Welcome to Mojave Junior /Senior High School, home of the Mustangs. Since 1955 this school has served the community of Mojave and outlying areas with a unique educational experience filled with a rich tradition that stays in the hearts of those who have come through our doors. For many people, Mojave Junior /Senior High School represents the most formative years of their lives. It is my honor as principal, along with the dedicated school staff, to help shape the students entrusted to our daily care. Together, in partnership with parents, we build the spiritual, intellectual, and personal capacity of each student.
The Student handbook is provided to our students to help guide them in their endeavors while attending Mojave Junior/ Senior High School. Please take the time to examine the handbook as it has information that will help students and families to make this school a more meaningful experience. Please take the time to read about requirements for high school graduation, 8th grade promotion, expected behavior, and discipline consequences.
Scott A. Small
Mojave Junior/ Senior High School
Mission Statement
Mojave Junior/Senior High School will be a safe place where students are challenged academically, and positive character is modeled and expected. Students will have the opportunity to explore their interests through classes, athletics, and extra curricular activities. Students leaving Mojave Junior/Senior High School, will be job or higher education ready as a result of multiple school experiences, parent and family partnerships, and community involvement.
Alma Mater
“O hail to thee Mojave High;
We’re loyal to you until we die;
Hail to our Alma Mater true;
We’ll hold our memories of you;
So keep our colors red and gray;
Forever flying high we pray.”
Expected Schoolwide Learning Results
Students will be literate, confident, and functional in an ever changing world.
- Achieve technological literacy: software applications, basic computer skill, use of other technological devices, use technology for research, publication, and pleasure
- Set achievable and responsible personal, academic, and career goals
- Apply learning to real life situations
Students will demonstrate academic proficiency
- Master learning standards for all academic, vocational, and elective courses
- Meet or exceed graduation requirements
- Develop skills in reading, critical thinking, and communication
Students will be aware of and practice good citizenship
- Show respect for self, others, and the environment
- Obey school rules and understand consequences for their actions
- Exercise personal responsibility and self control
Graduation Requirements
(B.P. #6146.1)
A total of 220 credits are necessary to graduate from Mojave High School. In addition to the required courses, you must pass the California High School Exit Exam and Algebra 1 to earn a diploma. All seniors must be enrolled in 5 classes both 1st and 2nd semester. The following are required for graduation (Each course counts 5 credits each semester):
Course Credits
Social Studies 35
Math 20
Science 20
Foreign Language/Fine Arts 10
Physical Education 20
Health 5
Electives 50
Career Tech Education20
**to include 10 credits of Computer Technology**
7th and 8th GradePromotion Requirements
(B.P. #6146.5)
Students in grades seven and eight must pass 3 semesters of the 4 core classes listedbelow plus 15 units of physical education and 15 units of elective credit in order to be promoted into the ninth grade. Students earn five units of credit for each semester of a course passed with a grade of D- or higher.
Possible Units Required Units
English...... 20 units 15 units
Mathematics...... 20 units 15 units
Science...... 20 units 15 units
Social Studies...... 20 units 15 units
Physical Education...... 20 units 15 units
Electives...... 20 units 15 units
Total Units 120 units 90 units
Students who do not meet these minimum requirements while in grades seven and eight will not be promoted to the ninth grade.
1. In order to be promoted to the ninth grade, students must successfully complete 90units and must pass all core courses listed above while in grades 7 and 8.
2. With the exception of Physical Education, which is a multi-year course, successfully completed courses may not be repeated for unit and/or subject credit without prior approval from the principal.
3. Students earn five units of credit for each semester of a course passed with a grade D- or higher.
4. If summer school or opportunity classes are offered student can earn core credits
5. Students must complete the promotion requirements listed above in order to participate in the ceremony and activities related with promotion.
6. Students who have been granted an Exception to Retention will not participate in the ceremony, will not receive a promotion certificate, and will not participate in activities related with promotion.
Grading Reference - District Policy #6401
Evaluation is done with letter grades as follows A = Excellent, B = Good, C = Average, D = Poor, F = Failure. Students absent on finals, due dates, and test dates will be given a zero for the activity. It is the responsibility of the student to make up work within time limits. Grades are posted on the permanent record each semester. Credits will be awarded for each passed class. No incompletes will be given. If a student has 10 absences in a class he/she may receive an F and no credit will be givenfor effort and ability.
Final exams are scheduled the last week of each semester. The schedule will be published in advance. Senior finals will be scheduled by the principal. Only excuses written by a medical professional or approval from the principal will be accepted and exams must be made up at a time appropriate for grade entry per school. All others who miss the test will receive a grade of “F.”
