September 15, 2012
Prelude Judy Finnell
Songs of Fellowship Bonita Pelky
Welcome and Church Life Tom Yaste
Adelphian Junior Academy Nancy Danelson
Call to Worship Tom Yaste
Introit Congregation, please stand and sing
“Jesus Stand Among Us” No. 683
Invocation Pastor David Salazar
Hymn of Praise No.348
“The Church Has One Foundation”
Tithes and Offerings Holly Church Combined Budget
Prayer Tom Yaste
Offertory Judy Finnell
Lamb’s Offering Worthy Student Fund
Children’s Story Tiffany Potter
Scripture Reading Jeff Doll
Hebrews 3:13-15
Prayer Song Congregation, please kneel, if possible, and sing
“As We Come to You in Prayer” No. 671
Prayer Jeff Doll
Worship in Music Lorren Hickman
THE SPOKEN WORD Pastor David Salazar
“God’s Church Attendance”
Hymn of Dedication No. 50
“Abide With Me”
Benediction Pastor David Salazar
As the deacons dismiss you, please show your respect for the Sanctuary and help maintain reverence by waiting to do your visiting in the foyer.
Deacons: Ed McFarland and Jim Patterson
Greeters: Nitza Salazar, Doug Clayton, and Mildred Hickman
Ushers Carla Carlton and David Shinn
Sound : Dan Campbell
The Sabbath concludes at sunset tonight at 7:45 p.m.
and begins again at sunset next Friday at 7:35 p.m.
GO -- Make Disciples
And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come. -- Mathew 24:14
Two thousand years ago on a hillside by the Sea of Galilee Jesus was explaining the kingdom of Heaven to a group of 5,000 men plus women and children. They couldn’t get enough, so they stayed and stayed to hear more. Finally, the disciples said, “Send them home because they are hungry.” But Jesus’ reply was, “Don’t send them home; you feed them.”
The disciples couldn’t figure how that could be done. So Jesus asked them to bring Him what they had. A boy’s lunch consisting of five barley loaves and two small fish was all they could find.
You know the story; Jesus took that small amount and fed the entire group, with lots left over – a true miracle.
Have you ever encountered someone in need and had the desire to give them spiritual food, but felt that you had only “five loaves and two fish”?
It’s encouraging to realize that, although Jesus could have created a meal out of nothing, He asked them for what they already had and then multiplied it greatly. Notice also that Jesus first called upon his disciples to feed the multitude. For months they had personally witness Him performing mighty miracles, the likes of which had never been seen. Blind given sight, lame made whole, the dead raised to life – all of these wonderful works provided evidence that they were in the presence of divine power. Now was their opportunity to exercise faith in what could be done when working closely with Jesus. Paul must have has this in mind when he said, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13
Just as the disciples were invited to join their Master in ministry, God offers us the privilege of fellowship with Christ in Service. As we work closely with heaven in Evangelism we receive training that imparts a fitness for participation with Him in glory.
-- James Micheff, Jr.,
Michigan Memo, March, 2012
Seventh-day Adventist Church
16180 Fish Lake Road
Holly, Michigan 48442
248 634 8371 ---
September 15, 2012
In joyful anticipation of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, we, the Holly Seventh-day Adventist Church, seek to assist all in developing a grace-saving relationship with our Lord and Saviour. Through training, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we will meet the needs of our local, neighboring, and worldwide communities and reveal the character of God.
9:30 a.m.
Study of God’s Word In Classes
Piano Interlude Susan Loveless
Celebration in Song Jim Patterson
Superintendent’s Welcome Nick DiLernia
Opening Hymn “Beneath the Cross of Jesus” No. 303
Mission Report Mission Spotlight
Superintendent’s Remarks Nick DiLernia
Prayer Nick DiLernia
WELCOME -- Jesus promised, “I will come again,” and our Worship Celebration becomes a response to that divine assurance. This morning we worship Him because He is our Creator, because He is our Saviour, and because He is our soon to come King.
We extend a happy Sabbath welcome to every worshipper. To our visiting friends and guests, we would like to add a warm invitation to return often and worship with us.
WORSHIP IN STEWARDSHIP of Tithes and Offerings. Our offering today is for the Holly Church Combined Budget.
The Church can never complete her task if we remain only in the ‘kindergarten of stewardship’. Not only our tithe and our offerings, but our total life must be surrendered and consecrated for service.
David and Michelle Cischke to Holly from South Lyon
Jim and Becky Jenkinson to Holly from South Lyon
VISITORS – You are invited to join us in the church fellowship room after the Worship Service today for meal hosted by Shawna Campbell and Nancy Danelson. Please stay so we can become better acquainted and can share the Sabbath Day blessing together. Next Sabbath our hospitality meal will be hosted by Pat Johnson Bailey and David Shinn.
