Community Unity Alliance
A not-for-profit Corporation
Directory of Black
Scholarships and Awards
Updated March 2011
The Scholarship and Bursary Guide was originally compiled by the Association for the Advancement of Blacks in Health Sciences and by the Association of Black Employees of Hydro. We acknowledge their forward thinking in providing a compact guide to assist the communities’ students in accessing financial support for the continuation of their schooling. The guide provided a listing of awards given for exceptional achievement.
Recognizing and encouraging our youths’ abilities and supporting their needs are one of the responsibilities of all communities. It is for this reason that Community Unity Alliance is continuing this tradition by providing the 2008 edition of this guide. It is the hope of the CUA that this will provide a base for the educational advancement of many students in our communities.
The Community Unity Alliance (CUA) is a not-for-profit organization designed to assist community based groups in becoming independent.
By providing supervision, training and administrative support, CUA helps create autonomous community oriented resource groups for our emerging multi-ethnic population. The formation of community based groups assists in the preservation and enhancement of ethnic identities within the Canadian Mosaic. As ethnic populations become more firmly established, community groups acquire more support from their community members and gradually become self-sufficient.
CUA partners to provide resources, experience, skills and training to assist in this path to independence.
Richard Gosling
Through the generous contributions of our scholarship donors the Community Unity Alliance presents this extensive Scholarship and Bursary for students who are achieving and require support for their continuing education.
**Please be advised the information contained in this publication is subject to change.
Table of contentsPage #
Canadian Scholarships & Awards
Al Mercury Scholarship------7
Alfie Pierce Scholarship------7
Atlantic School of Theology Bursaries------7
The Canadian Lyford Cay Foundation Scholarship------8
CBTU Ann Newman Scholarship Fund------8
Community College Award------9
Delos Rogest Davis K.C. Memorial Scholarship------9
Dr. Anderson Abbott Award------10
Dr. Daniel G. Hill Scholarship------10
Dr. John Douglas Graham Salmon Award------11
Dr. Winsome Smith Scholarship------11
Eva Smith Bursary------11
George A. Strait Minority Stipend------12
Harry Jerome Scholarships------12
Herbet H. Carnegie Future Aces Foundation Scholarship------13
Hydro One William Peyton Hubbard Memorial Award------14
Issac Akande Scholarship------15
James Robinson Scholarship------15
James Robinson Johnson Graduate Schools for African-Canadians------15
Jean Augustine Scholarship------16
John Brooks Community Foundation Awards------17
Lincoln M. Alexander Awards------17
Leon Bynoe Scholarship – Seneca ------18
Malton Black Development Association Scholarship------19
Marsha and Tamara Ottey Memorial Scholarship------19
Michael Kelly Memorial Award------20
Michael McKenzie Scholarship------20
Morton Simmonds Scholarship------21
Performing Arts Award------22
Post-Secondary Award------22
Robert Sutherland Memorial Bursary------23
Roy and Ria McMurtry Endowment Fund------23
Royal Roads University Entrance Awards------23
Rev. Walter J. Creighton M.A. Memorial Divinity Scholarship------24
SABE Scholarship (Seneca) ------24
Shernett Martin Scholarship Fund------25
Science Profession Scholarship------26
Second Chance Scholarship------27
The Dream Maker Realty/Olowolafe Family Award------27
United Achievers’ Club------28
32 Division Community Police Liaison Committee------29
University Entrance Scholarship------30
Corporate Scholarships and Awards
The Tylenol Scholarship Contest------32
Datatel Scholarship Foundation------32
Saturn Commitment to Excellence Awards------32
Athletic Scholarships and Awards
Agnes Jacks Scholarship - Ringette Canada------33
Bobby Bauer Memorial Award------33
Mary Ellen Driscoll Scholarship------33
The John Patrick Sears Golf Scholarships Program------34
American Scholarships and Awards
American Dental Hygenists’ Association Scholarship------35
American Library Association Spectrum Initiative Scholarship------35
Culturally Diverse Undergraduate Fellowship------35
Radio Television News Directors Association Scholarships------36
Ethnic Minority Fellowship Program------36
General Hospital #2 Nurses Alumnae Scholarship Fund------37
LITA/LSSI and LITA/OCLC Minority Scholarships------37
M. Elizabeth Carnegie and Estelle Massey Osborne Scholarship------37
National Association of Black Journalists Scholarship------38
National Black Nurses Association Scholarship------38
National Collegiate Athletic Association for Ethnic Minorities------38
The National Scholarship Trust Fund of Graphic Arts (Formerly) New Print Graphics Scholarship
Smithsonian Institution Minority Internship------39
Scholarships Based on Fields of Study
Environment Studies
Canadian Recreational Canoeing Association- Bill Mason Scholarship------41
Charolais Youth Scholarship------41