All school accidents must be reported to the office in writing. It is the responsibility of the faculty member in whose class the accident occurs to complete the accident form. However, it is the student’s responsibility to report the accident to the teacher. Accidents occurring outside the classroom, those in which students are not under the supervision of a faculty member should be immediately reported to the school office. In case of a serious accident, no attempt should be made to move the injured person; help should be secured from the staff. All precautions necessary to protect the injured from further harm should be taken.
Attendance (B.P. #5113)
As of July 1,1998, school districts receive no funding from the State of California for students who are absent from school. This includes all absences, even those related to illness, medical or doctor appointments, or for attending funeral services of a member of the immediate family.
Students are encouraged to be at school every day. Upon the 10thunexcused absence in a class the student may receive an F grade for the class and/or earn no credit.
Explaining an Absence:
When a student is absent, a parent may call the Attendance Clerk at (877) 824-4001 or the schoolto explain the absence or send a note when the student returns to school. The note must be dated, state the date of the absence, the reason for the absence, include the student’s first and last name, and be signed by the parent or guardian. If a student does not bring an absence note, after two days the absence will be marked unexcused.
Class cuts are defined as being out of class more than 10 minutes without valid excuse or permission to leave early.
Students who are injured or ill and require a leave from school may be eligible for home hospital instruction. It is the responsibility of the parent and/or student to seek information regarding this program. Administration shall reserve the right to make other exceptions upon unusual and unforeseen circumstances.
Punctuality is essential. Reporting late to class is a tardy. Students are considered tardy when the bell rings and the student has not met the class guidelines regarding tardies.
A record of tardies will be kept in the office. Consequences for tardies include but are not limited to:
a. Phone call home
b. Community Service/Detention
c. Suspension
d. School Attendance Review Board
Attendance Requirement for Participation in Graduation Ceremony and Activities(B.P. #5127)
The MojaveUnifiedSchool District has a 92% attendance policy that must be met during the senior year for participation in graduation ceremonies and activities.
- Students must be in class at least 92% of the periods during the senior year of high school to participate in graduation ceremonies and activities.
- This is not an excused/unexcused absence policy. It is an attendance policy. The type of absence does not matter, with the following exceptions:
a.doctor appointments or a mandated stay at home
b.subpoenas to court
c. funeral of an immediate family member
d.participation in a school activity
3. It is up to the student to bring verification from the doctor or court for an exception; otherwise, the absence will count against the policy. Verification must be brought within three school days following the absence.
Individuals suspected of being under the influence of an alcoholic beverage or possessing an alcoholic beverage may be given a breath-a-lyzer test. Students may be given the breath-a-lyzer test during school and school activities. Refusal to take the test will result in suspension. Guests attending school events are also subject to a breath-a-lyzer test. Refusal to submit to test will result in exclusion from the activity.
(B.P. #5131)
The Mojave Unified School District Board desires to prevent bullying by establishing a positive, collaborative school climate and clear rules for student conduct. Students who engage in an act of bullying, including, but not limited to, bullying committed by means of an electronic act, which is directed specifically toward a pupil or school personnel, may be suspended or put up for expulsion for such an act. Students may submit a verbal or written complaint of conduct they consider to be bullying to a teacher or administrator and may also request that their name be kept in confidence.
Change of Address and Phone
It is very important that a student notify the school office immediately of any change of address. It is the responsibility of the student to secure a form from the office for this purpose. The same importance applies to any change in telephone numbers. The student must secure a form from the office upon which the change is reported.
Students leaving Mojave Jr/Sr High School should notify the office in advance of the day on which they will leave. This is done by having the parent contact the school, preferably in writing. Students must return all textbooks, library books, or other school equipment and supplies issued. Until all textbooks, materials, or unpaid debts are cleared with the office, school records and transcripts will not be available.
Counseling and Guidance
Our counseling program specializes in program placement, college entrance, scholarship information, and personal counseling. Students will be seen by the counselor as quickly as possible. Information regarding colleges, entrance requirements, and college entrance testing is available from the counseling office.
Requests for class changes are made by completing the form and returning it to the counseling office. Only valid requests will be considered. After the tenth day of the semester, changes MUST be approved by the principal and will be granted only by special circumstance.
Closed Campus(B.P. #5112.5)
Once a student arrives at school, they must remain on campus until the end of the day. Exceptions include:
Parent authorization is given and schooladministration givespermission to leave for a specific purpose ie: Seniors who qualify for early dismissal or lunch privileges; Students who leave without authorization will be considered truant. All students must sign in/out in the Main Office and use this exit. Failure to do so may result in loss of privileges. No notes or excuses will be accepted after the fact. Students must demonstrate good character while off campus or termination of the privilege may result on the first offense.
