Lab Report Guidelines – HB Whitehorne Middle School
Step One: Pose a Question
- What do you want to find out?
- Can you develop an experiment to answer your question?
- Does your question make sense? Is it confusing?
Step Two: Hypothesis
- What do you think will happen?
- Use what you researched or know about the problem.
- Use an If…then… format
Step Three: Lab Safety
- List lab safety rules to follow during the experiment in bulleted form.
Step Four: Materials
- List all of your materials in alphabetical order
- Use a bulleted list
- Include all of the materials you will need for your experiment.
Step Five: Procedure
- What steps will you follow to find an answer?
- Be SPECIFIC! Label your steps using numbers. (1, 2, 3, etc.)
- Be clear – would someone else be able to follow your directions?
- Include how you will collect your data.
Step Six: Data
- Be sure to display your data in an organized manner. Use a table of chart to help you show your results. Include all labels and titles.
- Include all relevant data that would support or disprove your hypothesis.
Step Seven: Analysis/Conclusion
- You must write your conclusion in paragraph form using complete sentences.
- Include the following items in your conclusion:
- Restate your purpose or problem to the lab.
- Restate your hypothesis.
- Explain your dependent and independent variables.
- Describe what happened (your procedure) during your experiment. Make sure to reference the data that you collected.
- State if your hypothesis was supported or disproved by your data.
- Explain any unexpected results or errors that may have been made.
- Summarize what you learned during the experiment.
Step Eight: Share your results!
- Share your lab report with others so they can hear about what you learned and discovered.
Name ______Date ______Period ______
Lab Activity for: ______
Lab Report Guidelines – HB Whitehorne Middle School
Step One: Pose a Question
- What do you want to find out?
- Write your question below as a sentence with a question mark at the end.
Step Two: Hypothesis
- What do you think will happen?
- Use an If…then… format when possible and write it as a complete sentence.
Step Three: Lab Safety
List lab safety rules to follow during the experiment in bulleted form.
Step Four: Materials
List all of your materials in alphabetical order, use a bulleted list, and include all of the materials you will need for your experiment.
Step Five: Procedure
- What steps will you follow to find an answer?
- Be SPECIFIC! Label your steps using numbers. (1, 2, 3, etc.)
- Be clear – would someone else be able to follow your directions?
- Include how you will collect your data.
Step Six: Data
- Be sure to display your data in an organized manner. Use a table of chart to help you show your results. Include all labels and titles.
- Include all relevant data that would support or disprove your hypothesis.
Step Seven: Analysis/Conclusion
- You must write your conclusion in paragraph form using complete sentences.
- Include the following items in your conclusion:
- Restate your purpose or problem to the lab.
- Restate your hypothesis.
- Explain your dependent and independent variables.
- Describe what happened (your procedure) during your experiment. Make sure to reference the data that you collected.
- State if your hypothesis was supported or disproved by your data.
- Explain any unexpected results or errors that may have been made.
- Summarize what you learned during the experiment.
Step Eight: Share your results!
- Share your lab report with others so they can hear about what you learned and discovered.