HOLLY CHURCH WEBSITE -- If you have web access, be sure and check out our website for all the information, pictures, videos, listen to sermons, and much more that is available on site.
Pastor: David Salazar
Head Elder: Jim Prosser
Second Elder: Tom Yaste
Personal Ministries Leader: Paula Prosser
TODAY: 6:45 p.m. “The Star Man of Revelation: Life’s Last, Best Hope” with Elder Dan Towar at AJA
SUNDAY: 6:45 p.m. “Revelation’s War Between The Lion and The Dragon” with Elder Dan Towar at AJA
MONDAY: 6:45 p.m. “Revelation’s Lion King and His Court” with Elder Dan Towar at AJA
TUESDAY: 10:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Community Services Center
WEDNESDAY: 7:00-8:00 p.m. Prayer Meeting -- Studies in Revelation with Pastor Salazar
THURSDAY: 3:15-4:00 p.m. AJA Vegetarian Food Pantry
6:30 p.m. AJA School Board meeting
FRIDAY: 6:45 p.m. “Prophecy Reveals the Last Days Anti-Christ Super Power” with Elder Dan Towar at AJA
SABBATH: 9:30 a.m. Sabbath School
10:40 a.m. Worship Service – Pastor David Salazar
Offering – Michigan Advance Partners
6:45 p.m. “Discover the Bible Prophecy Jesus Said We Must Understand” with Elder Dan Towar at AJA
“Discover Revelation”, Journey through Prophecy -- the Towars and helping personnel; attendance by community members, our outreach contacts, non-attending members
Travel safety, spiritual blessings for the Pathfinders at Au Sable this weekend for Camporee
Adelphian Junior Academy
All our students and parents
Those with health problems
Those who have lost loved ones
Those facing spiritual, financial, or personal problems
Those suffering from the many natural and man-made disasters that are troubling our world
Our governments and preservation of our Religious Liberty
5 K RUN/WALK Sunday, September 23, starts at 8:00 a.m. at the Adelphian Junior Academy parking lot and will circle through the subdivisions -- a very low traffic area. The race/walk is sponsored by AJA and the Holly church as part of Adventist denomination’s “Let’s Move Day”. AJA’s goal is 80% of students and their families participating. The Adventist denomination goal is to get as many people as possible involved. Plan to join us – get your exercise and be a part of helping to reach the goals.
BULLETIN INFORMATION should be turned in to Luvamay Dovich by 6:00 p.m. Tuesday evening in order to be included in the next Sabbath’s bulletin.
More information and/or registration forms are on the church bulletin board, Personal Ministries counter, or the Michigan Conference website Registration forms are also available at the church office.
NATURAL HOME REMEDIES SEMINAR continuing at the South Flint Church, 4:00-6:00 p.m. Sundays, September 16 & 23; 6:30-8:30 p.m. Thursday, September 20 and Sabbath, September 22. The seminar is being provided as a community service so there is no attendance fee. The church is located at 1467 E Maple Ave. in Burton.
TRAINING CENTER CHURCHES LEADERSHIP SUMMIT, September 21-23, at Camp Au Sable, with hands-on training and instruction in how to give effective, powerful, Christ-centered Bible studies and to answer tough objections.
MICHIGAN MEN OF FAITH; September 29, at Great Lakes Adventist Academy in Cedar Lake. The theme for this year is Called to Excellence. Registration deadline is September 25.
MOTHER/DAUGHTER RETREAT at Camp Au Sable, October 12-14. More information and application blanks are in Connections, the Women’s Ministries Newsletters on the Personal Ministries counter or available at the church office.
Evangelistic series with Elder Dan Towar
Adelphian Junior Academy gym 6:45 p.m.
continuing Friday Saturday, Sunday, and Monday evenings
Training Center Churches Leadership Summit
Camp Au Sable, September 21-23
Evangelism with Towars 6:45 p.m. Sabbath, September 22
5K Run/walk starting at AJA 8:00 a.m. Sunday, September 23
Evangelism with Towars 6:45 p.m. Sunday, September 23
Evangelism with Towars 6:45 p.m. Monday, September 24
Pathfinder & Adventurer Club meetings Tuesday, Sept. 25
GLAA Home Leave September 26-30
Evangelism with Towars 6:45 p.m. Friday, September 28
Michigan Men of Faith, Cedar Lake Sabbath, September 29
Evangelism with Towars 6:45 p.m. Sabbath, September 29
Evangelism with Towars 6:45 p.m. Sunday, September 30
AJA Fall Week of Prayer October 1-5
Evangelism with Towars 6:45 p.m. Monday, October 1
Michigan Academies Alumni Weekend
GLAA campus, Cedar Lake October 12-13
Mother/Daughter Retreat, Camp Au Sable October 12-14
GLAA Home Leave October 31-November 4