
Transportation and Public Works Committee

Meeting Minutes1

August 24, 1999


Tuesday, August 24, 1999

R. Noce, Chair / R. Noce
M. Phair, Vice-Chair / M. Phair
L. Langley / L. Langley
D. Thiele / D. Thiele


B. Duncan, Acting City Manager.

Councillor A. Bolstad*.

Councillor B. Mason*.

E.L. Britton, Office of the City Clerk.

*Attended part of the meeting.



Councillor R. Noce called the meeting to order at 9:32 a.m.

Councillor A. Bolstad was in attendance.


MOVED M. Phair:

That the Transportation and Public Works Committee Agenda for the August 24, 1999 meeting be adopted with the deletion of the following item:

G.1.b. C1999 Capital Budget Adjustment – Asset Management and Public Works Department.


FOR THE MOTION:L. Langley, R. Noce, M. Phair.

ABSENT:D. Thiele.


MOVED M. Phair:

That the Minutes of the July 13, 1999 Transportation and Public Works Committee meeting be adopted.


FOR THE MOTION:L. Langley, R. Noce, M. Phair.

ABSENT:D. Thiele.

Councillor D. Thiele entered the meeting.


MOVED M. Phair:

That items D.2.a., D.2.b., G.1.a., G.1.c., G.2.b., G.2.c., G.2.d. and G.3.a. be exempted for debate; and


D.3.a.Arrival Screens at Bus Stops (R. Noce).

That the revised due date of September 21, 1999 be approved. / Transportation & Streets
Due: Sept. 21, 1999

D.3.bPurchase of Bus Passes for the People Under the AISH Program (B. Smith).

That the revised due date of September 21, 1999 be approved. / Transportation & Streets
Due: Sept. 21, 1999

D.3.c.Anthony Henday Drive Extension.

That the revised due date of September 21, 1999 be approved. / Transportation & Streets
Due: Sept. 21, 1999



G.2.a.Parking Meters in the Downtown Area.

That the June 7, 1999 Transportation and Streets Department report be received for information. / Transportation & Streets


H.1.a.Edmonton Transit System Advisory Board – Semi-Annual Report, January 1 to June 30, 1999.

That the semi-annual report from the Edmonton Transit System Advisory Board for the period of January 1 to June 30, 1999 be received for information. / Edmonton Transit System Advisory Board


FOR THE MOTION:L. Langley, R. Noce, M. Phair, D. Thiele.



D.1.a.Land Improvements Surrounding the Commonwealth Stadium Area For the 2001 Games (M. Phair).

“In meeting with community groups surrounding the Commonwealth Stadium, much discussion has taken place regarding the impression this area will give to tourists and athletes during the 2001 Games. I would like the following information from Asset Management and Public Works and other relevant departments:
1.City yards and City fields surround much of the LRT corridor from downtown to the Stadium. What plans does the City have to improve the appearance of this area? Will the City’s 2000 and 2001 capital budgets provide support for some improvements?
2.Are there ways that the City can encourage, or work in partnership with, private landowners in the area to develop initiatives that would see improvements?
I would like this response to come to the Transportation and Public Works Committee as soon as possible.” / Asset Mgmt. & Public Works
Due: Oct. 26, 1999

D.1.b.Extension and Development of Bike Paths (A. Bolstad).

“Mr. Chairman, this inquiry has to do with bike paths and the heavy use they are getting during the summer months.
I’m wondering what the City might do to extend the existing bike trail system and to provide paths or lanes in other parts of the City to ease the pressure on the trails now in place.
For example, has any thought been given to developing dedicated bike trails in new neighborhoods? Would it be possible to develop a bikeway next to a roadway in some locations, so the cyclists could be given some protection from passing motorists?
I’d also appreciate any information the Administration has relative to the success other cities have had in promoting the use of cycling and how those ideas might be put to work in Edmonton.” / Transportation & Streets
Due: Oct. 26, 1999
D.1.b. cont’d
Transportation & Streets
Due: Oct. 26, 1999

D.1.c.Monthly Sewage Charges (R. Noce).

