Instruction for Preparing Camera-Ready Proceedings for 2016 Asia-Pacific Workshop on Fundamentals and Applications of Advanced Semiconductor Devices (July 4-6, 2016)
Hiroya Ikeda1andRihito Kuroda2
1Graduate School of Integrated Science and Technology, Shizuoka University, 3-5-1 Johoku, Naka-ku, Hamamatsu, 432-8011, Japan
2Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University, 6-6-11Aza-Aoba, Aramaki, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-8578, Japan
Abstract A brief abstract with 100~200 words should be prepared only in the text. The highlight of your work should be described clearly.
Keyword A few keywords should be provided here.
1. Introduction
This set of instructions is given in the style and format to be used by authors preparing camera-ready manuscripts for the 2016 Asia-Pacific Workshop on Fundamentals and Applications of Advanced Semiconductor Devices (AWAD2016). The manuscripts should clearly and concisely state the specific results of the work and its originality. The camera-ready manuscripts of accepted papers will be printed as received and bound in the proceedings for the Workshop. All the authors of invited papers and contributed papers are expected to carefully follow the instructions.
2. General Instructions
The submitted manuscripts must be in English,camera-ready in 2-6 pages including all figuresand tables. The body of the manuscripts must prepareto fit within an area of 180mm x 245mm in A4size white bond paper.For A4 size papers, set top and bottom margins to 28mm and 24mm, respectively, and left and right margins are to be 15mm.The first page of manuscripts should be headedby the title, author(s), affiliation(s), address(es),contact author’s e-mail address. The title should be written withbold letters and use capital letters for the initialletter of each word except articles, prepositionsand conjunctions. Place a blank line between thetitle and author name(s), and between the keyword(s) and the main text. The main text ofthe manuscript must be single-spaced throughout inthe two columns with full justification. Set thecolumn separation to 7.5mm. A blank line is to beplaced between the sections but no blank linesbetween the paragraphs in each section. Thesection headings should be given by bold letters.
Font styles and sizes as specified in Table 1are desirable.
Figures and Tables
A blank line is to be placed between the textand the figures and tables. Large figures and tablesmay span both columns. Photographs should havea high contrast in black and white. Figure captionsshould be placed just below the correspondingfigures and table captions above the tables.
All the references are indicated in the main textby a number in square brackets on the line likethis [1], and the full reference should be given ina numerical list at the end of the manuscript. Thereference style in accordance with the one foundin Trans. of IEICE is recommended. Any technical queries on the typing can be emailedto the following address;
3. Submitting the camera-ready manuscripts
The author(s) is requested to check spelling andcarefully proofread your manuscripts and change it in pdf file format. Please use standard English fonts such as Times New Roman and Arial to avoid for converting garbled characters. After checking the figure quality including character sizes in the pdf file of your original camera-ready manuscript, please submit it to
The deadline for receipt of the camera-readymanuscripts is
May25, 2016.
Please note that no submission by Fax or Post will be accepted.
4. Conclusions
A manuscripttemplate for the AWAD2016 has beengiven.
The committee members concerned would like toexpress sincere thanks to all the contributors to the Workshopfor their cooperation in the Workshop program.
[1]Author(s): full title of the manuscript, the usual abbreviated title of the journal, thevolume number, the first-end page number and year.
[2]Author(s): Proc. of 2012 Asia-Pacific Workshop on Fundamentals and Applications of Advanced Semiconductor, Daejeon, Korea, 2011,p.##.