Presbyterian Women in the Synod of Southern California and Hawaii

Summer Conference

The River of Hope Flows On:

July 11-13, 2014

Chapman University, Orange, CA

The Rev. Cheryl Raine, Keynote Speaker

Pastor, 1st Presbyterian Church, Garden Grove

Beth Patton

Director of Worship, St. Mark Presbyterian Church

COST: $225 Full Time (2 nights and 6 meals)

(rooms are double occupancy; add $50 for a single room {limited availability})

$125 Full-time Commuter (with 4 meals)

$65 One-Day Commuter (with 2 meals)

(Meals for commuters include lunch and dinner)

Registration Deadline: June 27, 2014. Registrations in by June 14, 2014 will be entered into an Early Bird Basket Drawing. No refunds after deadline. You may send a substitute.

Mail registration to:

Karen Dwight, 1439 Campus Avenue, Redlands, CA 92374

Information regarding directions to Chapman University, check-in procedures, and what to bring will be e-mailed to registrants who have an email address or snail-mailed to those who do not about 10 days before the conference begins.

Conference Staff

Co-Deans: Sylvia Karcher -- (909) 224-4793 or

Sharon Wakamoto – (714) 731-0247 or

Registrar: Karen Dwight – (909) 794-2386 or

Coordinator: Eloisa Velasquez – (714) 994-1847 or


Lodging is in the Sandhu Resident Hall, 571 Grand Street. All conference activities, including meals, are in the Sandhu Conference Center. No walking between locations! Overnight lodging is in a dormitory, 2 people to a room with a private bath. A limited number of single rooms are available for an additional fee.

Saturday, 10:30 am – 12:00 pm

A1 Building Bridges of Knowledge: II Corinthians Bible Study Jeanne Hatfield &

Patty Hedrick

Exploring the themes of the study and discovering together many tools that will help you in this quest for

knowledge. “Cross over the bridge of knowledge” into Paul’s second letter to the Corinthians the symbol

a suffering Savior, a crucified Messiah claims our attention and demands our reflection.

A2 Building Bridges of Love: A Presbytery’s Journey of Partnership in Mission

Rev. Sue Fisher

In 2006, Presbytery of the Pacific began a partnership in mission with a rural part of Nicaragua.

Rev. Sue Fisher will share how this partnership has changed lives and perspectives about mission,

and how it has generated passion and cooperation among presbytery churches.

A3 A Bridge to Tomorrow: Adapted Leadership Susan Skogland

If you know what we need to do to ensure a flourishing PW in the decades ahead, this workshop is not

for you. Adaptive leadership required when you don’t have the answer or perhaps the tools to move

ahead. We will explore adaptive leadership and how it relates to radical hospitality.

A4 Conflict as a Bridge Builder Rev. Heidi Park

Does conflict fit into Jesus’ call to love one another? Could it be if conflicts are dealt with, they may provide

wonderful opportunities for stronger love? In this workshop we will explore the dynamics of conflict to find

ways to understand it as an essential part of Christian love, a stepping stone to build bridges in our communities.

A5 Bridging The Generation Gap Rev. Erin Thomas

Examples of ways in which a church can enhance its ministries by encouraging intergenerational exchanges. This

helps to “anchor” youth and young adults in the church so they will more likely stay or come back after college.

A6 With Mind and Spirit: Bridging Between Psychology Rev. Martha Thorson

An exploration of spiritual practices and the way spiritual growth can affect our psychological well-being.

Saturday, 3:00 pm – 4:30 pm

B1 Building Bridges in Our Connectional System Doska Ross

Learn what happened at the meeting of the General Assembly in Detroit in June, and how those actions

might affect our congregations, presbyteries and synod. Come join us for this conversation!

B2 Repair the Bridge: the Water is Rising Judith Ward

This is an interactive workshop about an exciting home repair project, The Appalachian Service Project. You

will learn about the unique needs of the people in the Central Appalachian region and the goal to make homes

“warmer, safer and drier.”

B3 Building the Bridge to Healthy Living Tina Pulliam

Throw away those old diet plans and get the healthy scoop! Using the oldest health plan around, we will get

back to the basics using three simple principles. 1) Eat only foods God created for us. 2) Eat those foods as

close as possible to the form he created them. 3) Eat with wisdom and self-control.

B4 Conflict As a Bridge Builder Rev. Heidi Park

See A4.