“Sewage charges on utility bills are based on total water consumption. However, during the late spring, summer and early fall months, not all consumed water is discharged into the City of Edmonton’s sewage system.
My questions to the Asset Management & Public Works Department (“Department”) are as follows:
1.I would be obliged if the Department could provide a brief history of the monthly sewage charge.
2.Are there other methods to calculate the monthly sewage charge (i.e., using a separate meter; using an annual average amount, etc.)?
I would appreciate a response for the September 7, 1999, Transportation & Public Works Committee meeting.” / Asset Mgmt. & Public Works
Due: September 7, 1999

D.1.d.Changes to the Municipal Government Act Allowing Municipalities to Impose Municipal Fuel Taxes, Surcharges on Vehicle Registrations, Off-site Levies and Taxes on Downtown Parking Spaces (R. Noce).

“It is my understanding that the Government of Alberta is looking at possible changes to the Municipal Government Act that would allow municipalities to impose municipal fuel taxes, surcharges on vehicle registrations, off-site levies and taxes on downtown parking spaces to raise money for transportation funding needs.
My questions to the Transportation & Streets Department (“Department”) are as follows:
1.I would be obliged if the Department could provide any information with respect to the possible changes to the Municipal Government Act as described above.
2.Does the Department support the Government of Alberta’s approach of forcing municipalities to use fuel and parking taxes and surcharges to generate funds to support local infrastructure?
I would appreciate a response for the September 7, 1999, Transportation & Public Works Committee meeting.” / Transportation & Streets
Due: September 7, 1999
D.1.d. cont’d
Transportation & Streets
Due: September 7, 1999

D.1.e.Rules of the Road Discussion Paper Regarding Proposed Regulations for the New Traffic Safety Act (R. Noce).

“It is my understanding that the Government of Alberta has released the first of six discussion papers on the proposed regulations for the new Traffic Safety Act. Further, it is my understanding that the deadline for comments and responses on the first discussion paper, entitled Rules of the Road, is September 17, 1999.
My questions to the Transportation & Streets Department (“Department”) are as follows:
1.Does the Department intend to respond to the first discussion paper? If yes, then I would ask the Department to include its response as an attachment to the administrative inquiry.
2.What process does the Department intend to follow to respond to the other discussion papers and how will the Transportation & Public Works Committee be involved in the process?
I would appreciate a response for the September 7, 1999, Transportation & Public Works Committee meeting.” / Transportation & Streets
Due: September 7, 1999


D.2.a.Parking for Motorcycles (D. Thiele).

R. Millican, General Manager, Transportation and Streets Department, answered the Committee’s questions.

MOVED D. Thiele:

That the July 8, 1999 Transportation and Streets Department report be referred back to the Administration to see what City owned lands may be available for use in motorcycle parking, specifically in the downtown area. / Transportation & Streets


FOR THE MOTION:L. Langley, R. Noce, M. Phair, D. Thiele.

D.2.b.Grants for Waste Management Projects Across Alberta (R. Noce).

W. Burn, General Manager and R. Neehall, Asset Management and Public Works Department, answered the Committee’s questions.


That the July 15, 1999 Asset Management and Public Works Department report be received for information. / Asset Mgmt. & Public Works


FOR THE MOTION:L. Langley, R. Noce, M. Phair, D. Thiele.


D.1.f.License of Occupation Application by the Workers’ Compensation Board (D. Thiele).

“It is my understanding that the Workers’ Compensation Board has recently applied to the City for a “License of Occupation” for the roadway boulevard area in front of their buildings on 107th Street.
I would like to ask the Administration the following questions regarding this application:
1.How does this License of Occupation application fit within the guidelines used by the City of Edmonton?
2.Would granting such a License of Occupation affect the rights of the City of Edmonton and/or the Workers’ Compensation Board in dealing with the use of this license area by protesters and others, and/or in the enforcement of City Bylaws?
If possible, I would appreciate it if the response to this Inquiry could be returned to the Utilities and Public Works Committee at the earliest possible date.” / Transportation and Streets
Due: Oct. 26, 1999
D.1.f. cont’d
Transportation and Streets
Due: Oct. 26, 1999



G.1.a.CPilot Soil Treatment Project at 44 Street and 127 Avenue by Conor Pacific Environmental Technologies Inc.

M. Sherk, Corporate Services Department (Law Branch); W. Burn, General Manager, Asset Management and Public Works; and L. Benowski, Planning and Development, answered the Committee’s questions.