Orville Erickson Memorial Scholarship Fund------41
Computer Science and Information Technology
Canadian Information Processing Society National Scholarships------43
Geography Studies
Canadian Hydrographic Association (for Geography / GIS students) ------44
Sisam Forestry Award - Council of the Faculty of Forestry, U of T------44
Steve Bonk Scholarship for Urban Planning / Geography students------44
Economics and Business
Export Development Canada (EDC) International Studies Scholarships------46
George A. Neilson Public Investor Scholarship------46
Minorities in Government Finance Scholarship------46
Frank L. Greathouse Government Accounting Scholarship------47
The Al Hamilton Scholarship------48
The Alumni Media Scholarship------48
ATV Media Scholarship------48
The Canadian Association of Black Journalists Journalism Scholarships------49
Arts and Culture
George Tanaka Memorial Scholarship Program------50
Students Studying Official Languages (English & French)
Queen Elizabeth II Silver Jubilee Endowment Fund for Study in a Second Language Official Language Award Program------51
Summer Language Bursary Program------51
Northern Studies
Caribou Research Award------52
Cooperative Award (Canadian Northern Studies Trust) ------52
The American Library Association Spectrum Scholarship------53
Caribbean Cultural Committee Scholarship Fund------54
Canadian Scholarships and Awards
Al Mercury Scholarship
The Al Mercury Scholarship is awarded to a University of Toronto student who demonstrates community involvement, academic excellence and integrity as well as appreciation and involvement in music while showing a demonstrated commitment to positive community and human relations.
Value: $700.00 to be applied to tuition fees
Contact Information:
Admissions and Awards
315 Bloor St. West.
University of Toronto
M5S 1A3
(416) 978-8638 or 1-800-463-6048
application is on the web at
Alfie Pierce Entrance Scholarship
Awarded to student entering any undergraduate program
The Alfie Pierce Scholarship is awarded to a Queens University Student for academic standing and involvement in and/or contribution to the African / Caribbean communities in Canada. Apply by letter, along with a resume and supporting letter of reference (from executive members of Afro-Caribe, or equivalent association) detailing volunteer experience
Value: $815.00
Contact Information:
Office of the University Registrar
Student Awards Office
Gordon Hall
74 Union Street
Kingston, ON K7L 3N6
(613) 533-2216
Deadline March 1, 2009
Atlantic School of Theology Bursaries
Bursaries are available to support students’ attendance at the Atlantic School of Theology. The G. Russell Hatton Bursary is awarded to a student of the school who requires financial assistance. Students who have been victims of injustice, students who have declared an intention to concentrate their studies in the area of the church in society, or students who have felt called to exercise ministry among the socially disadvantaged will be given preferential consideration. Applications for all bursaries can be obtained from the School.
Value: Varies
Contact Information:
Atlantic School of Theology
660 Francklyn Street
Halifax, Nova Scotia B3H 3B5
Phone: (902) 423-6939 Fax: (902) 492-4048
The Canadian Lyford Cay Foundation Scholarship
This is awarded to a Bahamaian student who is enrolled in a Canadian college or university and is studying business, arts, education, sciences, engineering, agricultural or tourism.
Value: $7,500
Contact Information:
The Lyford Cay Foundation
The Chairman, Screening Committee
P.O. Box N-7776
Nassau, Bahamas
Deadline March 31
CBTU Ann Newman Scholarship Fund
This fund is awarded by the Coalition of Black Trade Unionists to a youth in the Black community who has graduated from an Ontario high school and is registered to attend a post-secondary institution. Criteria includes: a 500-word essay submission, involvement in community activities, paid or volunteer work experience, secondary-school marks, academic achievement, and financial need. Although there is one scholarship awarded, the money will be divided if two applicants are equally qualified. All submissions should be mailed or hand-delivered. Please see website for further details on how to fill out the application and mail it.
Value: $1,500
Contact Information:
CBTU, Ontario Chapter
15 Gervais Drive, Suite 202,
North York, Ontario, M3C 1Y8
Deadline October 1
Community College Award
This award is administered by Nova Scotia Department of Education’s African Canadian Services to a student enrolled full-time in a recognized community college, trade school, or private career college. Students whose programs are two years must apply for the funding in the second year by submitting an application, and this funding will be awarded based on satisfactory academic standing. To receive one of the African Canadian Services awards, you must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident whose parents are of African descent (Black) and residents of Nova Scotia. Priority for these awards will be given to students who have attended public school in Nova Scotia for three years or longer.
