The GREEN KINGDOM Alliance's vision is for the streams, lakes, forests, and parks in the watershed to be teeming with life; safe for families, pets, and wildlife to enjoy; and to have a community connected to preserving the area's intrinsic beauty.
We protect and preserve thevulnerable natural environment that surrounds the GREEN KINGDOM stream and its watershed from Gaithersburg to the Potomac River. We do this by bringing neighbors together to build awareness, improve the watershed’s health, and enhance the community's enjoyment of its many creeks and streams now and into the future.
Since our founding in 2011, the GREEN KINGDOM Alliance has grown to include these assets and resources:
· Member base
· Committed leaders
· Small but stable funding base
· Good tools (website, database, etc.)
· Specialized expertise in membership (invasive species, water quality monitoring, communications, etc.)
· A growing reputation for mobilizing resources to get things done in the watershed
The following enabling conditions help us to guide and prioritize our actions, and act as steps towards achieving the GREEN KINGDOM Alliance’s vision. The enabling conditions describe the various elements that need to be in place in order to realize our vision for a healthy watershed.
· The public understands how their actions affect the water and health of the GREEN KINGDOM and how it in turn connects to human and community health.
· The public is engaged, active and willing to advocate for a clean and safe GREEN KINGDOM stream.
· Elected officials and decision makers commit to policies, plans and decisions that protect and improve the health of the GREEN KINGDOM.
· People, groups and governments change their behaviors to improve water health (i.e., picking up pet waste, treating stormwater on-site, avoid or reduce use of pesticides and fertilizers, reduction in use of road salts, disposing of trash properly).
· Businesses, homeowners associations, places of worship, nonprofit organizations, apartment and condo management companies, and other stakeholders act responsibly to improve water health (e.g., treat stormwater on site, avoid or use pesticides and fertilizers properly, landscape with more trees, etc.).
· There is adequate acreage and public knowledge of protected land for buffers and for public access to the stream.
The GREEN KINGDOM Alliance engages in several sets of activities and actions to foster the fruition of the enabling actions:
a) Stewardship
· Plant trees to enhance existing forests and to act as protective stream buffers
· Demonstrate benefits of rain barrels, rain gardens, and conservation landscaping techniques
· Organize local community trash pickups
b) Build awareness
· Raise public awareness of the GREEN KINGDOM, its assets, challenges, and opportunities
· Monitor water quality and track/publish the information for community education and advocacy
· Develop maps and educational signs for trail systems, parks, and other public natural areas
· Increase stream buffers through promoting purchase of land by public agencies (City/County)
c) Education to effect change
· Provide environmental education for kids and adults
· Provide education activities for public officials
d) Advocacy
· Advocate for and inform protective policies
· Solicit and provide input to city and county watershed plans
e) Organizational effectiveness and sustainability
· Strategic planning
· Board recruitment and development
· Membership involvement and growth
· Fundraising
· Communications
a) Stewardship
Maintain and/or improve the natural habitat of the GREEN KINGDOM tributary and watershed.
1. Trash Pick-up: Identify priority locations where trash is accumulating. Work with local communities and other stakeholders to organize roadside, stream, and event trash pickups. Add capacity for cleanup through the schools’ Student Service Learning (SSL) volunteer commitments. Coordinate with other organizations such as the Alice Ferguson Foundation, Montgomery County Adopt-a-Road, the C&O Canal Trust, Pickup America, and county or appropriate agencies. (Project Manager: ABC)
2. Invasives Removal: Continue to promote the Parks Department Weed Warrior program. Help lead an event or events with the Parks Department in the GREEN KINGDOM. (Project Manager: DEF)
3. Planting Trees: Work with the county to identify areas where focused tree plantings would have the greatest benefit. Continue to forge connections with the Tree Stewards program. Work with landowners to get agreement for planting in areas with the greatest benefit for the watershed. (Project Manager: GHI)
4. Maintaining Demonstration Conservation Landscaping and Rain Barrel Site: Continue partnership with the Watershed Stewards Academy, the Izaak Walton League, the County, and several other local partners to plant a Conservation Landscape and Rain Barrel demonstration site on the Izaak Walton League property. Continue to provide regular maintenance of this site. (Project Manager: JKL)
5. Design and Installation of Rain Gardens at School Sites/Sanctuaries: Install a demonstration rain garden at Rachel Carson Elementary School. Begin design work for a demonstration rain garden at another school. (Project Manager: LMN)
6. Homeowner Rain Gardens and Rain Barrels: Install rain gardens and rain barrels at select homes in targeted neighborhoods, contingent upon funding received by the Izaak Walton League. (Project Manager: OPQ
7. Greenway and Other Trail Work: Continue to work with the Parks Department and help promote and carry out trail work along the GREEN KINGDOM Greenway trail. (Project Manager: RST)
b) Build Awareness
Create opportunities for citizens to connect in meaningful ways with the watershed to encourage understanding of its multidimensional/true value and promote citizen stewardship.
