Environmental Services Department
Planning & Zoning Division
390 Red Cedar St., Suite C
Menomonie, WI 54751
Telephone 715.231.6521
Fax: 715.232.4099
July 23, 2014
State of Wisconsin)
County of Dunn )
To all whom it may concern, public notice is hereby given to all residents in Dunn County that the Dunn County Planning, Resources and Development Committee will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, August 12, 2014 at 8:30 a.m. in Room 122/124 at the Dunn County Government Center, 800 Wilson Ave., Menomonie, WI.
The applicant, Henry and Carol Gates, N6309 County Road Q, Knapp, WI 54749, has made a request to rezone a parcel of land which is approximately 2.78 acres, from Exclusive Agricultural (A1) to Agricultural Residential (A3). Survey pending. The parcel is described as part of the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter, Section 17, T28N-R14W, Town of Lucas, Dunn County, Wisconsin. A copy of the map is available at the Environmental Services Office.
Robert Colson
Planning & Zoning Administrator
Dunn County, Wisconsin
Posted 7/2014
FOR DUNN CO. NEWS ONLY: To be published on July 27 and August 3, 2014
FOR APPLICANT USE ONLY: You or someone of your choice must attend the meeting to answer any questions the Committee may have. The hearing will not be held without your presence.
FOR ADJACENT LAND OWNERS: If you would like to express your opinion, please attend the public hearing or send your comments to this office prior to date of the hearing.
_____Notice sent to applicant _____Notice emailed Admin., LCD, Clk. of Crt. & others
_____Notice sent to adjacent landowners _____Notice sent to WI DNR
_____Notice sent to Town Chairman _____Notice sent to Corporation Counsel (with packet)
_____Notice sent to Town Clerk (certified) _____Notice sent to Development Committee
_____Notice sent to Cty. Supervisors members
Notice to Web site (Laura L)
Rev. 7/14