2007-2008 Section
Describe section/SIG activities and projects during the past year. Take this opportunity to highlight innovative activities and projects. Note projects with a national scope and/or collaborative work with other sections, organizations, and institutions.
A. List the Section/SIG activities:
· Newsletter (either electronic or print): yes The Prosthodontics Section Newsletter, The Prosthodontic Connection, is electronic. (See attachment)
Dr. Nachum R. Samet was the Editor of the Prosthodontics Section’s Newsletter. Dr. Andrea D. Jackson has taken on that responsibility as of March 2008.
o Frequency: biannual
· Community of Interest: established or on-going N/A
· Project Pool Submission: no
· Project Pool Submission funded: no
· Meetings/programs:
o Regional: yes
ADEA Prosthodontics Southeast Section Meeting, January, 2008, University of Mississippi, School of Dentistry, Jacksonville, Mississippi. Representatives of the Prosthodontics faculties of Nova Southeastern University, University of Mississippi, University of Alabama, Louisiana State University, University of Louisville, and the Medical College of Georgia, participated in discussions concerning current issues and challenges facing predoctoral prosthodontic education in our dental schools.
The topics of discussion were as follows:
· Whether students should be able to purchase any notebook computer that meets the requirements of the particular school or a computer bought through school agreements.
· Discussion regarding the teaching of fixed and removable Prosthodontics, specifically complete denture Prosthodontics as it relates to the concept of “affordable dentures”.
· Graduation requirements, minimal clinical experiences, and competency examinations among the various schools.
· The discussion of learning aids in the teaching of Prosthodontics, such as, video archiving, interactive tools, PRS (Personal Response System) and other similar systems.
· A lively discussion concerning the release of course examination questions for learning purposes, as mandated by the Deans of several Dental Schools, and its relation to writing good questions with regard to subject matter that doesn’t change over the years, an example being Gross Anatomy.
· An animated discussion relating to using in house laboratories, versus the outsourcing of laboratory work and the many quality issues that arise from such outsourcing.
o National: yes
§ Collaboration with: American College of Prosthodontists
A joint meeting of the ACP Predoctoral Educators and the Graduate Educators/Mentors Program was held in Scottsdale, AZ. during the November 2007 Annual Meeting of the American College Of Prosthodontists. This year’s theme was “Mentors / Educators Workshop/Recruiting the best and the brightest for Prosthodontics”. The program focused on recruitment of prosthodontic residents. Several recommendations were presented by Dr. Kent Knoernschild: 1) increase the number of prosthodontists by increasing the size and number of prosthodontic specialty programs, 2) increase the presence of prosthodontics in the academic environment. This can be achieved by promoting the Academic Alliance Membership, for those non-prosthodontists that hold teaching positions.
Areas of improving prosthodontics education such as the Prosthodontic Diagnostic Index (PDI), web-based educational supplements, and evidence-based resources were discussed. The use and implementation of the Prosthodontic Diagnostic Index (PDI) in Dental Schools was discussed as a means of screening patient for referral into the appropriate clinical areas. Concern of the amount of misinformation that is currently available and accessible to our students was brought to light. The need to find and provide evidence-based sources of information and make it available to our students as well as teaching them to critically evaluate sources of information was highlighted.
o ADEA Annual Session
The Prosthodontics Section for the Annual Session in Dallas was entitled, “Cutting Edge Technology for Teaching Prosthodontics: State of the Art Programs and Methodology.” The 2.5 hour program consisted on ten speakers discussing eight topics:
· Web Based-Hyperlinked Methodology for Teaching Fixed Prosthodontics, Dr. Jonny L. Siler
· Using Articulate Presenter at UCSF, School of Dentistry, Dr. Mark A. Dellinges
· Multimedia RPD Course. Dr. Igor J. Pesun
· Technological Support for an Asynchronous Prosthodontics Course Model, Drs. Karen L. Faraone & Pauline Hayes Garrett
· Application of ACP CD PDI System with Computer Technology, Dr. Toni Tien Neumeier
· Evolving Curriculum for the New Generation of Learners, Drs. Mijin Choi & Lisa R. Antonoff
· The Use of Technology for Incorporating “Self Assessment” Concepts and Practice to the Education Process of Prosthodontics, Dr. Nachum Samet
· Haptics the Future?. Dr. Shlomo Lehavi
The total attendance at the section’s 2008 Annual Session educational program. was 59 people. Of this total, 37 who attended the educational program were section members.
