(066) / SERIAL C6485



Review of Award pursuant to Section 19 of the Industrial Relations Act 1996.

(No. IRC 1740 of 2007)

Before Commissioner Tabbaa / 4 March 2008


1.Delete clause 2, Rates of Payment, of the award published 29 April 2005 (350 I.G. 559), and insert in lieu thereof the following:

2. Rates of Payment

Schedule Of Commercial Rates

Daily Minimum Charge / 144.72
Hourly Rate / 39.15
Fixing Rates
Vinyl Tiles 20-49m2 / 6.78
50-100m2 / 5.41
100-249m2 / 4.06
250 and over / 2.92
Sheet Vinyl (incl. Welding)
20-49m2 / 7.67
50-249m2 / 5.26
250 and over / 4.69
For Safety Vinyl and Corlon / 1.69
For Safety Vinyl over 3mm / 2.58
For Linoleum / 2.58
Hardboard Underlay (including supply of staples by contractor)
20-49m2 / 7.23
50m2 and over / 4.96
Restaple Hardboard m2 / 2.09
Hardboard Underlay on pineboard
M2 Additional Rate / 0.74
Decorative Tiles - VT rate + 50%
Decorative Tiles - Boarders and squares - Decorative Tile + 50%
Cork Tile - laying out m2 / 9.10
PVC nosing Lin Metre / 4.59
Aluminium Nosing to Timber per lm / 6.21
Aluminium Nosing to Concrete per lm / 10.55
Stair Treads per lm / 5.60
Stair Risers per lm / 5.60
Treads and Risers covered per lm / 10.55
Ripple trims to timber per lm / 3.11
Ripple trims to concrete per lm / 5.60
100mm skirting per lm / 2.43
150mm skirting per lm / 3.04
100mm flat skirting over carpet or smoothedge - per lm / 3.18
150mm flat skirting over carpet or smoothedge - per lm / 3.57
Reducing and capping strip - per lm / 2.76
Preform cove - per lm / 2.12
Stringer to walls per lm / 4.80
Stringer to stairs per lm / 12.72
Cementuous skim coat 1mm / 2.28
Smoothing compound (k15/k10) / 2.76
Above two items include priming and sanding
Cement based primer / 2.25
Two pack primer / 0.74
Grinding concrete - hourly rate / 38.25
Acid etch etc - hourly rate / 38.25
Fill expansion joints - hourly rate / 38.25
Raking and cutting included in rates
Cover sheet vinyl up to 100mm height per lm / 5.60
Cover sheet vinyl over 100mm height per lm / 6.21
Rubber tiles m2 / 10.48
Sheet Vinyl to walls (incl. Welding) / 13.50
Bulletin Board m2 / 18.03
Take Ups
Take up / loose lay m2 / 1.73
Take up / stuck m2 / 5.31
Take up / PVA mr / 8.77
Take up / hardboard and coverings including removal of staples m2
Take up / stair tread nosing (PVC) - per lm / 1.41
Take up / stair tread nosing (Alum) - per lm / 5.31
Bar Tops / 43.73
Travelling time outside metropolitan area per hour / 32.47
Accommodation per day / 103.79
Travelling per km return / 0.97
Moving Furniture - Hourly Rate / 38.25
Cancellation Fee / 46.31


Minimum Charge / $
183cm x 2m vinyls (except inlaid) - 1m / 19.57
183cm inlaid vinyl (if layer supplies template paper - 1m / 24.01
274cm vinyl - 1m / 27.15
366cm x 4m vinyl - 1m / 32.43
Daytile with border and squares m2 / 14.63
Vinyl tiles m2 / 11.36
Hardboard m2 / 8.13
K10 and Ardit (labour only) m2 / 3.04
PVA (labour only) m2 / 12.01
Additional rate for stairs in addition to rate per metre - per stair / 5.37
Cove skirting - 1m / 4.81
Preform fillet - 1m / 3.04
TAKE UPS: / 22.58
Loose laid material per room
Stuck down including hardboard m2 / 11.36
Direct to subfloor m2 / 15.07
Electrical appliances, removal and replace - per appliance / 7.50
MINIMUM CHARGES (labour only) PVA:
Laundry / 141.41
Bathroom / 141.41
Other areas (of total job etc) / 80.80
Ardit Z8 / 80.80
Mastick K10 / 80.80
Small - 1m / 3.27
Large - 1m / 3.11
To supply adhesive m2 / 1.05
CANCELLATION CHARGE: travel time to & from employers premises to site
at hourly rate
SERVICE CHARGE: If layer has to return to site to carry out rectification not / 46.31
own fault - hourly rate plus the service charge shown

2.Delete the amount of "$36.99" appearing in paragraph 4.1(a), of clause 4, Compensation for Travel Patterns, Mobility Requirements of Contract Floor Layers and the Nature of Engagement in the Construction Work Covered by this Award, and insert in lieu thereof the following:


3.Delete amount of "$98.05" appearing in subclause 5.1 of clause 5, Living Away from Home - Distant Work, and insert in lieu thereof the following:


4.Delete subclause 7.3 of clause 7, Adjustment of Rates, and insert in lieu thereof the following:

7.3The rates of pay in this award include adjustments payable under the State Wage Case 2007. These adjustments may be offset against:

any equivalent overaward payments, and/or

award wage increases since May 1991 other than safety net, State Wage Case and minimum rates adjustments.

5.Delete the amount of "$44.26" appearing in subclause 10.2 of clause 10, Rectification Work, and insert in lieu thereof the following:


6.Delete subclauses 17.4 and 17.5 of clause 17, Area, Incidence and Duration and insert in lieu thereof the following:

17.4The changes made to the award pursuant to the Award Review pursuant to section 19(6) of the Industrial Relations Act 1996 and Principle 26 of the Principles for Review of Awards made by the Industrial Relations Commission of New South Wales on 28 April 1999 (310 I.G. 359) take effect on and from 4 March 2008.

17.5This award remains in force until varied or rescinded, the period for which it was made already having expired.

I. TABBAA, Commissioner.


Printed by the authority of the Industrial Registrar.

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