Monona/Madison Branch Newsletter

MAY 2015

TUESDAY, MAY 26, 2015

7 p.m. Social Time

7:30 p.m. PROGRAM: Girls' Stories, Girls' Voices, presented by Nancy Nelson, Professor Emeritus, Edgewood College. Installation of new officers.

Hostesses: Carrie Wurz, Dorothy Haines, Mary Zins, Lil Genskow, Linda Voss

We meet in the lower level of the Monona Community Center, 1011 Nichols Rd.

SATURDAY, JUNE 6, Spring Luncheon

11:30 a.m.: Social Time & Cash bar

12:15: Lunch at Buck & Honey's, Sun Prairie. See attached flyer for more information.

Hosteses: Mary Boyd, Sue Richter, Mary Pringle, Sandy Knesting, Atsuko Kusudo

PRESIDENTS' CORNER, Sally Keyel & Stephanie Sorensen

Our members at the State Convention and Chief Justice Shirley Abrahamson. They had a great time there and shared the highlights with us at our April meeting. This should fire us up for next year's State Convention in Madison! Hope to see a lot of you at the June Luncheon at Buck & Honey's. It's a wonderful time to bring prospective members.


Our checkbook balance is $8479.51 , $2,000 of which are dues payable to State and National. We keep $10 each. We need dues from 16 more members. The drawing for a free lunch (either Spring or Holiday) and a glass of wine has had good results. Thanks to all who have paid or will have paid by June 1. If you thinking about not rejoining, please let us know so that we can act accordingly. We took in $206 at the Potluck and we are looking forward to a good Book Sale. We'll make scholarship decisions at the June Board meeting. I had tears in my eyes after listening to the AAUW Fellowship grantee at

the April meeting. We are making a difference.

BOOKSALE! Anne Doran and Carrie Wurz

The sale is this Sat, May 9, at the Dean House, from 9-3. You can still help! The time slots needing more people are 8:30-10:30 and 10:30-12:30, as well as at 3 for clean up.


Our condolences to Ally McCardle on the passing of her mother. Our deepest sympathy to Ally and her family.


This year we are trying something new. We're holding a New Board/Old Board Potluck dinner meeting at Sharon Knoop's at 6:30 p.m. on Weds. June 3. Old board members should bring a dish to share. Let Sally Keyel know if you'll be able to make it. Also, if any new members are interested in coming, you're welcome too!


The last game of the marathon will be played at the Monona Community Center on Tuesday May 19th at 6:30 p.m. You will play the couple designated in the schedule. One person in the partnership should bring a snack to share and the other $3. Note this is the third Tuesday instead of the usual second Tuesday in May.

JUNE LUNCHEON, Mary Boyd, Sue Richter, Sandy Knesting, Mary Pringle

Mark your calendar now for our AAUW Annual Luncheon at Buck and Honey's Restaurant in Sun Prairie on June 6. (See the Luncheon flyer for directions from Madison.) If you would like a ride to attend, contact Mary Boyd at 222-7673. If you can provide a ride, let Mary know as well. We would love to see a large turnout. This is wonderful way to celebrate a successful year and meet our scholarship recipients. The fun starts at 11:30 a.m. with a cash bar and conversation. Introductions and lunch start at 12:15. See the flyer enclosed in this issue of the SCOPE for menu choices and registration. Send registrations and payment to Mary Pringle, 5707 Squaw Circle, Monona, WI 53716. Guests are always welcome. What a wonderful way to thank someone special!

FUNDRAISING, Georgene Vitense

Summer Trip Plans: Friday, August 21. Sixteen of us are signed up to go to American Players Theatre, Spring Green, to see James DeVita do the Iliad, first dining at Riverview Terrace Cafe. Cost is $90, please send your checks to Georgene Vitense. She'll take back-ups because some usually have to cancel.

Fall Trip Plans: Wednesday, September 16

8:00 a.m. Board bus at Shopko on Broadway in Monona

10:30 a.m. Arrive at the Trout Museum in Appleton for docent tour, Norman Rockwell's “Portrait of America”

12-1 p.m. Lunch at Fratello's restaurant. Please choose: #1-slow roasted pulled barbeque pork with onions on a toasted ciabatta sandwich, #2-crunch chicken salad with lettuce, cucumber, tomatoes, red onions and sweet mustard dressing, #3-crabcake melt: signature crabcakes with cheddar cheese and tomatoes on English muffin. All lunches include their custom house bread and oil, coffee or tea and dessert. After lunch we bus to the Paine Art Museum in OshKosh

1:30 p.m. Docent tour of “Dressing Downton: Changing Fashions for Changing Times” featuring the original clothes from the popular Downton Abbey from PBS Masterpiece Theatre. There will be time to see the gift shop and tour the gardens.

3:30 p.m. Board the bus for Madison

5:30 p.m. Arrive at Shopko

Total cost: $75. Please send checks made out to AAUW Monona/Madison Branch to Lynn Celley, 6319 Maywick Dr, Madison 53718 by August 15. Bring your friends!

DIRECTORY, Lynn Celley

Please let Lynn know of any address/e-mail changes so she can put them into the Directory in a timely fashion.


·  Co-President Sally Keyel called the meeting to order at 8:20. She welcomed everyone and thanked the hostesses: Reta Harring, Marian Ehrenberg, Robby Sonzogni, Liz Senseman, Kleo Baruth Kritz, and Donna Anderson for arranging a wonderful salad supper.

·  Minutes from the March 24 meeting were accepted as printed in the last issue of the Scope.

·  Financial Report: Linda Hoelzel reported that we have $8479.51 but approximately $2000 of that will be going to pay national and state dues. Fifteen members have yet to pay dues for the next year. The free lunch drawing for the June luncheon can be used for the December luncheon if the member cannot attend in June.

