Buzbee RSPT 1429 Fund. I Page 1
Fundamentals IUnit 3 SVN comprehensive Reviews
Corrected 9/19/07
Name: roster # date: 2007
1.The average treatment of inhaled drugs [about 3 ml] last about:
a.5 minutes
b.10 minutes
c.12-15 minutes
d.18 hours
e.none of these
2.The average volume of the drugs we use in respiratory care are about:
a.½ ml in 3 mL of dilution [such as normal saline]
b.1 cc
c.3 cc
d.300 cc
e.none of these
3.To decrease the airway resistance, and treat wheezing, we would want to
administer :
d.none of these
4.To enable the patient to cough more effectively by breaking up or wetting down
secretions, we want to administer :
d.none of these
5.To kill or limit the growth of bacteria or other pathogens we administer:
d.none of these
6.To decrease inflammation we would administer:
d.Both b and c
e.None of these
7.The effect of Beta I stimulation of the adrenergic receptors found on the
muscle of the heart is to:
a.Increase the heart rate
b.Decrease the heart rate
8.The effect of Beta I stimulation of the adrenergic receptors found on the
smooth muscle in the lung is:
9.The effect of Beta I stimulation of the adrenergic receptors found on the
capillaries is to:
10.The effect of Beta II stimulation of the adrenergic receptors found on the
heart is to:
a.Increase the heart rate
b.Decrease the heart rate
c.Nothing for most folks, rarely increases heart rate on 1 in a million persons
11.corrected:The effect of Beta II stimulation of the adrenergic receptors found on the
smooth muscle of the lung is:
12.The effect of Beta II stimulation of the adrenergic receptors found on the
capillaries in the skin is:
13.The bronchodilators we use the most in RC are in the:
a.Anti-inflammatory class
b.Beta II adrenergic class
c.cholinergic blocker class
d.anti-microbial class
14.We use this drug to prevent wheezing by decreasing inflammation
a.steroids class
b.Beta II adrenergic class
c.cholinergic blocker class
d.anti-microbial class
15.We also prevent wheezing by the application of this drug:
a.Anti-inflammatory class
b.Beta I adrenergic class
c.cholinergic blocker class
d.anti-microbial class
16.We treat wheezing by stimulation of relaxation with the application of this
a.Anti-inflammatory class
b.Beta II adrenergic class
c.cholinergic blocker class
d.anti-microbial class
17.We treat wheezing by blocking the constriction of bronchial smooth muscle
with the application of this drug:
a.Anti-inflammatory class
b.Beta II adrenergic class
c.cholinergic blocker class
18.The dose of Metaproterenol is:
a.2.5 mg of .5%
b..25-.30 ml of 5%
c..25 -.5 ml from vial
d..05 mL/ kilogram IBW up to .7 mL
19.The dose of Albuterol sulfate is:
a.2.5 mg
b..25-.30 ml of .5%
c..25 -.5 ml from vial
d..05 mL/ kilogram IBW up to .7 mL
20.The dose of Racemic epinephrine is
a.2.5 mg of .5%
b..25-.30 ml of .5%
c..25 -.5 ml from vial
d..05 mL/ kilogram IBW up to .7 mL
21.The dose of Terbutaline sulfate is:
a.2.5 mg of .5%
b..25-.30 ml of .5%
c..25 -.5 ml from vial
d..05 mL/ kilogram IBW up to .7 mL
22.The brand name[s] for Metaproterenol is [are] :
d."S" & Vaponefrin
23.The brand names for Albuterol are:
d.a and b
e.a and c
24.The brand name[s] for Racemic epinephrine is [are]:
d."S" & Vaponefrin
25.The brand name[s] for Ipratropium bromide is:
d."S" & Vaponefrin
26.correction:The mode[s] of action of this [these] drug[s] is to stimulate the Beta II receptor on the smooth muscle to make it relax:
a.Ipratropium bromide
d.Racemic epinephrine
e. both b and c, could be d because it has Beta II
27.The mode of action of this drug is to block the cholinergic receptor on the
smooth muscle to prevent it from contracting:
a.Ipratropium bromide
d.Racemic epinephrine
28.Alpha stimulation of adrenergic receptors on the smooth muscles in the arterioles walls and in the precapillary sphincters will result in:
e. none of these
29.The indication[s] for beta II bronchodilators is:
a.To treat or prevent mucosal edema
b.To treat or prevent submucosal gland secretions
c.To treat or prevent bronchospasm
d.To reduce inflammation
e.All of these
30.The indication for decongestants [alpha stimulation] is:
a.To treat or prevent mucosal edema
b.To treat or prevent submucosal gland secretions
c.To treat or prevent bronchospasm
d.To reduce inflammation
e.All of these
31.The indication for inhaled steroids is:
a.To treat or prevent mucosal edema
b.To treat or prevent submucosal gland secretions
c.To treat or prevent bronchospasm
d.To reduce inflammation
e.All of these
32.correction:The indication for cholinergic blockers is:
a.To treat or prevent mucosal edema
b.To treat or prevent submucosal gland secretions
c.To treat or prevent bronchospasm
d.To reduce inflammation
e.B and c
33.Pentamidine is indicated to treat:
b.Cystic Fibrosis
c.PCP pneumonia in AIDS patients
d.RSV pneumonia in kids
e.None of these
34.Ribavirin is indicated to treat:
b.Cystic Fibrosis
c.PCP pneumonia in AIDS patients
d.RSV pneumonia in kids
e.None of these
35.Racemic epinephrine is a drug that stimulates Alpha receptors but it is also:
b.Cholinergic blocker
c.Beta II adrenergic agent
e.C and d
36.Which of these drugs has, as a side effect, vomiting?
