Contact Details / Page 2
General Information / Page 2
Sessions / Page 2
Lunch Hour / Page 2
Our Aims / Page 2
We Offer / Page 3
Settling in Pre-School / Page 3
Curriculum / Page 3
Characteristics of Effective learning / Page 3
Areas of learning and development Personal, Social and Emotional / Page 4
Physical Development, Communication and Language. / Page 4
Specific area, Literacy / Page 4
Mathematics, Understanding the world / Page 5
Expressive arts and design / Page 5
Stay and Play Rota / Page 5
Keyworkers / Page 5
Record Keeping / Page 6
Training / Page 6
Special Educational Needs and Disability / Page 6
Staff Ratio / Page 6
Draft Green Travel Plan / Page7
Safeguarding and Protecting Children / Page 8
o  Missing Child / Page 9
o  Outings Policy / Page 10
o  Parent/Carer Involvement / Page 11
o  Selecting Play Equipment and Toys Policy / Page 11
o  Staffing and Employment Policy / Page 12
o  Student Placements Policy / Page 12
o  Uncollected Child Policy / Page 12
o  Admissions / Page 14
o  Admittance / Page 15
Behaviour Management Policy / Page 16
Clothing Policy / Page 17
Complaints Policy / Page 18
Confidentiality Policy / Page 19
Diet Policy / Page 20
Equal Opportunities Policy / Page 21
Fees Policy / Page 22
Health and Safety Policy / Page 23 – 26
Inclusion Policy / Page 27
Diabetic Policy and Procedure / Page 28
Fire Evacuation Policy and Procedure / Page 29
Nappy/Clothes changing of child / Page 30
Lunch Club Policy and Procedures / Page 30
Privacy and Mobile Telephones Policy / Page 31
Personal use by staff/committee of social networking and other third party websites / Page 32
Special Educational Needs/Disability Policy / Page 33 -34
Whistle blowing policy / Page 35
Contact Details

Thatcham Pre-School

Moorside Community Centre

Urquhart Road



RG19 4RE

Mobile Telephone: 07831 611145

General Information

Thatcham Pre-School, formerly known as Thatcham Play Group was founded in 1966. We are a registered charity, number 900111. Thatcham Pre-School is a committee run community group, governed by a constitution that was adopted in March 1997 and updated October 2012

We are registered with OFSTED who inspect us on a regular basis and have a current rating of 2-4 years for re-inspection to ensure we meet their standards.

We are also a member of the Pre-School Learning Alliance. Our PLA membership, insurance certificate and OFSTED report are available at all times on request.


The Pre-School is open Monday to Friday during term, at the following times:

2 Thatcham Pre-School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children. /
Morning Session / Lunch-Club / Afternoon Session
2 Thatcham Pre-School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children. /
9.00am – 11.30am / 11.30am - 12.30pm / 12.30pm – 3.00pm
Lunch Hour

o  Lunch club is available Monday to Friday from 11.30am to 12.30pm.

o  The lunch hour is charged at the same rate as our hourly rate.

o  Parents/carers are to provide a packed lunch if their child is participating in the lunch club.

o  Snacks are provided during each session and are therefore are charged per session.

o  For current prices please see the up to date Parent/Carer Supplementary Information Sheet or speak to the Pre-School Leader.

Our 6 Aims

1.  To provide a caring, secure, stimulating and happy environment in which all our children can flourish and in which all contributions are valued.

2.  To include and value the contribution of all families to our understanding of equality and diversity.

3.  To provide positive non-stereotyping information about different ethnic groups and people with disabilities.

4.  To improve knowledge and understanding of issues of equality and diversity and to make inclusion a thread that runs through all the activities of the Pre-School.

5.  To provide equality of opportunity and anti-discriminatory practice for all children and families.

6.  To offer children the opportunity to develop physically, emotionally, socially and intellectually.

We Offer

o  A personalised action plan to ensure that people with disabilities can participate successfully in the services offered by the Pre-School and in the curriculum offered.

o  A specially tailored curriculum leading to approved learning goals.

o  Individual care and attention, made possible by a high ratio of adults to children.

o  A variety of play, materials, equipment and activities.

o  Fun and friendship with children and other adults.

o  The support of a keyworker.

o  Opportunities for you and your family to be directly involved in the activities of the group and in your own child’s progress.

o  An equal opportunities policy, which we endeavour to ensure all parents are made aware of.

o  A translator for families with English as a second language, where possible.

o  The provision of information in clear, concise language, whether in spoken or written form.

Settling in Pre-School

o  After enrolling, parent/carers will receive a welcome pack with helpful information.

o  We aim to make children feel safe and happy in the absence of their parent/carers.

o  We assist them in recognising other adults as a source of authority, help and friendship and afterwards, to be able to share with other adults the new learning experiences enjoyed in the Pre-School.

o  Our settling procedures help the children to feel comfortable in Pre-School, to benefit from what it has to offer and to be confident that their parent/carers will return at the end of the session.


o  Within the group, all children are supported in developing their potential at their own pace.

o  Our keyworker system enables us to ensure a planned curriculum tailored to the needs of each individual child.

o  A tailored curriculum leads to nationally approved learning outcomes and prepares children to progress with confidence to the National Curriculum at the age of five.

o  We follow the Development Matters in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) to support each individual child’s development pathway.

o  More information can be found on the DfE website or

Characteristics of Effective Learning

Playing and Exploring- engagement

o  Finding out and exploring

o  Playing with what they know

o  Being willing to have a go

Active learning – Motivation

o  Being involved and concentrating

o  Keeping trying

o  Enjoying and achieving what the set out to do

Creating and thinking critically – thinking

o  Having their own ideas

o  Making links

o  Choosing ways to do things.