University Entrance Scholarship: $4500
Post-Secondary Award: $2500
Community College/ Trade School: $1800
Performing Arts Award: $1000
Contact Information:
African Canadian Services Division: Trade Mart Building
2021 Brunswick Street
P.O. Box 578
Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 2S9
Phone: 902 424-5168 Fax: 424-0511
Web: The application for this scholarship is available online at:
DeLos Rogest Davis K.C Memorial Award
Awarded to a 3rd year University of Windsor Law student who demonstrates community involvement and contribution, and maintains a C+ average or better.
Value: $500.00 to be applied to tuition fees.
Contact Information:
University of Windsor
Awards Administrator
Director of Student Awards
401 Sunset Avenue
Windsor Ontartio N8W 3H7
Deadline Sept 30
Dr. Anderson Abbott Award
In memory of Dr. Anderson Abbott, the first black graduate of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Toronto. Awarded to a black student in any program of study (preference may be given to students in medical or health sciences programs) on the basis of academic achievement, financial need, and contribution to the black community.
Value: $4000.00
Updated info and applications are available two to three months in advance of the specific application deadline of the award
Contact Information:
Dr. Anderson Abbott Award
Admissions and Awards
University of Toronto
315 Bloor Street West
Toronto Ontario M5S 1A3
Deadline March 28th
Dr. Daniel G. Hill Scholarship
Offered by University of Toronto, Faculty of Social work to a registered black student in the Masters of Social Work program.
Value: One award offered @ $1000.00
Contact Information:
Faculty of Social Work
Student Services and Records Office
246 Bloor Street West
Toronto ON M5S 1A1
The Dr. John Douglas Graham Salmon Award
This award was established by Mrs Beverley Salmon and children Douglas, Warren, Heather and Leslie Salmon as a tribute to the memory of husband and father Dr. John Douglas Graham Salmon.
Criteria For Award
The Dr. John Douglas Salmon Award is available to a Black medical student attending the University of Toronto who has demonstrated financial need.
Awarded annually.
Value TDB
Contact Informaion:
The Dr. John Douglas Graham Salmon Award Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, Medical Sciences Building, Room 2306; Toronto, ON. M5S 1A8.
Telephone: 416-978-0811
Dr. Winsome Smith Scholarship
In honour of Dr. Winsome Smith, a dentist. The scholarship is awarded to a Canadian citizen or landed immigrant aged 17 to 23, admitted to a college or university to pursue an academic or professional program leading to an undergraduate degree, diploma, or certificate. Consideration is given to academic achievement, financial need, and contribution to the Black community.
Value: $1000.00
Contact Information:
Dr. Winsome Smith Scholarship
C/O Black Business and Professional Association
675 King Street West, Suite 203
Toronto, ON M5V 1M9
Deadline July 30
Eva Smith Bursary
In memory of Eva Smith, a community worker. The bursary is given to a Canadian citizen or landed immigrant accepted to or enrolled in a post-secondary institution. Consideration will be given to financial need.
Value: $500.00
Contact Information:
Eva Smith Achievement Association
157 Adelaide Street West
P.O Box 168
Toronto, ON M5H 4E7
Website and applications:
George A. Strait Minority Stipend
This is awarded to a member of a minority group who is a college graduate with meaningful library experience and financial need. A preference is given to applicants with an emphasis on courses in law librarianship.
Value: $3,500
Contact Information:
The American Association of Law Libraries
53 West Jackson, Suite 940
Chicago, IL 60604
The Harry R. Gairey Sr. Scholarship Fund
This scholarship is awarded to mark the 90th birthday of Harry R. Gairey Sr., a patriarch in the Black Community. It aims to encourage students to pursue higher education and serve others. To be eligible, one must be an Ontario secondary-school student who has achieved a diploma, has an overall standing of at least 80%, has been accepted to a recognized program of higher education at a post-secondary institution in Canada, and has demonstrated a commitment to service in the Black community and the school community. To apply, send an official transcript, letters of recommendation, letter of acceptance from a university and a personal statement with the topic ‘why I should be awarded the scholarship’.
Value: $1000.00 to be applied to tuition fees
Contact Information:
Madge Logan, Chair
6 Ranger Court
Markham, ON L3P 6B3
Phone: (416) 325-1361
Harry Jerome Scholarships
Offered by The Black Business and Professional Association in memory of Harry Jerome a Canadian athlete. Five scholarships valued at $2000.00 and one scholarship valued at $1500.00 provided by the Korean-Canadian Scholarship Foundation. Open to Canadian citizens and permanent residents aged 17 to 25, who are a student of, or a candidate for admission into a college or university with intent to pursue an academic or professional program leading to an undergraduate degree, diploma or certificate. Consideration is given to high academic achievement, contribution to the Black community, and financial need.
