Standard #4: Collaborating with Families and Stakeholders
TITLE & FOCUSTitle: Standard #4: Collaborating with Families and Stakeholders
Descriptions: This workshop explores communication strategies used to connect families and home to improve educational outcomes in school. Participants will focus on planning and implementing specific communication strategies, alignment of school services with identified community interests, and strategies for using community data to improve educational programs. The application focus is that the principal will apply effective collaboration strategies with community members and mobilizing community resources to support students.
- PD hrs: If you are interested in facilitating this workshop for “Professional Development Hours” through ASU, please contact us at or details (including an Attendance Roster Form and a Participant Feedback Form)
- FEEDBACK: We would appreciate feedback regarding the quality of this PD Facilitator Kit and/or suggestions for improvement (including participant feedback and/or recommended changes to the Facilitator PowerPoint and/or Facilitator Guide). Please email feedback, comments, or suggestions for improvements to (be sure to include the exact name of the workshop).
NOTE: It is recommended that the objectives, guiding questions, and key vocabulary be posted during the workshop.
1st Segment
Targeted Objectives (What is to be learned? How will it be demonstrated? Using Observable verbs & Learning outcomes with Evidence):
- Principal will identify, plan and implement communication strategies between school, families and community, as evidenced by the completed engagement plan.
- What is the difference between family involvement and family engagement as it relates to school/family partnerships?
- Involvement, Engagement, & Communication
- # 4.An education leader promotes the success of every student by collaborating with faculty and community members, responding to diverse community interests and needs, and mobilizing community resources.
- 4a.Collaboration with Families and Community Members
- Key Process: Planning
- Core Component – Connections to External Community
Targeted Objectives (What is to be learned? How will it be demonstrated? Using Observable verbs & Learning outcomes with Evidence):
- Principal will implement strategies to engage parents in the school community while uncovering values and interests.
- How do schools identify community needs, values and interests?
- Involvement, Engagement, & Communication
- #4. An education leader promotes the success of every student by collaborating with faculty and community members, responding to diverse community interests and needs, and mobilizing community resources.
- 4b.Community Interests and Needs
- Key Process: Implementing
- Core Component – Connections to External Community
Targeted Objectives (What is to be learned? How will it be demonstrated? Using Observable verbs & Learning outcomes with Evidence):
- Principal will monitor and support the use of gathered community data to improve educational programs and services, as evidenced by meeting notes and regular committee reports.
- How does the principal utilize gathered data to improve the educational programs and services in his/her school?
- Involvement, Engagement, & Communication
- #4.An education leader promotes the success of every student by collaborating with faculty and community members, responding to diverse community interests and needs, and mobilizing community resources.
- 4c.Building on Community Resources
- Key Process: Monitoring & Supporting
- Core Component – Connections to External Community
Agenda and Segment Titles / Slide Numbers / Time in Minutes / Notes
Introduction and/or Overview of Workshop / 1-8 / 20
1st Communication Strategies with Families and Communities / 9-13 / 50
2nd The Alignment of Education Services with Community Interests / 14-17 / 50
3rd Building on Community Resources to Improve Educational Service, Teaching and Learning / 18-22 / 50
Conclusion & Developing an Application Focus (or other) / 23-24 / 10
TOTAL TIME: / 180 (3.0 hrs)
Materials, Handouts, Readings, Videos, and other items needed
General Materials (items used throughout whole workshop, and office supply items needed)
- Facilitator Guide for Standard #4: Collaborating with Families and Stakeholders
- Facilitator PowerPoint for Standard #4: Collaborating with Families and Stakeholders
- Agenda (facilitator makes this on chart paper)
- Chart Paper and Markers
Handout (list exact title and name of electronic file; add APA format in the Resources section)
- Communication Strategies – Venn Diagram
- Ferrlazo (2011). Involvement or Engagement?
Other technologies or resources that are used - none
2nd Segment
Handout (list exact title and name of electronic file; add APA format in the Resources section)
- Tellin’ Stories Questions.
- None.
- Tellin’ Stories. 12:00 min.
3rd Segment
Handout (list exact title and name of electronic file; add APA format in the Resources section)
- Welcome to the Great Conversation
- Vollmer (2011). Welcome to the Great Conversation.
Other technologies or resources that are used - none
- Ferlazzo, L. (2011). Involvement or Engagement? Educational Leadership, 68(8), 10-14.
- Vollmer, J. (2011). Welcome to the Great Conversation. Educational Leadership, 68(8), 69-73.
- NEAABS (Producer) (2008, MAY 6). “Tellin’ stories”project aims at closing the gaps [Video]. Retrieved from
- Henke, L. (2011). Connecting with Parents at Home. Educational Leadership, 68(8), 38-41.
- See Needs Assessment Surveys for Title 1 Schools on the ADE website
- KBAD (Know and Being Able to Do) for this workshop
- Instructional Leadership: Core Components & Key Processes (if workshop is connected to VAL-ED)
- ISLLC Standards Rubric (if workshop is connected to ISLLC Standards)
Content Experts: Susan Simon, Carol Copp
Presentation Notes
Management Considerations, Background Information, Notes, etc
Management Considerations:
- Directions / Notes relevant to each individual PowerPoint slide are listed in the PowerPoints notes section
- Ask the superintendent in advance to prepare a welcome and remarks regarding WHY this workshop is important for participants.
- Check with the superintendent in advance to see if s/he prefers to use established district administrative team norms.
- Typically, each segment of the workshop begins with a slide entitled “Segment Guiding Questions”
- Closure for each segment and/or the end of the workshop should be adjusted/adapted to the facilitators style
- Communication strategies include: telling personal stories, building community, story quilting, parents connecting to parents, engaging families in school, parent workshops.
- Prerequisites of communication progress include: community, understanding, trust, permission, support
Follow-up Strategies
Overall Suggestions:
- Useleft-hand column of the Application Focus to engage the principal about his/her implementation of those concepts. You might you pose the following questions to help ensure the principal has a clear picture of the desired end result. What is meant by (the listed item in the Application Focus)? What would it look like when that is implemented effectively in your school?What would it sound like, in terms of teacher talk?
- Use the article/reading ( … )to engage the principal in deeper learning or clarifications. Discuss how to apply the concepts in his/her school, and/or how the ideas inform the Application Focus.
- Use the book ( … ) as a book study. You may want to select chapter ( … ) for follow-up dialogue with the principal.
Individual Reflection Questions for Coaching(reflecting on workshop concepts, understandings, options, or application)
- Do you think the distinction between involvement and engagement is important to successful community relationships? Explain.
- How do you shift from a focus on community involvement to a focus on community engagement?
- How would you implement engagement activities at your school?
- Is there an authentic difference between involvement and engagement?
- What does this look like in your school?
Individual Reflection Questions for Coaching(reflecting on workshop concepts, understandings, options, or application)
- Why is it important to align educational services with community interests?
- How can assumptions about interests and needs mislead you?
- What steps can you take to begin planning a community forum and who would you involve?
- Does anyone have experience in planning a community forum? Describe.
Individual Reflection Questions for Coaching(reflecting on workshop concepts, understandings, options, or application)
- What are the most important resources in your community?
- How do you monitor and support the community-building activities of specific groups in your school? (e.g. site council, PTA)
- How are you beginning some great conversations in your community? Share.
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