CP Algebra 1B

Mr. Storozuk


  • Be respectful
  • Be prompt and ready to participate
  • Ask questions
  • Enter the room ready to work
  • Come prepared
  • Covered textbook
  • Math notebook - since it is your most important study tool, you are expected to keep a complete and organized math notebook. Your notebook should have sections for the following:
  • Handouts – assignment sheet, worksheets, etc.
  • Notes – include the date, the section and topic, and include examples, vocabulary, etc.
  • Warm-ups – these will provide additional review each day.
  • Homework – include the date, the section, and the page number of the assignment.
  • Pencils and Pens
  • Calculator – a TI graphing calculator is recommended. Bring your calculator every day!!

* You are expected to adhere to all school policies. These include(but are not limited to) NOT bringing your book bag, cell phone, iPods (any electronics other than your calculator), food, or drink to class. Office referrals will be issued as necessary.


  • Must be completed each night it is given and counts 10% of the quarter grade
  • Is a chance for you to practice and learn the skills and concepts
  • Provides you with the chance to discover what you know and what you need to work
  • Should be kept in your notebook to support your preparation for any type of assessment
  • Credit is given for COMPLETED homework which is done ON TIME


Grading: A point system is used for grading all work. Points for different assignments will vary according to the length and level of difficulty. Students will have the opportunity to earn points in a variety of ways.tests, quizzes, class work, homework assignments, and group activities. A student’s grade is calculated by totaling the points earned for the quarter, and dividing by the total possible points.

Tests and Quizzes: Tests and quizzes will be announced in advance. Tests and quizzes may cover any material from class, the homework, or the text. The tests are challenging – you will need to preparefor them! All assessments are kept in a student file. They are available for review upon request, but may not be removed from the classroom.

PowerSchoolwill be updated on a regular basis. I encourage you and your parents

to check it frequently! That way you will always know how you are doing and where you

can improve. It’s important to note that the homework grade is just a completion grade,

and does not indicate mastery.

Exams: Students will take a midterm and a final exam. The two grades are combined to make the exam grade, which is 20% of the overall course average. Each quarter counts for 40% of the overall course average. The exam grades do not affect either quarter grade, only the overall course average.

Academic Integrity: TollandHigh School is committed to academic integrity. Academic dishonesty is a serious offense and carries serious consequences. Academic dishonesty, including but not limited to plagiarism, cheating, and presenting someone else’s work as one’s own, will result in a grade of zero for the assignment and a referral to building administration.

Absences: If you are absent you are responsible for all missed notes, material, and assignments. Prompt completion of makeup work is critical. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain the missed assignments and turn them in on time, as well as, scheduling a time to make up any missed tests or quizzes. Students are responsible for obtaining assignments in advance when they know that they will be absent (e.g. field trips).

Getting Help: Extra help is available after school. You must schedule a time to meet prior to the after school session. It is expected that the student has participated in class and has attempted the homework problems, and comes to the extra-help session with specific questions. Please, don’t hesitate to ask questions in class, and don’t wait until the last minute for help! There is also an online website, Page xxiii of the text lists codes for lesson quizzes, online tutors, etc.

Contacting Mr. Storozuk: The easiest way to contact me is via e-mail. I can be reached at …