·  May Meeting Speaker: The speaker for the May 26 meeting will be Nancy Nelson, Professor Emeritus, Edgewood College. She will present Girls’ Voices, a program she started for middle school girls to learn to “find a voice” to stand up for self.

·  Book Sale: Anne Doran asked everyone to sign up to help sort books on Wednesday, May 6, or sell books on Saturday, May 9. Carrie displayed the new signs and asked members to please take a sign to advertise but also be sure that the sign is returned after the sale so it can be used again next year. Wanda has info advertising the book sale on the three Madison TV stations, the newspaper, and Facebook. She reminded everyone that “we need to get the word out” to make the book sale successful.

·  Fundraising Trips: Georgene stated that all 16 tickets for APT have been sold but she will have a wait list if members still are interested. Persons who purchased tickets should send a check for $90 to her and she will arrange the ride sharing. Georgene also reminded members that the Downton Abbey Clothes and Norman Rockwell trip needs 56 persons to sign up. A check for $75 should be sent to Lynn Celley as soon as possible. More details will be in the next newsletter. Georgene also mentioned possible trips to the Milwaukee Rep either next fall or next spring. It was recommended that the Rep offerings be listed in the next newsletter since it appeared that members were interested and wanted more information

·  State Convention: Dee Zimmerman, Kathy Bell, and Consuelo Lopez Springfield attended last weekend. A brief review of the speakers, Shirley Abrahamson and Jessie Garcia, and some small group sessions were presented. The problem of redistricting as presented by the State Board was voted down so the districts stay the same for the year. Next year’s state convention will be in Madison.

·  June Luncheon: Mary Boyd thanked all members who signed up tonight. Information was in the April Scope and will be repeated in the May Scope. Send a check to Mary Pringle with your menu choice. Members were encouraged to bring a friend.

·  Election of Officers: Sally read the proposed slate of officers: Co-President Ellie Beck; Finance Vice President Lynn Christensen; Membership Vice President Jan DeVoe; Nominating Committee Betty Schmidt, Program Vice President Susan Becker. Sally asked for additional nominations from the floor three times. No other names were suggested. The proposed slate of officers was unanimously approved.

·  Study Groups: The Bridge playoffs will be May 19. Ellie and Lynn volunteered to set up the treat table. No changes were noted for the rest of the study groups.

·  Stephanie reminded everyone to vote in the National AAUW election. Information is available in the Outlook and in e-mails sent from the national office. Voting can be done online.

·  The next newsletter deadline is Wednesday, May 6.

Meeting adjourned at 8:55.

Respectfully submitted, Sue Richter and Sharon Knoop, Co-Secretaries


May 19 at 6:30 p.m. Bridge Marathon Playoffs: Monona Community Center

May 21 Afternoon Literature: The Afternoon Lit Group will be traveling to Mineral Point on May 21st where we will enjoy lunch at Gray Dog Café, then a little tour of the town led by Sue Tait and finally a meeting at Sue’s restored historical home where we will choose our reading list for 2015-2016 year. For more information, call Wanda Nelson at 222-8476 or her e-mail address is .

May 20 or 21: Wednesday Evening Book Club: Planning meeting at Barnes & Noble

May 27: Film Group: Movie, time and place to be announced

May 28 at 9:30 a.m.: Morning Literature: Home, Carrie Wurz; Leader, Sandy Knesting; The Kitchen House by Kathleen Grissom

May 26 at 7 p.m.: Social Time and Program

June 1 at 5:30 p.m.: Monday Evening Literature: Home, Mary Pringle; Potluck and book selection

June 3 at 6:00 p.m. Board Meeting Potluck at Sharon Knoop's. Old and new board please attend and any new members are welcome too.

June 6 at 11:30 a.m.: June Luncheon at Buck & Honey's

Co-presidents: Sally Keyel & Stephanie Sorensen; Membership: Liz Kretschmar; Newsletter: Sally Keyel

Monona/Madison AAUW Membership Renewal


Phone number


Email address

City Zip Code

Please mail this form and your check ($72) payable to Monona AAUW to :

Linda Hoelzel Finance Officer AAUW

607 Greenway Rd. Monona WI 53716

By June 1, 2015. Late registrations may result in omission from the Directory.

Monona/Madison AAUW Spring Luncheon

Saturday, June 6, 2015 11:30 am—1:30 pm Help us celebrate another successful Year!

Come meet our Scholarship Recipients!

Our annual spring luncheon will take place at Buck and Honey’s Restaurant in Sun Prairie at 804 Liberty St. (From Madison, follow Hwy 151 to Exit 102, Hwy 19. Turn right onto 19 and then left on Bird to Liberty Blvd. Buck and Honey’s is on the left past Prairie Athletic Club.)

11:30-12:15 Cash Bar, Camaraderie

12:15-1:30 Introductions/Luncheon

Menu Choices

1.  Honey’s Chicken Salad-Mixed greens tossed with organic apples, candied walnuts, raisins, red onions, and grilled chicken. Served with honey mustard dressing on the side. $19.00

2.  Tilapia-Pan fried tilapia drizzled with a lemon butter sauce and served with rice pilaf and grilled vegetables. $20.00

3.  Quiche—Homemade vegetarian quiche served with seasonal fruit and mixed greens Italian salad. $16.50

All choices include a non-alcoholic beverage, dessert, tax and gratuity. Registration and refund deadline Wednesday, May 27th.

To register for Monona Madison AAUW luncheon: fill out the form below and send to Mary Pringle, 5707 Squaw Circle, Monona 53716. Deadline—May 27th.

Member ______

Menu Choice ______

Guest ______

Menu Choice ______

Amount enclosed ______