a.Albuteral sulfate
c.Terbulaline sulfate
d.Racemic epinephrine
e.All of these
37.Which of these drugs has, as a side effect, increased heart rate?
a.Albuteral sulfate
c.Terbulaline sulfate
d.Racemic epinephrine
e.All of these
38.Which of these drugs has, as a side effect, blurred vision?
a.Albuteral sulfate
c.Terbulaline sulfate
d.Racemic epinephrine
e.All of these
39.Which of these drugs can be given every 2 hours as needed for vasoconstriction of the submusa?
a.Albuteral sulfate
c.Terbulaline sulfate
d.Racemic epinephrine
e.All of these
40.Which of these drugs can be given every 4 –6 hours for bronchospasm?
a.Albuteral sulfate
c.Terbulaline sulfate
d.a, b & c
41.Which of these drugs is notorious for rebound, a condition in which a rapid tolerance is built up within a few doses.
a.Albuteral sulfate
c.Terbulaline sulfate
d.Racemic epinephrine
e.All of these
42.Normal saline is given by inhalation in small volume nebulizer because:
a.It dilutes the active drug such as the bronchodilator
b.It makes the treatment last about 10-15 minutes
c.a and b
d.None of these
43.Which is more irritating to the airway?
a..9% NaCl
b.10% Acetylcysteine
c.20% Acetylcysteine
44.Hypotonic saline is:
a..45% NaCl
b..9 % NaCl
c.1.8% NaCl
d.No NaCl
45.The small volume nebulizer is actually just a tiny:
a.Pneumatic aerosol generator
b.Small particle aerosol generator
c.Babington aerosol generator
d.None of these
46.The average dose of medication held by the SVN is about:
a.300 mL
b.200 mL
c.45 mL
d.3-5 mL
e.None of these
47.The suggested best flow rate for a SVN is:
a.10-15 lpm
b.2-3 lpm
c.6-8 lpm
48.If you have a SVN running at the standard flow rate, you expect to use up 3 mL
within – minutes.
a.1 minute
b.2 minutes
c.10 minutes
d.12-15 minutes
49.Toward the last few minutes of the average treatment, due to evaporation, you would expect the drug to be:
a.More concentrated
b.Less concentrated
c.No change in concentration
50.The gas source for a SVN treatment:
a.Air at 50 psig or less
b.02 at 50 psig or less
c.Both are correct
51.The SPAG nebulizer would be used to deliver medication to:
a.Alveoli of the baby or small child with RSV viral bronchiolitis/pneumonia
b.the airways of the asthmatic patient
52.The Circulaire nebulizer would be used to deliver medication to:
a.Alveoli of the baby or small child with RSV viral bronchiolitis/pneumonia
b.the airways of the asthmatic patient
53.The heart nebulizer would be used to deliver medication to:
a.Alveoli of the baby or small child with RSV viral bronchiolitis/pneumonia
b.the airways of the asthmatic patient whose bronchospasm is hard to correct
54.The hand-held ultrasonic nebulizer would be used to deliver medication to the :
a.Alveoli of the baby or small child with RSV viral bronchiolitis/pneumonia
b.the airways of the asthmatic patient at home
55.You have an asthmatic patient for whom the doctor wants to administer a
continuous Albuterol treatment over several hours. You would use:
c.Pneumatic nebulizer
d.Hand-held Ultrasonic nebulizer
e.Heart nebulizer
56.You have an asthmatic patient at home who wants to conserve medication.