Value: $1500.00 - $2000.00
Contact Information:
Harry Jerome Scholarships / Awards
Black Business and Professional Association
675 King Street West, Suite 210
Toronto, ON M5V 1M9
Phone: (416) 504-4097
Herbert H. Carnegie Future Aces Foundation Scholarship
Established by the Future Aces Foundation, the scholarship is awarded to a student aged 17 to 24 who exhibits exemplary citizenship qualities, provides evidence of potential for success in a recognized post-secondary institution, and is in need of financial resources.
Value: 25 awarded @ $1000.00
Contact Information:
Herbert H. Carnegie Future Aces Foundation
7170 Warden Ave. Unit 1
Markham, ON L3R 8B4
Isaac Akande Scholarship
The Isaac Akande Scholarships will be awarded annually to the BBA, iBBA, MBA or IMBA student who is enrolled in first year and has been involved in extracurricular activities within the Black or wider community. The recipient will have demonstrated academic excellence and financial need.
Value: $2000.00
Contact Information:
The Isaac Akande Scholarship Trust Fund
Schulich School of Business
York University
Toronto, Canada
(416) 736-5614
James Robinson Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded to members of the Black community who are registered in an undergraduate or graduate degree program.
Value: $1,000
Contact Information:
Montreal Association of Black Business Persons and Professionals Scholarships
2425 Grand Boulevard, Suite 3
Montreal, Quebec H4B 2X2
James Robinson Johnston Graduate Scholarship for African-Canadians
James R. Johnston was the first member of the Nova Scotian African-Canadian community to graduate from the Law program at Dalhousie University in 1898. This scholarship is awarded to African-Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada who are enrolled in or accepted to a Masters or Doctoral program at Dalhousie University. It is given for one twelve-month academic year and is renewable.
Value: Master’s - $15,000
Doctoral - $19, 000
Contact information:
Dalhousie University
Faculty of Graduate Studies Room #314
Henry Hicks Academic Administration Building
6299 South Street
Halifax, NS B3H 4H6
Hon. Jean Augustine Scholarship
The Honourable Jean Augustine was born in Grenada. She immigrated to Canada in 1960. Before entering politicsshe was an ElementarySchool Principal withthe Toronto District Catholic School Board. She hasserved on numerous Boards, including the Board of Governors of York University, the Board of Trustees forthe Hospital forSick Children, the Board of Directors of the Donwood Institute, the Board of Harbourfront Corporation, and as Chair of Metro Toronto Housing Authority. She was also National President of the Congress of Black Women of Canada.
In 1993, Ms. Augustine became the first African-Canadian woman elected to the Parliament of Canada. She was the Parliamentary Secretary to the Prime Minister of Canada, Chair of the National Liberal Women’s Caucus for three years, Chair of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Secretary of State (Multiculturalism) (Status of Women), Minister of State (Multiculturalism and Status of Women) and Assistant Deputy Speaker of Parliament.
Ms. Augustine wasthe Founding Chair of the Canadian Association of Parliamentarians on Population and Development, Chair of the MicrocreditSummit Council of Canadian Parliamentarians, Chair of the Canada-Slovenia Parliamentary Group, founding Chair of the Canada-Africa ParliamentaryAssociation, and Canada-Caribbean ParliamentaryFriendship Group. She isthe recipient of many awards including the YWCA Women of Distinction Award, the Kaye Livingstone Award, the Ontario Volunteer Award, the African Canadian Achievement Award, the Rubena WillisSpecial Recognition Award, the J. C. Holland Award for CommunityService, the Toronto Lions’ Club Onyx Award, the Martin LutherKing Jr. Lifetime Achievement Award, the 100 MostPowerful Women in Canada 2009, the Black Business and Professional Association (BBPA) Trailblazer Award, the University of the West IndiesLuminary Award. In 2009, she was inducted as a Member of the Order of Canada.
Hon. Jean Augustine holds a B.A and M.Ed. and received Doctor of Laws from University of Toronto, University of Guelph and McGill University. She is the mother of two daughters and grandmother to two grandsons.
To honourher achievements, and leadership in Housing and Women’s issuesthe MTHA staff, the friends and family of Jean Augustine have established annual scholarships in her name at Centennial College and George Brown College facilitated by Community Unity Alliance.