Seniors who meet academic and citizenship requirements may be allowed to leave campus during lunch. Students must check out of the office within the first ten minutes of lunch and check back in five minutes before the end of lunch.
Each qualifying Senior must:
Maintain a cumulative3.0 grade point average starting with the Freshman year and be registered for, and attend, six class periods.
The open campus Privilege can be revoked by the administration, at any time, for any breech of discipline or falling grades.
Students are expected to observe standards of good conduct, to have respect for the property of others and comply with school regulations.
- Assignments are to be done with the student’s highest level of effort.
- Students are expected to be respectful to school employees at all times, on and off campus.
- Running is not permitted except in the field areas.
- Students are responsible for keeping their campus neat including using trashcans for trash.
- Students are responsible for showing maturity and mutual respect toward fellow students.
- Gum is not allowed on campus at any time.
- Items and writing considered to be gang related will be confiscated. Assignments turned in with gang style writing will not be accepted.
- All students are expected to walk away from a fight; failure to do so may result in suspension.
Consequences for Unacceptable Behavior
- Detention: All teachers may assign detention to students. A student is responsible to notify his/her parents when detention is assigned. Office phone may not be used to notify parents.
- Loss of privileges. Students receiving referrals or disciplinary action may be denied the right to participate or observe extra curricular activities.
- Suspension: Suspension from school is applied when other means of correction have not been successful or when a student’s presence would be a danger to others. Students may be suspended from a particular class or from all classes for one or more days. For all suspensions, parents are notified by phone and/or in writing.
- Referral to the Administrative Review Board
- Community School
- Expulsion by the Mojave Unified School District
A pupil may be suspended or expelled for acts which are related to school activity or attendance which occur at any time, including but not limited to:
a. While on school grounds
b. While going to or from school
c. During the lunch period, whether on or off campus.
d. During or while going to or coming from school sponsored activities.
Reference to State Laws
Students of Mojave Jr/SrHigh School are expected to observe standards of good conduct, to have respect for the property of others, and to comply with the regulations of the school. The following sections of state law are directed to students:
1.A pupil is subject to suspension or expulsion when it has been determined that the pupil, while on school grounds or during an activity off school grounds related to school attendance, has:
a.Caused or attempted to cause damage to school property or stolen or attempted to steal school property; or
b.Caused or attempted to cause damage to private property or stolen or attempted to steal private property; or
c.Caused or attempted to cause, or threatened to cause physical injury to another person; or
d.Possessed, sold, or otherwise furnished any firearm, knife, explosive, any instrument that propels a metallic projectile such as a BB or pellet, through the force of air pressure, CO2 pressure, or spring action, or any spot marker or paint gun, any knife with a blade longer than 2.5 inches, ice pick or other dangerous object unless in the case of possession of such object, the pupil has obtained written permission from a certificated school employee which is concurred by the principal or the designee of the principal; or
e.Possessed or used tobacco on school premises, except as provided in E.C. # 48903.6; or
f.Unlawfully possessed, sold, or otherwise furnished or been under the influence of any controlled substance, as determined in E.C.#48903.6; or
g.Committed an obscene act or engaged in habitual profanity or vulgarity; or
h.Disrupted school activities or otherwise willfully defied the valid authority of supervisors, teachers, or administrators (E.C. #48900); or
i.Committed sexual harassment, causing a negative impact upon the victim’s academic performance or create an intimidating, hostile, or offensive educational environment (E.C. #48900.2)”Pantsing” is considered sexual harassment and will result in a minimum of one day suspension.
2.Smoking on school premises constitutes good cause for the suspension or expulsion of a pupil. (E.C. # 48900 and 48903.6)
Classroom Discipline
Classroom rules and expectations will be created to
establish the most positive learning atmosphere. These
rules will be discussed with students and posted in the
Over Display of Affection
With the belief that personal conduct has an influence on
the attitudes of others, over display of affection will be
defined as any conduct or contact more than holding
hands. Persons who abuse this policy are subject to
Violation of School Rules
The following Group Behaviors and Sequence of Actions are guidelines established to deal with violations. School administration maintains the right to appropriately place students based on the severity of the offense.
Group I Behavior:
- Class or school disruption
- Disrespect
- Over-display of affection
- Dress code violations
- Nuisance items on campus, water balloons, squirt guns, collector cards, permanent markers,etc.)
- Violation of closed campus
- Students in unauthorized areas
- Littering
- Refusal to follow directions of person in authority
- Eating in class
- Gum chewing
- Horseplay
- Profanity
- Cheating
- Failure to wear/display I.D.
Sequence of Actions:
First Offense:Verbal warning and Parent Notified