You would use:
c.Pneumatic nebulizer
d.Handheld Ultrasonic nebulizer
e.Heart nebulizer
57.You have an asthmatic patient at home who wants to conserve medication.
You could use:
a.PARA nebulizer
c.Pneumatic nebulizer
d.breath-actuated nebulizer
e.Heart nebulizer
58.You have a baby with RSV viral infection. You would use – to deliver his
antimicrobial agent:
b.Circulaire TM
c.Pneumatic nebulizer
d.Handheld Ultrasonic nebulizer
e.Heart TM nebulizer
59.You have an asthmatic, for whom you wish to get the particles as small as
possible and you want to get as much medication into them as you can. You
would use:
b.Circulaire TM
c.Pneumatic nebulizer
d.Handheld Ultrasonic nebulizer
e.Heart TM nebulizer
60.The types of SNV that would not have a visible spray of medication all over
the patient's face would be:
a.Circulaire TM
b.Heart TM
c.Hand-held ultrasonic
d.Breath-activated SVN AeroEclipse TM
e.All of these
f.a, c and d
61.Correction:The type[s] of SVN that hold[s] more than the standard amount of
medication [ 3-5 mL] would be the:
a.Circulaire TM
c.Heart TM
d.Hand-held ultrasonic
e.Breath-activated SVN AeroEclipse TM
f.bothb and c
62.If you gave a treatment with this type of SVN, you would not be surprised
that the treatment lasts far longer than the usual amount of time.
a.Circulaire TM
b.Heart TM
c.Hand-held ultrasonic
d.Breath-activated SVN AeroEclipse TM
e.a, b and c
f.b, c and d
63.By far, the most common type of small volume nebulizer would be the :
a.Circulaire TM
c.Heart TM
d.Hand-held ultrasonic
e.Breath-activated SVN AeroEclipse TM
f.None of these
64.The aerosol particles with a MMAD of greater than 5microns will:
a.Rain out in the nose if inhaled through the nose
b.Get to the central airways if inhaled via the mouth
c.Get into the periphery of the lung, near the bronchioles or alveoli
d.May not impact in the airways because they are too light to respond to gravity
e.a and b
65.The aerosol particles with a MMAD of less than 1 micron will:
a.Rain out in the nose
b.Get to the central airways
c.Get into the periphery of the lung, near the bronchioles or alveoli
d.May not impact in the airways because they are too light to respond to gravity
66.Correction:The aerosol particles with a MMAD of 1-2 microns will:
a.Rain out in the nose
b.Get to the central airways
c.Get into the periphery of the lung
d.May not impact in the airways because they are too light to respond to gravity
67.The aerosol particles with a MMAD of 5-10 microns will:
a.Rain out in the nose
b.Get to the central airways if one breathes with the mouth
c.Get into the periphery of the lung, near the bronchioles or alveoli
d.May not impact in the airways because they are too light to respond to gravity
68.The best MMAD for bronchodilators and steroids and mucolytics is:
a.More than 5 microns
b.5-10 microns
c.2-5 microns
d.1 micron
69.The best MMAD for anti-microbial agents is:
a.More than 5 microns
b.5-10 microns
c.2-5 microns
d.1 micron
70.The average MMAD of the conventional SVN [pneumatic nebulizer] is:
a.4 microns at 6 lpm
b.3.35 microns at 8 lpm
c.1.3 microns
d.1 micron
e. a & b are both correct
71.The average MMAD of the SPAG unit is:
a.4 microns at 6 lpm
b.3.35 microns at 8 lpm
c.1.3 microns
d.1 micron
72.The average MMAD of the Respirgard II is:
a.4 microns at 6 lpm
b.3.35 microns at 8 lpm
c.1.3 microns
d..93 micron at 7 lpm
73.The average MMAD of the Circulaire nebulizer is:
a.4 microns at 6 lpm
b.3.35 microns at 8 lpm
c.1.3 microns
d.1 micron after the baffle
74.Your patient is a 2-year-old child with RSV pneumonia. She is wheezing and the
doctor has ordered Albuterol 2.5 mg in 3 mL. You would select which delivery device
to do this?
a.SPAG unit
b.Pneumatic SVN
c.Heart pneumatic SVN
d.Respigard II
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