Table of Contents
PAGE-1: Title Page
PAGE-2: Table of Contents
PAGE-3: The Nature of Club Sports,Primary Purpose of Club Sports, All about Club Sports, Types of Club Sports
PAGE-4: Who can participate in Club Sports, Club Sports Participation Agreement University Drug and Alcohol Policy, Policy on Alcohol
PAGE-5: Policy on Drugs, University Hazing Regulations, The Discipline Process
PAGE-6: Club Member Conduct/Sportsmanship, Violations, Procedural Infractions
PAGE-7:Club Sports Status,Student Involvement and Leadership, Club Sports Application Process, Club Sports Organization
PAGE-8: Club Sports Organization (continued), Operation of Club Sports
PAGE-9: Operation of Club Sports (continued)
PAGE-10: Operation of Club Sports (continued)
PAGE-11: Approval of Applications for Club Sports Status, Facility Reservations, Fundraising
PAGE-12: Fundraising (continued)
PAGE-13: Fundraising (continued)
A club sport is a student organization that is established to promote and develop the interests and skills of members in a specific sport activity. Those involved possess very high interest and/or skill in a particular sports activity.
Club Sports are organized for the primary purpose of providing extramural intercollegiate athletic competition. The competitive experiences provided are with representative teams from other clubs, schools, colleges, and universities. Clubs organizing as alternative challenge recreational activities will be considered.
The Department of Campus Recreation under the Division of Student Experience offers students an opportunity to get involved in a variety of club sports. All clubs are student-run by elected officers under the guidance of a volunteer faculty or staff member who act as an Advisor. The club sports system helps to develop leadership, responsibility, and decision-making through administrative opportunities. All approved clubs are subject to the rules and policies governing the club sports program, student organizations and the University.
Competitive Clubs:
Competitiveclubs are created because the interest demands an opportunity for students other than varsity athletes or because no varsity team exists. The team trains and is eligible to compete and actively pursues participation in registered extramural, regional, national or open tournaments/competitions. These sports must also promote a balanced lifestyle of wellness and physical activity.
Recreational Clubs:
Recreational clubs do not meet all of the requirements above, but involve an organized group for sport and recreational participation on a regular basis that is not readily and feasibly available to students under Informal Recreation or as an Intramural Sport. The club should incorporate a variety of participation opportunities including regular club meetings, clinics, practices, informal gatherings and philanthropic functions.
Club participation is open to students currently enrolled in a minimum of 9 hours in undergraduate study. Graduate students are required to be registered for 6 hours. Any club member interested in being an officer must carry a minimum GPA of 2.0. A participant waiver form must be submitted through Symplicity and approved prior to participation in any club sport activity.
Consumption of alcoholand non-prescribed drugs areprohibited during all Club Sport Program activities, regardless of the age of the participants. Non-prescribed drugs, performance enhancing drugs, or any other substances that might be dangerous or detrimental to the participant’s health, or performance as amember of this organization are also prohibited. Club activities are defined as any social, practice, competition, recreational or instructional activity. Travel is considered a club activity from thetime of departure to return. All Clubs are required to submit the names of club members traveling one week prior to travel being approved as official Club Travel. All Club Sport program participants have an obligation to refrain from actions and behavior that may jeopardize themselves or other Club Sport participants. The Club Sports program at Youngstown State University reserves the right to remove participants from the program for actions/behavior that are deemed dangerous or detrimental to themselves and/or other Club Sports program participants
Youngstown State University prohibits the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of drugs, alcohol, and other controlled substances by all members of the University community (students, faculty, staff, alumni, and guests). Individuals who violate this policy shall be subject to discipline, termination, dismissal, arrest, or citation as applicable. Additionally, employees or students who violate this policy may be required to participate satisfactorily in drug abuse education, counseling, or rehabilitation programs approvedby the University.
Youngstown State University neither encourages nor discourages the use of alcoholic beverages, (includes 3.2 and 6% beer, vinous or spirituous liquor), but does condemn the misuse/abuse and illegal use of alcoholic beverages. All members of the University community (students, faculty, staff, alumni, and guests) are responsible for making decisions about their behavior within the context of Ohio and the City of Youngstownlaws and University regulations. In addition, individuals must always be aware of, and respect the rights of others within the University and local community.
The University prohibits the unlawful or unauthorized manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, consumption, sale or use of controlled substances on or in University-owned or controlled property, or in the course of University business or at University activities. Individuals or entities including, but not limited to, students, employees, contractors, agents, volunteers, invitees, or student organizations who violated this policy may be required to participate satisfactorily in a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program approved by the University.
Hazing is defined as an act which endangers the mental or physical health, or safety of a student, or which destroys or removes public or private property, for the purpose of initiation, admission into, affiliation with or as a condition for continued membership in a group or organization.
