(This form is available for anyone experiencing problems with using our electronic appeal form, or who wants to fill out an appeal by hand).
Address of the tenancyStreet name
Post code / Postal location
No. of rooms / Approx. number of m2
Name of tenantDOB & Personal ID no., or co. reg. no.
Street name
Post code
Postal location
Most commonly used phone number
E-mail address
If there are several tenants, their names can either be entered here or included on a separate sheet of paper.
If the appellant has an authorised representative, you will need to attach a separate mandate form (cf. the form on
Landlord's nameDOB & Personal ID no., or co. reg. no.
Street name
Post code
Postal location
Most commonly used phone number
E-mail address
Is the tenancy still current? Please insert a cross:YESNO
If the tenancy has been terminated, please state the date when this occurred
Have the keys been handed in? Please insert a cross: YES NO
If the keys have been handed in, please state the date when this occurred ______
Please find below a list of the most common types of claims that can be submitted. Whoever submits one or more claims must provide evidence to support the basis for such claims. If you hope to obtain approval of your claim it is therefore important that you attach as much evidence as possible. Examples of evidence for such claims are shown below.
NB: A copy of the lease must be attached, irrespective of the type of claim you are submitting.
Please insert a cross in the boxes which apply to your claim.
Please insert a cross / Type of claim / Examples of evidence/important informationX / All claims
(You must consider what would serve as suitable evidence for each individual claim. You only need to submit information/evidence once). / Please attach as evidence a copy of any inventory lists, photos of defects, receipts, invoices, letters, etc. which could serve as proof of your claim against the landlord, and an explanation.
Reduction in rent for late delivery of a dwelling or faults/defects. / Please provide information about the duration of the delay, or faults/defects at the dwelling, and state the amount of the monthly reduction you are claiming and the period to which it relates.
Compensation for late handover of the dwelling, faults/defects, or other losses. / Please provide information about the duration of the delay, or faults/defects at the dwelling, and state the amount of compensation you are claiming in respect of which expenses/losses.
Repayment of illegal deposits. / Please state why you think that the deposit is illegal and you can claim it back.
Repayment of illegal rent or other payments/extra rent. / Please state why you think that the rent or other payments are illegal and the amount you want to be repaid for which period.
Repudiation of the tenancy. Repudiation is an extraordinary way of rapidly concluding a tenancy. One of the conditions for repudiation is a "fundamental" breach of contract. Section 9-9 of the Norwegian Tenancy Act contains some examples about what can be regarded as being a fundamental breach of contract. / Please attach a copy of the letter of repudiation (statement), the reasons for such and any letters, photos, etc. which could prove/explain that you are entitled to repudiate the contract.
List of claims being submitted by the tenant
Type of claim / Type of claim / AmountClaim no. 1
Claim no. 2
Claim no. 3
Claim no. 4
Claim no. 5
Claim no. 6
Claim no. 7
Claim no. 8
Claim no. 9
Claim no. 10
The background and reasons for each individual claim can be entered above or on a separate sheet of paper.
Please insert a cross / AmountThe tenant is claiming NOK ..... in compensation in accordance with the above list
The tenant is claiming a reduction in rent of NOK ______per month with effect from ______to ______, totalling NOK
The tenant is claiming repayment of illegal rent/illegal extra payments amounting to NOK
The tenant is claiming repayment of an illegal deposit amounting to NOK
The tenant's repudiation of the tenancy is valid
Cover of the HTU's processing fees and any expenses relating to notification is also being claimed (please cross out if such are not required)
Cover of other costs (e.g. lawyers' fees) is also being claimed, amounting to NOK ______
Interest on overdue payments in respect of all claims is also being claimed (please cross out if such is not required).
Date / SignatureA more detailed description of individual claims can be provided on a separate sheet of paper if necessary.
NB: The claim form must be printed out and signed.
If the claim is not signed, the Rent Disputes Tribunal (HTU) cannot process it.
The whole signed claim and all attachments should be sent to:
- HTU Oslo & Akershus, Pb 5118 Majorstuen, 0302 Oslo, for tenancies in Oslo & Akershus.
- HTU Hordaland, Pb 7390, 5020 Bergen, for tenancies in Hordaland.
- HTU Sør-Trøndelag & Nord-Trøndelag, Pb 4727 Sluppen, 7468 Trondheim, for tenancies in Sør- og Nord-Trøndelag, as well as claims from consumer tenants against landlords running businesses in the rest of Norway.