1. Stream Monitoring: Align the MBA’s monitoring work with the Izaak Walton League’s Save Our Stream monitoring and the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Stream Waders programs. Increase water monitoring at SOS sites and set times for renewed training and sampling, and maintain this on the Creek Freaks website. Raise the visibility of Stream Wader and promote school participation. (Project Manager: UVW)
2. Canoeing and Kayaking: Continue this program each summer and paddle to the Potomac. Continue to ensure support by Day Springs Camp. (Project Manager: XYZ)
3. Birding: Continue hosting a birding event each summer with the Wild Bird Center. Participate in the Backyard Bird Count each February in support of the efforts of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology and the National Audubon Society. (Project Manager: AAA)
4. Trail Walks/Cycling/Horseback Riding: Continue to build partnership with cyclists for both trail work and events, support future bike rides, and nurture the interest of cyclists in the watershed. Form closer ties with local Meetup Groups and promote walks and horseback rides on the entire GREEN KINGDOM Greenway trail. (Project Manager: BBB)
5. Drain Marking: Obtain supplies from County and the City of Gaithersburg for GREEN KINGDOM and continue marking drains in Montgomery County Parks. Consider marking alley drains in large planned communities in the watershed. Download the storm drain marking app to keep track of where markings have been done in the GREEN KINGDOM watershed. (Project Manager: CCC)
6. Trail Signage and Maps: Work with the City of Gaithersburg and County Parks and Recreation Department, among other agencies and organizations to improve directional and informational signage in the watershed. Also develop a map of the Greenway trail for hikers, bikers, and riders with the support of the appropriate agencies and organizations. (Project Manager: DDD)
7. Music and Art: Form connections with local artists and promote watershed artwork on the Alliance website. Consider holding a contest to improve our logo. Research appropriate events and venues to host/support music and arts in the watershed. (Project Manager: FFF)
c) Education to Effect Change/Advocacy
Educate in meaningful ways and help promote the habits that will lead to a healthier watershed.
1. Stormwater/Runoff Management Community Education: Educate the public about how stormwater is managed, including what stormwater ponds are, how they should look, and who to call if there is a problem. (Project Manager: GGG)
2. Homeowner Education about Alternative Stormwater Collection: Conduct outreach to homeowners through mailings, homeowner association meetings, and demonstration projects in specific neighborhoods to encourage homeowners to install more conservation landscapes, rain gardens and rain barrels to reduce stormwater runoff from their properties. (Project Manager: HHH)
3. Newsletter and Website Management and Social Media Communications: Update and maintain the MBA website and newsletter. Utilize social media (e.g., Facebook, Twitter) to ensure timely distribution of information and outreach and engagement opportunities. (Project Manager: III)
4. Attending Public Events: Continue to participate in various events to educate the public about watersheds and how individual actions affect water quality. Improve our marketing materials (e.g., booth) to look more professional and to convey information in a more compelling manner. Create an educational pamphlet for broad public distribution that explains our cause. (Project Manager: JJJ)
5. Holding Public Meetings with Speakers: Draft a set schedule for the rest of the calendar year, including but not limited to January (WSSC with Kentlands), February (Faith Event and planning for Alice Ferguson Cleanup), March (Outdoor Education), and April (our Two Year Party). (Project Manager: KKK)
6. Holding Workshops: Convene workshops on focused topics of interest to the community to help in protecting the health of the watershed, such as a Conservation Landscaping and a Rain Barrel workshop at our demonstration site. (Project Manager: LLL)
7. Partner with Other Green Organizations to Promote Water Quality Awareness and Community Health Issues: Coordinate and partner with other environmental and other relevant organizations, agencies and institutions on workshops and other educational activities. Partnerships may include Rachel Carson Elementary School, Gaithersburg High School, Westleigh Homeowners Association, Lakelands Community Association, Kentlands Community Foundation, the Izaak Walton League, and various faith groups. (Project Manager: NNN)
8. Coursework to Create More Watershed Stewards: Continue to promote the Watershed Stewards Academy with a goal of one graduate per year in Montgomery County. (Project Manager: OOO
9. Creek Freaks After School Program: Assist with promotion and volunteer help for three after-school programs run by the Izaak Walton League at elementary and middle schools in the watershed. (Project Manager: PPP)
d) Advocacy
Provide outreach, education, and advocacy to protect the health of the watershed and its communities. Do this to the extent allowed under the GREEN KINGDOM Alliance’s 501c3 status.
1. Advocate for Protective Policies: Coordinate public testimony and/or letter writing campaigns for County watershed issues and policies that affect the health of the GREEN KINGDOM, such as Ten Mile Creek, pesticide use, etc. (Project Manager: QQQ)
2. City and County Watershed Plans: Develop process for soliciting and providing input on city and county watershed plans. (Project Manager: RRR)
3. Montgomery County Department of Environmental Protection: Gain an understanding of and support for the Montgomery County Department of Environmental Protection’s National Pollutant Discharge Elimination Program (NPDES) Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit that relates to the improvement of water quality. Arrange meeting with the relevant individuals at DEP and letters of support for their activities as appropriate. (Project Manager: SSS)
4. Develop State of the Stream Document: With the assistance of the Alliance’s board, members, and partners, create a State of the Stream document to be updated regularly. (Project Manager: TTT)
e) Organizational Effectiveness and Sustainability
Goal: Strengthen the Alliance’s organizational effectiveness and sustainability in all dimensions.
1. Strategic Planning: Coordinate a strategic planning process for 2014-2015 and lay the groundwork for subsequent years. Work with the board to adopt the 2014-2015 plan by February 2014. Plan will include strategic priorities including communications and evaluation (Project Manager: UUU)
2. Board Recruitment and Development: Cultivate, recruit, and orient new Board members to target specific skill needs, geographic and demographic diversity, and interests. Coordinate writing of volunteer position descriptions for each board position and project manager position. (Project Manager: VVV)
3. Membership: Develop and implement an individual and external organizational membership outreach plan to be coordinated with communication activities in section c) above. (Project Manager: WWW)
4. Fundraising: Create and implement short and long-term fundraising strategies to diversify the revenue base, build operating reserves, support high priority projects, and meet the aggressive revenue targets inherent in this plan. (Project Manager: XXX)
5. Communications/Promotional Materials: Update GREEN KINGDOM Alliance pamphlets and display board to reflect the mission and vision statements adopted in this strategic plan. Develop an “elevator” statement that individuals can use when introducing the GREEN KINGDOM Alliance to new audiences. (Project Manager: YYY)