B5 Celebration Giving: A Bridge to the Future Susan Jackson-Dowd

Celebrate PW’s tradition of giving to support the mission of the church worldwide. Explore the many ways

Presbyterian women have prayerfully used their skills, efforts, and other resources to further God’s work

through PW’s Celebration Giving programs. Discuss ways to use this giving to energize women in the future.

B6 Future-Proofing and the Church: Building Bridges of Hope Rev. Karen Claassen

Wondering about the future of Christianity? Confused about cultural shifts? Wishing for a crystal ball and

tools for hope? We will discuss rapid change and explore methods for minimizing the stresses while

maximizing the durability of our witness to Christ.


The Reverend Chery Raine has a passion as a pastor to lead her congregation to make a difference in the community in which they are planted. She models this by serving as a Volunteer Police Chaplain and as a Board Member of a local non-profit focused on bring H.O.P.E. to disadvantaged women and children. She has served the First Presbyterian Church of Garden Grove since June of 2002, when she changed calls. Cheryl’s first call was Chemical Engineering, but that is a whole other story! Cheryl is pursuing her Doctor of Ministry through San Francisco Theological Seminary in the area of multicultural ministry given the diverse community in which she serves. Cheryl is an avid sports participant: softball, volleyball, snow skiing, hiking and recreational water sports. She loves the out of doors and enjoys spending time with her husband and twin sons.

Beth Patton is a life-long Presbyterian (PCUSA) and for over 20 years has served on church staffs and non-profit organizations in various educational and administrative capacities. She has worked with all age groups from preschoolers to older adults. She was a Volunteer in Mission for three years on the Texas/Mexico border where she initiated and coordinated a women’s jewelry making cooperative. She is currently serving as Director of Worship at St. Marks Presbyterian Church in Newport Beach and is a candidate for ordination. She is a wife, a mother of two young boys, a sister and a daughter.

Friday, July 11 Saturday, July 12

9:30 AM Begin check-in for full-time 7:30 AM Breakfast

Participants – Sandhu Hall 8:00 AM Commuter Check-in

10:00 AM El Mercado opens Sandhu Conf. Center 2nd Floor

11:00 AM Commuter Check-in 8:45 AM PLENARY III

Sandhu Conf. Center 2nd Floor 10:00 AM El Mercado open


1:45 PM PLENARY I 12:00 PM Lunch


4:30 PM Free Time - Mercado Opening 3:00 PM AFTERNOON WORKSHOPS

5:30 PM Dinner 4:30 PM Free Time

6:45 PM PLENARY II 5:30 PM Dinner

9:00 PM Refreshments and Fellowship 6:45 PM PLENARY V


8:00 PM Evening Entertainment

Sunday, July 13

7:30 AM Breakfast

8:30 AM Pack-up and clear Hall and

Conference Center

9:30 AM Worship and Communion in


11:00 AM Adjourn

Friday Forum

(Open ended discussion, no sign-up needed)

Gun Violence

Video: “Trigger”

Ruth Mandernach and Lynn Jackson

PWS Summer Conference Registration and Volunteer Form

(please PRINT)



City ______State ______Zip ______Phone______

Church ______Presbytery ______

E-Mail ______

(With E-mail address, Dean’s Letter will be sent electronically, otherwise, through snail mail.)

Please indicate your registration choice and Workshop selection below. Registration is due by June 27, 2014. (Registrations in June 14, 2014 will be entered in an Early Bird Basket Drawing.)

Full Time - $225 ______ (Check here ______and add $50 for single room)

Commuter full-time - $120 ____ Commuter one-day - $65 ___ (Circle Friday or Saturday)

If you are on a Special Diet, the Cafeteria is willing to accommodate, however, they need to know before Conference. Indicate Special Diet ______

TOTAL ENCLOSED: ______Make check payable to PWS.

SATURDAY WORKSHOP CHOICES: (see descriptions on page 2)

A ______(1st Choice) A ______(2nd Choice) B ______(1st Choice) B______(2nd Choice)


Emergency Contact: ______Contact’s Phone ______

Other special needs – explain ______


(A Roommate will be assigned if request not given)

Mail this entire page (keep a copy for your records) and your check, payable to PWS, to:

Karen Dwight, 1439 Campus Avenue, Redlands, CA 92374

If you are willing to be a volunteer, please fill out the information below:

Name ______Phone ______

E-mail ______

I am willing to:

______Work a shift in the Mercado ______Miscellaneous (use me as needed)

______Communion Server – Elder or Deacon