MOVED R. Noce:

1.That the June 29, 1999 Asset Management and Public Works Department report be received for information. / Asset Mgmt. & Public Works

2.That the Transportation and Public Works Committee recommend to City Council:

That the Mayor write a letter to Alberta Environment, copying the Premier and area MLAs indication the City of Edmonton’s displeasure with Domtar Inc.’s delay in cleaning the site at 44 Street and 127 Avenue.


FOR THE MOTION:L. Langley, R. Noce, M. Phair, D. Thiele.

Councillor B. Mason entered the meeting.

G.1.c.Capital Region Sewage Commission Potential Meeting Between the Capital Region Sewage Commission and Edmonton’s Transportation and Public Works Committee.

K. Sawatzky, Asset Management and Public Works Department, made a presentation.

W. Burn, General Manager, Asset Management and Public Works Department; and B. Duncan, General Manager, Planning and Development Department, answered the Committee’s questions.

MOVED M. Phair:

That the August 9, 1999 Asset Management and Public Works Department report be referred back to the Administration to bring forward some potential meeting for the new Transportation and Public Works Committee members to meet with the Capital Region Sewage Commission. / Asset Mgmt. & Public Works


FOR THE MOTION:L. Langley, R. Noce, M. Phair, D. Thiele.


G.2.b.Restricted Truck Route on 66 Street.

R. Millican, General Manager, and B. Stephenson, Transportation and Streets Department, answered the Committee’s questions.

MOVED R. Noce:

1.That the Administration be directed to prepare a bylaw to amend Schedule I of Bylaw No. 5590, The Traffic Bylaw, as follows:
To change 66 Streets from a 24-hour to a Restricted Truck Route.
To Delete from North-South Truck Routes “66 Street from 120 Avenue to North City Limits”.
To add to North-South Truck Routes “66 Street NW from 120 Avenue NW to Fort Road”.
To add to Restricted Truck Routes (Truck Routes During 07:00 to 22:00, Monday to Saturday Inclusive Only) “66 Street NW from Fort Road to the North City Limits”.”
2.That the June 28, 1999 Transportation and Streets Department report be received for information. / Transportation & Streets
Due: October 12, 1999


FOR THE MOTION:L. Langley, R. Noce, M. Phair, D. Thiele.

G.2.c.Installation of Crosswalks (Education Programs/Research & Costs to Determine How Effective Crosswalks are in Edmonton).


G.3.a.Installation of Crosswalks (Education Programs/Research and Costs to Determine How Effective Crosswalks are in Edmonton).

G. Cebryk, Transportation and Streets Department; R. Millican, General Manager, Transportation and Streets; and Staff Sergeant K. Nisbet, Edmonton Police Service, answered Committee’s questions.

Councillor A. Bolstad entered the meeting.

MOVED D. Thiele:

1.That the April 12, 1999 Transportation and Streets Department report be received for information (item G.2.c.).
2.That the July 14, 1999 Edmonton Police Service report be received for information (item G.3.a.). / Transportation & Streets


FOR THE MOTION:L. Langley, R. Noce, M. Phair, D. Thiele.

G.2.d.CNoise Attenuation Barriers and Bikeways

R. Millican, General Manager and B. Stephenson, Transportation and Streets, answered Committee’s questions.

MOVED M. Phair:

That the Transportation and Public Works Committee recommend to City Council:

1.That the following motion on the floor at City Council be withdrawn or defeated:

MOVED A. Bolstad – M. Phair (Made at the July 20, 1999 City Council meeting):

That the City of Edmonton, through the Mayor’s Office, ask the province to add noise attenuation barriers and bikeways to the list of transportation projects that qualify for financial assistance through the provincial/municipal cost sharing agreements.

2.That the following motion be approved:

That the funding brief being prepared by the Administration specifically address cost sharing of noise attenuation and bicycle facilities.


FOR THE MOTION:L. Langley, R. Noce, M. Phair, D. Thiele.


Councillor R. Noce asked whether there were any Notices of Motion. There were none.

(Sec. 100. B.L. 9999, as amended)


The meeting was adjourned at 11:55 a.m.




Transportation and Public Works Committee

Meeting Minutes1

August 24, 1999