B. What reflects the best example of your Section/SIG activities?
The mission of the Prosthodontics Section of the American Dental Education Association is to make educations efforts in the discipline of prosthodontics contemporary and evidence-based in order to provide the educational best practices for future dentists and to promote the highest standard of care for future prosthodontic patients. We attempt to do this by encouraging improved communications and cooperation among prosthodontic educational programs and developing joint activities with other prosthodontic organizations to promote prosthodontic education. At the Dallas meeting the Section Officers met with executive officers of the American College of Prosthodontists to collaborate on further developing the Prosthodontic related competencies for the general dentist by planning an ADEA Prosthodontics Section Interim Meeting during the Fall 2008 ACP Annual Session to begin discussions with Prosthodontic Faculty from around the country.
Membership and Attendance
Access the section membership list and reference the “Members’ Forum Attendance Roster” provided in the section/SIG information packet to report the following:
A. Total membership for the section as of March 2008. There are 1080 members signed to the Prosthodontics Section.
B. Total attendance at the section’s 2008 Members’ Forum. 34 members attended the business meeting
Section Structure
A. List current contact information for the Section/SIG officer.
COUNCILOR 1st Term Beginning Term Date March 2006
Dr. Lisa A. Lang
University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
Department of Prosthodontics
7703 Floyd Curl Drive, Mail Code 7912
San Antonio, TX 78229-3900
Phone: 210-567-6450
Fax: 210-567-6376
Dr. Sharon Siegel
Nova Southeastern University
Department of Prosthodontics
3200 University Drive
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33328-2018
Phone: 954-262-7379
Fax: 954-262-1782
Dr. Nachum R. Samet
Harvard School of Dental Medicine
188 Longwood Avenue
Restorative Dentistry and Biomaterials Sciences
Boston, MA 02115
Phone: 617-432-1790
Fax: 617-432-0901
Dr. Andrea D. Jackson
Chair, Dept. of Restorative Dentistry
Howard University College of Dentistry
600 W Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20059
Phone: 202-806-0389
Fax: 202-806-0354
OTHER - Immediate Past Chair
Dr. Luis Blanco
Oklahoma University HSC College of Dentistry
1201 N. Stonewall Ave., P.O. Box 26901, DCSB 544D
Oklahoma City, OK 73117
Phone: 405-271-5346
Fax: 405-271-3006
B. Describe section structure—other than the four officers—if one exists. Provide information about regional, national, and international networks. If deemed appropriate: list additional contact information for reference.
There are regional prosthodontics sections that may meet either annually or biannually. They typically rotate their meeting sites through the dental schools in the regions. The Northeast, Southeast and the Midwest are the strongest sections. This year only the Southeast section had a meeting, which was held in Mississippi.
Financial Status
Each year prior to the Annual Session, ADEA compiles a list of all corporations, organizations, and foundations that support ADEA activities and programs for publication in the House of Delegates Manual. This compilation is the basis for honoring these sponsors at the Annual Session. This information related to section activities is gathered from your section annual report. If the section receives no external financial support, note “N/A.” Include the following information:
The section is in good financial standing. Balance as of 12-31-2007 is $14,335.54.
Dr. Ronald Rupp of Glaxo-Smith-Kline has provided financial support in the past and co-sponsored the 2008 Dallas Prosthodontics Section program.
Mr. Jim Robinson of Whip Mix provided financial support for the refreshments during the 2008 Dallas Prosthodontics Section Program.
Meeting Minutes
ADEA Section on Prosthodontics Business Meeting
March 31, 2008 (4:00-5:00 p.m.)
Dr. Luis Blanco, the Chair of the Prosthodontic called the meeting to order at 4:15 shortly after the end of the Prosthodontic Section Program. All attending members were asked to sign the attendance roster for the Business Meeting.
Dr. Blanco praised the Prosthodontic Section program entitled: Cutting Edge Technology for Teaching Prosthodontics: State of the Art Programs and Methodology for Implementation, and thanked Dr. Siegel for organizing the program and the presenters for their contributions.
The officers were presented:
Councilor: Dr. Lisa Lang (2nd year of 3- year term)
Chair: Dr. Luis Blanco
Chair-Elect Dr. Sharon Siegel
Secretary: Dr. Nachum Samet
Acknowledgement of Glaxo-Smith Kline contribution to the Prosthodontic Section. Whip Mix Corporation was acknowledged for sponsoring the refreshments during the 2008 Dallas Prosthodontic section meeting.