Area of learning and development

Prime areas

Personal social and emotional

Aspect, Making relationships, Self-confidence and self-awareness, Managing feelings and behaviour.

o  Children are supported in developing confidence and self-respect.

o  They are encouraged to play independently, as well as taking part in group activities, sharing and co-operating with other children and adults.

o  Through conversation and practical example, they learn acceptable ways to express their own feelings and to respect the feelings of others.

o  Children are taught to take responsibility for themselves and the group, its members and its property.

Physical Development

o  A range of equipment and opportunities, both indoor and outdoor, allow children to develop confidence and enjoyment of their physical skills.

o  A high level of adult supervision enables children to safely create and meet physical challenges. Running, jumping, climbing, balancing and skipping helps large muscle development.

o  Children are supported in the development of the fine motor skills required to use tools such as pens and pencils and to handle them with increasing control and precision.

o  They are also encouraged to develop awareness of their own bodies and of what keeps them healthy.

Communication and Language

o  Children are encouraged to extend their vocabulary by talking and listening and by responses to stories, rhymes and songs.

o  Children are helped to understand written symbols.

o  A well stocked book corner gives children the opportunity to become familiar with books and their uses, both for reference and as a source of stories and pictures.

Specific area


o  Reading

o  We will encourage children to focus on meaningful print such as their name, and words in the environment

o  Encourage children to predict outcomes

o  Ensure access to stories for all children by using a range of visual cues and story props.

o  Writing

o  We will listen and support what children tell us about the marks they make.

o  Support children in writing their own names.

o  Talk to children about the letters that represent the sounds they hear at the beginning of their own names and other familiar words.


o  By means of adult supported practical experience, children become familiar with sorting, matching, ordering and sequencing and counting activities that form the basis for early mathematics.

o  Solving practical problems, identifying objects by shape, position, size, volume and number, develops mathematical understanding.

o  Songs, games and picture books help children become aware of number sequences.

Understanding the World

o  A safe and stimulating environment allows children to explore and experiment with a wide range of natural and manufactured materials.

o  Children are assisted in exploring and understanding their environment, both within the group and the wider community.

o  A range of safe and well maintained equipment enables children to extend their technological understanding, using simple tools and techniques to achieve their goals and solve problems.

o  The children also learn to respect other people and to expect respect in return,

Expressive arts and Design

o  Children are encouraged to use the wide range of resources in order to express their own ideas and feelings and to construct their individual response to experiences in two and three dimensions.

o  Art equipment, including paint, glue, crayons and pencils allows the exploration of colour, shape and texture.

o  Children join in with and respond to music and stories.

o  There are also many opportunities for imaginative role-play.

Stay and Play Rota

o  Research shows that children learn better when their own parents/carers are involved.

o  Our Stay and Play rota system involves all parent/carers in the group on a regular basis.

o  It gives parents/carers the opportunity to be involved in the group, to see what happens there and to talk about it afterwards with their child.

o  In addition, the rota system provides a valuable opportunity for all children to see their own parents/carers in a new role.

o  It gives parents the opportunity to look at and to contribute to their child’s learning journal along with their child.

o  Please note that this is completely voluntary.


o  Our keyworker system gives each member of staff responsibility for a few children.

o  The keyworker is able to ensure that the needs of each individual child are met.

o  They also work with the parents/carers to ensure that all children are supported in reaching their full potential.

Record Keeping

o  The Pre-School keeps comprehensive records of each child’s personal details and their progress. Personal details include: name, date of birth, address, parent/carer’s employment details, family doctor, health visitor and health records.

o  Each child’s progress is recorded in a Learning Journey diary and in written observations and photographs carried out by the child’s keyworker.

o  The information from the chart and the observations, as well as information provided by parents/carers is used as a basis for drawing up an appropriate curriculum for each child.

o  Parent/carers can request to view their child’s Learning Journey at any time. However, please check in advance to ensure that your child’s key worker has the Journey in school. A good time to arrange for this would be when participating in a Stay and Play session.

o  A progress check will be completed before the child’s 3rd birthday.

o  Once your child reaches school age, a transition report will be forwarded to your child’s school.


o  As a member of the Pre-School Learning Alliance, we are constantly in touch with new thinking in the field of child education and care.

o  We receive a monthly magazine offering practical advice and up-to-date information and have access to a wide range of professionally produced publications.

o  Ongoing training courses are regularly offered by the West Berks EYFS and Pre-School Learning Alliance.

o  We also receive training, information and courses from West Berkshire Early Years Foundation Stage Team (EYFS).

o  We actively encourage and support our staff in the NVQ Childcare qualification and we have a number of qualified members of staff.

Special Educational Needs and Disability

o  The number of adults in the Pre-School enables us to provide individual attention for each child.

o  Each child is able to progress at his/her own rate in all areas of development and this is true for children with and without disabilities or learning difficulties.

o  We are experienced in working with professionals across the range of special needs and have had many special needs children attending this group.

o  If you would like to discuss the group’s ability to meet your own child’s needs, please talk to the Pre-School Leader or your child’s keyworker.

Staff Ratio

o  One adult to four children* for those aged 2½ to 3 years.

o  One adult to eight children* for those aged 3 to 5 years.

* If the Pre-School Leader feels the need for a smaller ratio, this will be put into place.

Green Travel Plan

West Berkshire Council has requested a green travel plan to achieve a sustainable transport system.

o  The Pre-School is close to a bus route, is within walking distance of Thatcham railway station and has pedestrian and cycle access from several directions.

o  All staff will be encouraged to reduce car use by sharing, cycling or walking.

o  Interest free loans will be made to staff to purchase bicycles or a public transport plan.

o  Where applicable, any tax benefits introduced by the Government will be publicised to staff to further encourage the green travel plan.