Organizations or groups shall take no action which involves hazing. Acts of hazing include, but are not limited to coercion of any form, extended deprivation of sleep or rest; forced consumption of food, alcohol, other beverages, or drugs; beating or branding; forced exclusion from social contact and/or forced conduct that could result in embarrassment to any person.
Youngstown State University unconditionally opposes any situation created intentionally to produce mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment or ridicule. Freedom from humiliation and danger of hazing is guaranteed to every student on this campus. Any violation of this guarantee should be reported immediately to the Student Activities Office.
Violation of, or non-compliance with, University policies, campus regulations, Club Sport procedures or YSU standards of conduct may result in loss of Club Sport membership or other disciplinary action taken against the Club Sport involved. The discipline process has been developed to assist the Director of Campus Recreation, Coordinator of Club Sports, and the Department of Campus Recreation staff in effectively managing a productive and structured Club Sports Program. Cases will be turned over to the Office of Student Conduct for review/sanctions if warranted.
Clubs are given certain responsibilities and benefits when recognized as Club Sports under YSU Campus Recreation. They are given permission to use University buildings and space to hold practice and compete, access to University funds, and permission to represent the University at off-campus competitions. Because the University’s relationship with clubs is limited, the club officers and members are responsible for making sure the club is compliant with all YSU University Club Sport policies and procedures. Club officers are accountable for the actions of the club as a whole and/or any individual club members. Violation of laws or University policies and procedures by club members, club staff, or coaches (on or off campus)may result in discipline under University policies. Club members are expected to act in a mature responsible manner on and off campus in all Sport Clubs-related activities. Each club member represents Youngstown State University and is expected to be a credit to the YSU Club Sports program and to follow all rules and regulations.
The following procedural infractions are activities and conduct thatwill not be tolerated by the Club Sports office and may lead to disciplinary actions against a club, including but not limited to probation, loss offunding, loss of facility privileges, and suspension of Sport Clubs recognition. Violations include but are not limited to Unsportsmanlike Conduct, Fighting, and use of Abusive Language.
Discipline for minor infractions is intended to assist club officers in preventing and appropriately fixing procedural violations. Examples of procedural infractions include (but are not limited to) failure to submit or update the following forms and documentation:
- Copy of club constitution
- Fall and Spring Practice and Game Schedule
- Fall and Spring Update Sheets
- Club Rosters
- Waivers for all members
- Budget Request Form
- Travel Request Form
- Coach’s Application/ Volunteer Forms
- CPR/AED/First Aid Certified List
- Updated officer contact information
- Return of University Equipment (Damaged or in an Untimely Manner)
- Coach’s Volunteer Waiver Form
Procedural Infractions also include failure to notify the Coordinator when notusing practice or game space
Student organizations desiring to use University facilities for the purpose of conducting meetings, practices, and competition must be recognized and registered with the Department of Campus Recreation, Club Sports Office (located in the Andrews Student Recreation and Wellness Center) prior to the start of each academic semester will update officer information. A Club Sport application must be submitted during the fall semester of each year. Club Sport status will be considered during the academic year given available resources and facility availability.
Students involved with the Club Sports program have unlimited opportunities to become directly involved on the administration, implementation, and supervision of their respective clubs. Members collectively have the responsibility for: writing specific club constitution and by-laws, membership requirements, dues schedules, and establishing duties of officers; selection of their advisor, and volunteer coach as well as budgeting responsibilities. Club Sports members learn first hand what voluntary interaction can do for them.
- Contact the Coordinator of Intramurals and Club Sports located in the Andrews Student Recreation and Wellness Center (330-941-3731) for initial meeting.
- The student organizers of the proposed club sports will need to secure a faculty and/or staff member to commit as the volunteer club sport advisor/coach.
- Outside Coaches are required to have a signed volunteer contract yearly on file.
- Recommendations are submitted to the Director of Campus Recreation for approval.
- Print out the Club Sport Application packet on line. Read carefully, complete forms neatly and return paper copy to the club sport office. (The staff will assist you, if needed.)
I.Club Sport Organization
- Membership
- Is voluntary and non-discriminatory.
- Members must assume the responsibility and leadership for operating their particular club sport.
- Members must be enrolled in a minimum of:
- 9 credit hours for undergraduate students
- 6 credit hours for graduate students
- Non-YSU students practicing with the Club is prohibited.
- Rosters must be submitted yearly and updated each semester.
- To become a recognized club sport, each organization
- Must submit a completed application to the Club Sports Coordinator for consideration
- Application must include the following:
- Name of organization
- Name and phone numbers of officers.
- Name and phone number of the advisor.
- Copy of rules of operation for your club sport (constitution and bylaws, not specific sport rules).
- Statement of purpose.
- Names and Banner ID numbers of members.
- Proposed schedule.
