Chemistry I and AP Lab Report Rubric Name______
Far Below Expectations –1 point / Below Expectations – 2 points / Meet or Exceeds Expectations – 3 pointsNeatness and Organization / The lab report fails to meet two or more of the expectations for neatness and organization / The lab report fails to meet one of the expectations for neatness and organization /
- The lab is legibly written in blue or black pen.
- The lab sections are in correct order.
- Mistakes are “lined through” rather than covered with white-out or scribbled out.
- No more than three spelling/grammatical errors.
- Only the Front of each page is written on
Title and Date / The lab report fails to meet one of the two expectations for Title and Date. /
- Title is present and is descriptive of the lab
- Date is recorded and accurate
Purpose/Hypothesis / Purpose/hypothesis is missing, or is only loosely related to the lab being preformed. / The purpose addresses the procedural aspects of the lab, but does not accurately summarize the theoretical foundation of the experiment. The hypothesis does not show research or variables not included. / Purpose accurately describes the theory that is intended to be reinforced by performing the lab. Hypothesis shows research, includes both the independent and dependent variables.
Materials / Missing 3 or more pieces of equipment/chemicals / Missing 1 or 2 pieces of equipment/chemicals / All needed materials are listed
(if you created it) / Few steps listed / Important steps are listed clearly / All steps listed clearly
Data / Observations / Fails to meet both expectations 1 and 2 of the Data section. / The lab report fails to meet either expectation 1 or 2 of the Data section. /
- Data is neatly organized in data tables and is easy to interpret
- All data is correct with regard to significant figures and labels.
Calculations / Missing most of the calculations and/or many errors / Missing one or more calculations or there is an error in the calculations / The formula of the calculation is shown and each calculation is shown and correct
Graph / See Graph Rubric / See Graph Rubric / See Graph Rubric
Results Table / Results table is not present / Results table is present but not labeled correctly / Results table is present and correctly labeled
Conclusions1 / Conclusion is present but student did not summarize findings or summary is in conflict with the student’s experimental results. / Conclusion is present but student did not clearly summarize experimental findings. / The conclusion concisely describes what can be concluded form the experimental results. Summarize your finding clearly and concisely.
Conclusion 2 / Hypothesis/Purpose is rejected or accepted, but not restated or data supported / Hypothesis/Purpose is rejected or accepted, but either it is not supported with data or restated. / Hypothesis/Purpose is rejected or accepted, and is restated and supported with data.
Conclusion 3 / Only 1 change is restated / 2 changes are clearly stated / 3 or more recommended changes clearly stated
Discussion Questions
(If Any) / Post – Lab questions contain more than 3 errors, or some answers have been omitted. / Post – Lab questions contain 1 to 2 errors. / Post – lab questions contain no errors.
Part of Graph / 3 / 2 / 1 / 0Title / Title clearly relates to the problem being graphed, includes dependent and independent variables / Title clearly relates to the problem being graphed, includes either the dependent and independent variables / A title is present at the top of the graph / No title is present
Labeling of Y axis / The Y axis has clear, neat label that describes the units and the dependent variable / The Y axis has a label that describes the units and the dependent variable / The Y axis has a Label / The Y axis is not labeled
Labeling of X axis / The X axis has clear, neat label that describes the units and the independent variable / The X axis has a label that describes the units and the independent variable / The X axis has a label / The X axis is not labeled
DataRange / Numbers are neatly written and spaced evenly, the entire range of data is used / Numbers are written and spaced mostly evenly, the entire range of data is used / Numbers are written but not spaced evenly, and the entire range of data may not be used / No numbers are written
Accuracy of Graphing / All points are plotted correctly / Most points are plotted correctly / Few points are plotted correctly OR extra points were included / No points are plotted
Your Score / / 15