Environmental Mitigation and Monitoring Plan (EMMP)
Project/Activity Name:Geographic Location(s) (Country/Region):
Implementation Start/End Date:
Contract/Award Number:
Implementing Partner(s):
Tracking ID:
Tracking ID/link of Related IEE:
Tracking ID/link of Other, Related Analyses:
Implementing Operating Unit(s):(e.g. Mission or Bureau or Office)
Lead BEO Bureau:
Prepared by:
Date Prepared:
Submitted by:
Date Submitted:
Analysis Type: / EMMPAdditional Analyses/Reporting Required: / EMMR
[Add others as appropriate]
Environmental Mitigation and Monitoring Plans (EMMPs) are required for USAID-funded projects when the 22CFR216 documentation governing the project (e.g. the Initial Environmental Examination (IEE)) imposes mitigation measures on at least one project or activity. EMMPs ensure that the ADS 204 requirements for incorporating and monitoring appropriate mitigative measures into project or activity design. Responsibility for developing the EMMP lies with USAID, but EMMPs are usually prepared by the Implementing Partner (IP). EMMPs are typically conducted after the IEE is complete, though they may be completed as part of the IEE. EMMPs are a vehicle for translating applicable IEE conditions and mitigation measures into specific, implementable, and verifiable actions.
An EMMP is anaction plan that clearly defines:
1. Mitigation measures.Actions that reduce or eliminate potential negative environmental impacts resulting directly or indirectly from a particular project or activity, including environmental limiting factors that constrain development.
2. Monitoring indicators[1].Criteria that demonstrate whether mitigation measures are suitable and implemented effectively.
3. Monitoring/reporting frequency. Timeframes for appropriately monitoring the effectiveness of each specific action.
4. Responsible parties. Appropriate, knowledgeable positions assigned to each specific action.
USAID Approval of EMMP
[The routing process and associated signature blocks may be customized by Bureau or Mission. Please follow Bureau- or Mission-specific guidance. Include signature blocks in accordance with Bureau and/or Mission policy. At a minimum include the noted required signatures. Add other signatures as necessary.]
Approval: / ______[Name], Activity Manager/A/COR [required] / ______
Clearance: / ______
[Name], Mission Environmental Officer [as appropriate] / ______
Clearance: / ______
[Name], Regional Environmental Advisor [as appropriate] / ______
Concurrence: / ______
[Name], ____ Bureau Environmental Officer [as appropriate] / ______
DISTRIBUTION: [Distribution lists may be customized by Bureau or Mission. Please follow Bureau- or Mission-specific guidance.]
USAID 216 EMMP template version 1, December 2017
1.0Project/Activity Summary
[This should be a concise summary of information in the IEE, modified to site-specific circumstances, with regard to mitigation and monitoring activities.]
[These instructions may be customized by Bureau or Mission. May include character/page limits, requirements for detailed drawings, maps, site photos, subsections for narrative on mitigation and monitoring activities, and other Bureau-specific EMMP requirements, including use of the EMMP Table in Section 3 below.]
USAID 216 EMMP template version 1, December 2017
3.0EMMP table for [provide name of activity]
[Modify activity categories as appropriate.]
Project/Activity/Sub-Activity / Identified Environmental Aspects or Impacts / Mitigation Measure(s)Include: Responsible party, timing of mitigation with the project life cycle. / Monitoring Indicator(s) / Monitoring and Reporting Frequency / Responsible Parties
Activity Category 1:
Activity Category 2:
Activity Category 3:
Activity Category 4:
Activity Category 5:
Activity Category 6:
Add rows as needed
USAID 216 EMMP template version 1, December 2017
[1] Note: Monitoring indicators differ from performance indicators, which are the measures that USAID uses to detect progress towards the results included in a Results Framework.