From: / Dhanesh Motiani <>
Subject: / Costs of Accidents

Good Morning all and hope you are having a wonderful summer. I am looking for any information I can get on what does an average incident cost from IM perspective. Has anyone seen any $$ numbers? police, DOT, towing companies cost ?

From: / "Legg, Bill" <>
Subject: / Re: Costs of Accidents

Dhanesh, attached is a one slide powerpoint prepared several years ago by the Washington State Patrol which shows many of the costs elements related to a large truck accident and some estimated costs.

The shown costs are several years old and are now probably low. Also, costs vary widely with every accident since location, response level, and magnitude play substantially into impact.

So, view the powerpoint as a reference, but not as an absolute.

From: / Dhanesh Motiani <>
Subject: / Re: Costs of Accidents

Thanks Bill. How is WDOT? any plans to attend the ITS World Congress?

From: / Steve Cummins <>
Subject: / FW: FW: [OPSACADEMY] Costs of Accidents


I hope this helps with your question. I am sending this to the group as it may benefit others as well.

Jennifer and the staff at the UK Transportation Research Center do a wonderful job obtaining, tracking and keeping up with valuable data and I appreciate her willingness to share her expertise.

From: Jennifer Walton [mailto: Subject: Re: FW: [OPSACADEMY] Costs of Accidents


Sorry for the delay in getting back with you on this . . . I don't have much information on this topic, but I'll send you what I have.

First, here is a recent report from AAA concerning the cost of crashes vs. the cost of congestion. You may find some helpful information there. ullReport2.28.08.pdf

Also - we did a report for the Cabinet a few years ago that attempted to put a cost on crashes. (This is just a small element of the report.) Use the following link to access the report and refer to the case studies beginning on page 20.

Also - Jerry Pigman's section does a traffic collisions report every year for the Kentucky State Police. At the end of that report, there is an estimate of the cost of Kentucky crashes. Use the following link and refer to page 63 of the report. (The 2007 report should be ready very soon.)

I hope this is helpful. Please contact me if you have any questions.