Draft: 10/13/12

Goal #1: Assess technology needs for students/faculty/staff on a regular basis.
Action Item / Estimated
Timeline / Status* / Responsible
1. / Conduct a regular assessment/evaluation for students, faculty, staff, and administrators in terms of technology use/needs/training
A.  Faculty survey of technology use/needs/training / Spring 2013 / IP / TAC/ITC
B.  Student survey of technology use/needs/training / Fall 2013 / IP / TAC/ASG/ITC
C.  Staff and Administrators survey of technology use/needs/training / Fall 2013 / IP / TAC/CP/PC
D.  Faculty survey results analyzed, revised and resubmitted as appropriate / Fall 2013 / IP / TAC/IR/ITC
E.  Staff and Administrators survey results analyzed, revised and resubmitted as appropriate / Spring 2014 / IP / TAC/IR/CP/PC
F.  Student survey results analyzed, revised and resubmitted as appropriate / Spring 2014 / IP / TAC/IR/ITC/ASG
2. / Conduct community surveys of technology needs through advisory groups
A.  Develop a template for Advisory Groups to utilize / Fall 2012 / IP / TAC/ITC
B.  Provide template to Advisory Groups for use / Spring 2013 / IP / TAC/Advisory Groups
C.  Analyze results of the survey (if given to Advisory committee members) / Fall 2013 / IP / TAC/IR
D.  Revise and resubmit as appropriate / Spring 2014 / IP / TAC/IR
3. / Ensure appropriate instructional and administrative technology is provided for students, faculty, and staff.
A.  Develop plans for hardware/software acquisition from survey results in Action item #1 / Ongoing / IP / TAC/ITC/CP/ASG/PC
Goal #2: Ensure technology funding
Action Item / Estimated
Timeline / Status* / Responsible
1. / Increased budget for Technology Support Services
A.  Develop replacement cycle documents to demonstrate need
1.  Network infrastructure – Goal #3 / Spring 2013 / IP / TSS
2.  Computers / Fall 2012 / IP / TSS
3.  Audio Visual Equipment / Fall 2012 / IP / TSS
B.  Develop planning agenda proposals for technology needs
1.  Increased Wireless coverage – Goal #4 / Spring 2013 / IP / TSS/TAC
2.  Make VDI available from off campus – Goal # 3 / Spring 2012 / IP / TSS
3.  Develop Disaster Recovery plan for Data & Network – Goal #3 & 4 / Fall 2012 / IP / TAC/TSS
2. / Technology object codes
A.  Identify object code needed to facilitate review of technology expenditures / Fall 2012 / IP / TSS
B.  Suggest implementation of the identified object codes / Spring 2013 / IP / TSS
C.  Implement new object codes / Fall 2013 / IP / AS/TSS
D.  Monitor and analyze for effectiveness and adjust as appropriate / Ongoing / UP / AS/TSS
3. / Develop Total Cost of Ownership model
A.  Form a sub-committee / Spring 2013 / UP / TAC/TSS/HR/OP
B.  Publicize developed model to campus constituency / Fall 2013 / UP / TAC
Goal #3: Provide network stability
Action Item / Estimated
Timeline / Status* / Responsible
1. / Regularly schedule network infrastructure replacement
A.  Develop plan for Network infrastructure replacement / Spring 2013 / IP / TSS/TAC
B.  Request funding / Fall 2013 / IP / TSS
C.  Implement plan / 2014-2015 / UP / TSS
2. / Ensure data integrity, storage, and recovery
A.  Secure storage device / Fall 2011 / C-F11 / TSS
B.  Develop storage backup and recovery procedures / Fall 2011 / C-F11 / TSS
C.  Develop data storage policies (quota) / Fall 2012 / IP / TSS/TAC
D.  Implement plan / Spring 2013 / UP / TSS
E.  Monitor and analyze for effectiveness and adjust as appropriate / Ongoing / UP / TSS/TAC
Goal #4: Provide network access
Action Item / Estimated
Timeline / Status* / Responsible
1. / Meet ADA compliance standards for all computer labs on campus
A.  Develop standard for ADA compliant workstations / Spring 2011 / S-11 / TSS/DSP&S
B.  Inventory computer labs on campus / Fall 2011 / C-F11 / TSS/DSP&S
C.  Develop Action Plan to meet ADA requirements for non-compliant rooms / Fall 2012 / C-F12 / TAC/TSS/DSP&S
D.  Implement Action Plan to meet ADA requirements for non-compliant rooms / UP / TSS
2. / Ensure wireless access throughout campus
A.  Review vendor offerings / F2011 / C-F11 / TSS
B.  Present recommendations to TAC / Spring 2012 / C-S12 / TSS/TAC
C.  Send funding request to PAC / Spring 2012 / C-S12 / TSS
D.  Implement new WAP’s and Controller / Fall 2012 / IP / TSS
3. / Provide remote access to the network
A.  Review VDI vendor offerings / Spring 2011 / C-S11 / TSS
B.  Secure storage device & licensing / Spring 2012 / C-S12 / TSS
C.  Develop policy’s & procedures / Fall 2012 / IP / TSS/TAC/ITC
D.  Develop informational materials and publicize / Spring 2013 / UP / TSS/TAC/ITC
E.  Launch remote access to the campus groups identified / Fall 2013 / UP / TSS
F.  Review process and adjust as needed / Spring 2014 / UP / TSS/TAC/ITC
Goal #5: Participate in the development of the District Technology Plan
Action Item / Estimated
Timeline / Status* / Responsible
1. / Participate in technology planning through the TAC and TCC
A.  Complete Campus Technology Plan / Spring 2012 / C-S12 / TAC/TSS/CP/PC/ITC
B.  Participate in Technology Planning with the TCC / Spring2013 / UP / TAC
C.  Complete District Technology Plan / Fall 2013 / UP / VSA
D.  Adjust Campus Technology Plan as appropriate / Spring 2014 / UP / TAC/TSS/ITC/CP/PC
Goal #6: Increase the efficiency and effectiveness of campus processes
Action Item / Estimated
Timeline / Status* / Responsible
1. / Develop electronic forms processes
A.  Create Action Plan for Paperless campus / Spring 2012 / C-S12 / TAC
B.  Form subcommittee to review paper based processes / Fall 2012 / IP / TAC/ITC/PC/AS/ASG
C.  Implement subcommittee recommendations / Spring 2013 / UP / TAC/ITC/PC/AS/ASG
2. / Provide document imaging capabilities to the campus
A.  Create Action Plan for Paperless campus / Spring 2012 / C-S12 / TAC
B.  Request proposal for Software conversion to OnBase from Hyland / Spring 2012 / C-S12 / TSS/AR
C.  Submit proposal for conversion to Chancellors Cabinet / Fall 2012 / IP / AR/CC
D.  Implement Chancellors Cabinet recommendations / Spring 2013 / UP / TSS/VSA
E.  Monitor and adjust as appropriate / Fall 2013 / UP / TSS/VSA

* See last page of the document for definitions

Draft: 10/13/12

Draft: 10/13/12



IP = In Progress

C = Completed (e.g.: C-F11 is Completed Fall 2011)

UP = Unknown Pending - waiting on other processes before it can be completed

Responsible Party(s):

AS = Administrative Services

ASG = Associated Student Government

CC = Chancellor’s Cabinet

CP = Classified Professionals

HR = Human Resources

IR = Institutional Research

ITC = instructional Technology Committee – Academic Senate

OP = District Operations

PC = Presidents Cabinet

TAC = Technology Advisory Committee

TSS = Technology Support Services

VSA = Various Service Areas