Councilor’s Report:
Dr. Lang acknowledged Mr. Jim Robinson and Whip Mix and Dr. Rupp from Glaxo-Smith-Kline for their continued support of the ADEA Prosthodontics Section. Glaxo-Smith-Kline has continued its partnership with the Prosthodontics Section through sponsorship of section programs and contributions to the Gies foundation on the Prosthodontics Section’s behalf.
Dr. Lang gave a report on the financial status of the sections. She reported the section’s robust health of $14,335.54.
Dr. Lang reported on House Resolution 8H-S-2008: ADEA Competencies for the New General Dentist. This resolution was sponsored by the Council of Sections and was the culmination of over 3 year’s work to develop a document to define the foundational knowledge concepts that are necessary for the entry in to the profession of general dentistry. Once this resolution is passed the sections will be asked to develop more specific guidelines for the competency statements related to their areas of expertise.
Dr. Lang indicated that the timing of this resolutions and subsequent activities was perfectly aligned with some of the activities that were being developed by the American College of Prosthodontics. She indicted that there was a plan underway to organize a Joint ADEA-ACP Predoctoral Meeting during the October ACP Annual Session that was related to defining prosthodontic competency. Dr. Lang then introduced Dr. Pfeiffer, ACP President to give a quick overview of their future plans.
Dr. David Pfeiffer, presented ACP’s concerns related to the future of Prosthodontic education at the DDS/DMD level. Following a preliminary meeting that the heads of ACP and our four officers had, it was suggested that a mutual effort will be put into the organization and plans of a pre-doctoral educator’s development program that will take place prior to the upcoming ACP meeting. It was also suggested that the program will be open to anyone who wants to participate. However it will be suggested that each school send two key faculty, who teach Prosthodontics at the predoctoral level as their representatives. The mutual interest and mutual goals make it important that we all work together. The ACP will sponsor the two faculty from each school through the ACEF, but the schools are welcome to send/sponsor additional faculty.
Dr. Charles Goodacre presented his new initiative named the “Prosthopedia” – an open source bank of photographs, presentations and other educational materials that he is involved in creating. Dr. Goodacre presented his vision of a source bank that will enable every school and every faculty to present their educational materials for the use by others, and was extremely generous to offer all his presentations and teaching materials for free downloads as soon as the website is available.
Dr. Lang announced in an effort to reach out to faculty teaching prosthodontics who were not prosthodontists and students that may have an interest in prosthodontics as a Specialty that two membership programs for non-prosthodontists currently available through the ACP.
Academic Alliance: Individuals holding an academic teaching appointment within an ADA accredited prosthodontic program or an undergraduate teaching position in the discipline of prosthodontics who are educationally qualified, will be considered for the Academic Alliance. These individuals must spend a minimum of 50 percent of the time teaching as defined by the institution.
Predoctoral Alliance: Predoctoral students who are enrolled in an ADA accredited dental program who are interested in the field of prosthodontics will be considered for the category of Predoctoral Alliance. Predoctoral students also must be a current member of the American Student Dental Association.
Applications for both forms of membership may be downloaded at
Nominations and Election for Secretary:
Dr. Sharon Siegel read the duties of the secretary. She called for nominees, and Dr. Andrea Jackson, Chair of the Department of Restorative Services at Howard University College of Dentistry was presented as the nominee for the position of secretary of the Prosthodontic Section. A formal vote of hands approved her nomination.
New Business:
The theme for the program is “Imagine.” It is expected that the program should focus around this theme. The officers have discussed collaborating with the Section on Periodontics. The topic for the SIG Section program that will focus on the comprehensive, patient centered education of Prosthodontics and Periodontics will be discussed with the section officers from Periodontics. Any Prosthodontic section members interested in presenting and/or participating are greatly welcome.
One of the pressing issues being considered for the SIG Program is the competition between the introduction of implants in some of the DDS/DMD programs and the current acceptance that each DDS/DMD candidate should graduate with an exposure to a FPD prosthesis fabrication. This has created, practical and ethical issues for decision making related to the best treatment plan for the specific patient. These topics can fill a half-day program, which can encompass a SIG Program presentation related to the different aspects of these questions. The Section on Periodontics will also be approached for their ideas for a combined program.
Any other ideas, topics or suggestions for the next Prosthodontic section program are more than welcome. Please e-mail your suggestions to or to .
Dr. Luis Blanco was thanked for his dedicated contributions and service to the Prosthodontic Section for the past three years.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:00 p.m.
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