management plans and operational activities, including activities for participation and public awareness.
[1] Algeria (1997). Stratégie algérienne et plan d’action nationale d’utilisation durable de la diversité biologique, Tome VIII, Ministère de l’Aménagement du Territoire et de l’Environnement, FEM/PNUD Project ALG/97/G31, 246 pp.
[2] Algeria (2005). Troisième Rapport National, Ministère de l’Aménagement du Territoire et de l’Environnement, 146 pp.
[3] Algeria (2009). Quatrieme Rapport National sur la Mise en Oeuvre de la Convention sur la Diversite Biologique au Niveau National, Ministere de L’amenagement du Territoire, de L’environnement et du Tourisme, Mars 2009, 121 pp.