- Proposed budget including proposed income and expenditures.
- Liability waiver on Symplicity must be filled out by every team member.
- Each club sport shall undergo a yearly review based upon:
- Compliance with all guidelines, policies and procedures.
- Continued need and interest by student members.
- Availability of funds, facilities, and advisor.
- Continuity of membership.
- Advisor
- Shall be nominated by the club members.
- Shall be a full time employee of the University.
- Shall operate according to the Student Activities Advisor’s Manual.
- Club Sports Officers
- Each club shall elect its officers:
- President
- Vice President
- Secretary
- Treasurer
2.The duties of these officers will be specified in each club’s constitution and bylaws
II.Operation of Club Sports
- Each club sport must abide by the policies of Youngstown State University, and the Department of Campus Recreation, regulations and guidelines
- Travel
- Is to be limited by funding and reasonable distance.
- Travel must be pre-approved by using an official travel request (see attachment #1-B)
- Use of vehicles
- When using privately owned vehicles, only actual gas receipts will be reimbursed, the total not to exceed the per-mile equivalent permitted by the University. (Exceptions are granted to clubs towing sports related equipment.)
- Each driver is to carry comprehensive and liability auto insurance to include all passengers.
- All official club travel must be sent a minimum of 1 week prior to travel. It needs to include all club members participating in Club Activities.
- Budget Guidelines
- Club Sports shall be non-profit in nature.
- Budget requests may include the following
- Supplies and equipment.
- Travel (mileage or gas, tolls; meals or lodging).
- Dues and membership fees in affiliated national or regional sport organizations.
- Insurance (personal student coverage is an alternative).
- Officials
- Facility Rental
3.Members must assume the major financial responsibility through paying individual expenses and through university approved fund-raising.
- Unsolicited donations may be accepted in accordance with Youngstown State University policies. Budget requests are submitted annually.
- Budget requests are submitted to the Coordinator of Club Sports by the club’s President.
- Explanations and justifications for each item must accompany the request.
2.Budget analysis and recommendations are submitted to the Coordinator of Club Sports for review.
4.Record Keeping: An accurate record of all income and expenditures must be kept and presented to the Department of Campus Recreation Administrative Office each time a fund-raising project or expenditure occurs.
- Eligibility
1.Membership is non-discriminatory
2.No member may be on academic or disciplinary probation.
3.Members must adhere to the code of conduct of the University and the Department of Campus Recreation
4.No member may be or have held professional status in the sport
5.If a club sport is to remain a club sport, members must carry a minimum of nine credit hours during each regular term of active participation.
- Summer participants shall be enrolled in summer or be continuing students (9 semester hours during spring and fall or 6 credit hours for graduate students).
- Equipment
1.Each club must appoint or elect and equipment manager.
- The manager is responsible for supply, accounting, maintenance, and storage of all equipment.
2.A complete pre- and post-season inventory must be filed with the Club Sport Administrator.
a.Equipment unaccounted for will be charged proportionately to each club member for replacement.
3.All equipment purchased by the club with any amount of university funds is the property of Youngstown State University.
4.University policies and procedures must be followed when purchasing equipment with university funds.
5.Off-season storage may be arranged with the Department of Campus Recreation.
6. All clubs are issued a first aid kit at the beginning of each season. Contact Coordinator of Club Sports to restock supplies when needed.
- Scheduling
1.Tentative schedules must be submitted with budget requests to the Club Sports Coordinator with prior approval by the club advisor.
2.When considering schedules for approval, the following items will be considered
- Distance from campus
- Ability of scheduled teams
- Cost factors
- Availability of facilities
- Publicity
1.Is the sole responsibility of the club sport.
2.Information and results may be released directly to the media.
- Publication is at the discretion of the media.
- The club must use the term “club” at all times and never represent itself as a varsity team. (Example: Use “The Youngstown State University Bowling Club,” never use “The Youngstown State University Bowling Team.”)
- Medical and Insurance Policies
- Youngstown State University, its employees and consultants are not responsible for any claims to right to damage for injuries, accidents, or illness suffered by any club team and/or individual member, advisor, or officer.
- Each member must read and check waiver of liability on line through Symplicity on student portal.
- Members and/or the advisor of a club sport team must not engage in practices involving any of the following:
1.Financial aid or scholarships other that that available to all students
- Profits
- Extended road trips
- Discrimination
- Misrepresentation of Club Sport Status
- Approval of Applications for Club Sport Status
- Will be based on:
1.Needs and interests of the students
2.Potential sources or need for financial consideration and backing
3.Availability of an advisor
- Availability of facilities
- Club’s constitution and bylaws
- Compliance with policies and guidelines
- Attendance of Fall and Spring Leadership Summit
- Meet once a semester with Coordinator for review
- Provide end of the year summary report at the end of spring semester
IV. Facility Reservations