9:00 a.m.

Worship Service

March 7, 2010, 3rd Sunday in Lent

Westminster Presbyterian Church extends an enthusiastic welcome, in Christ’s name, to all who would worship here or join us in fellowship. We affirm that there can be no exclusion within the body of Christ. We invite all children of God to join us as disciples of Christ and participate fully in the life of our congregation.

Worship Resources – Large print hymnals and hearing devices may be obtained from any usher. Kids’ Notes and worship bags for children are also available from the ushers. Kids’ Notes emphasize listening and seeing during worship.

1502 West 13th Street ♦ Wilmington, DE 19806 ♦ 302-654-5214 ♦

Pastoral Staff: Gregory K. Jones, Head of Staff

Anne R. Ledbetter, Associate Pastor

Church Educator: Susan Moseley

Music Staff: Paul Fleckenstein, Organist/Director of Music

Mary Beth Davis, Director of Music for Children, Youth and Handbells

Section Leaders/Soloists: Diana Milburn, Ruth Bailis, Justin Gonzalez, Brian Carter


This Morning at Westminster

8:45 – NoonChild Care for Cribbery (birth – toddler)

9:00 a.m.Traditional Worship Service with Communion, Westminster Choir and organ

After Time With Our Children, if you wish, your children may leave the Sanctuary and go to:

Godly Care — A unique opportunity for children ages 2 – 4 to get to know God through music, crafts, prayers and stories. Classes are in the Under Six Classrooms A & B.

Godly Play — Children in kindergarten through second grade gather in the Ruth Christie Room to learn the language of God’s people through sacred space, stories, parables and liturgical actions. You may pick up your children in Under Six Classroom C.

Godly Kids — Worship education for children in grades 3 and 4. You may pick up your children in Under Six Classroom C.

10:10 a.m.Prime Time Sunday School Classes for All Ages

 Under Six Sunday School – Under Six Classrooms

 Workshop Rotation for Grades 1 thru 5 – Grace Hall & Classrooms 1-4

 Prime Time for Grades 6 thru 8 – Classroom 7

 Confirmation Class – Classroom 8

 Senior High Gathering – Library

 Adult Education Classes – Page 6

11:15 a.m.Worship with old hymns, new songs and creative liturgy. Children are always welcome in worship, however, childcare is available in Under Six for ages

2 – Grade 2.

Hospitality and Fellowship

The Holy Toast Café, located today in Community Hall, is open from 8:30 a.m. to 11:15 a.m.

Coffee, tea and fellowship are free. Breakfast foods are available for one dollar per item.

Later Today

4:30 p.m.Living with Loss – Grief SupportRuth Christie Room

4:30 p.m.Youth ChoirYouth Music Room

5:30 p.m.180° Dinner and FellowshipCommunity Hall

Community Meetings

6:00 p.m.Clean But Not Straight – NAClub Room

8:00 p.m.AAClub Room


Preparation for Worship

I watch this morning for the light that the darkness has not overcome. I watch for the fire that was in the beginning and that burns still in the brilliance of the rising sun. I watch for the glow of life that gleams in the growing earth and glistens in sea and sky. I watch for your light, O God, in the eyes of every living creature and in the ever-living flame of my own soul. If the grace of seeing were mine this day I would glimpse you in all that lives. Grant me the grace of seeing this day. Grant me the grace of seeing. J. Philip Newell, Celtic Benediction

Welcome and Announcements

*Passing of the Peace

Organ PreludeSicilienneMaria Theresia von Paradis

Dr. David Herman, guest organist

Call to Worship

We have come to worship the living God;

who creates heaven and earth.

Let us celebrate the gift of life;

and give thanks for the wonders of God’s world.

*Hymn No. 488“The God of Abraham Praise”Leoni

Call to Confession

Prayer of Confession

Merciful God, who would have us give thanks for all things

and fear nothing but the loss of your presence;

we confess our faithless fears and our worldly anxieties.

We have done those things we ought not to have done

and left undone those things we ought to have done.

Grant us true repentance, forgive our sins

and give us grace to put away all that is harmful.

Silent Prayer

Assurance of God’s Forgiveness

Time With Our Children Susan Moseley

Prayer for IlluminationJen Barrington, Lay Liturgist

Scripture LessonPsalm 88Old Testament, page 508


Soloist will sing refrain, then congregation will join upon direction.

Sermon “Why Do We Pray?”Greg Jones


During the offering, please sign your name and pass the red folders down each row.

As folders are returned to the center aisle, note the names of fellow worshippers on your pew.

Offertory Music

Celebration Of The Lord’s Supper

Invitation to the Lord’s Table

According to the standards of our culture, this is not an elaborate feast.

It is not how the world teaches us to eat, drink and be merry.

Yet this meal is the ultimate celebration because at this table we receive food for our souls.

Let us feast on the food of heaven that unites us with God and one another.

*Hymn No. 508 “For the Bread Which You Have Broken”Kingdom

The Great Prayer of Thanksgiving

The Lord be with you.

And also with you.

Lift up your hearts.

We lift them to the Lord.

Eternal God...

Lord’s Prayer (page 16 in The Presbyterian Hymnal, using “debts” and “debtors”)

Words of Institution

Communion of the People

Communion Anthem“Call to Remembrance, O Lord”Richard Farrant

Westminster Choir

Call to remembrance, O Lord, Thy tender mercy and Thy loving kindness, which have been ever of old. O remember not the sins and offences of my youth, but according to Thy mercy, think Thou on me, O Lord, for Thy goodness.

Prayer following Communion

*Hymn No. 263“Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise”St. Denio


Organ PostludePrelude in Classic StyleGordon Young

*Going Forth

If you are visiting with us for the first time, we invite you to meet today’s ambassador,

Marlys Kerr, at the back of the sanctuary. She will have a gift for you, and can share

information regarding our many ministries for children, youth and adults.

Adult Education Classes

This Morning, 10:10 – 11:00 a.m.

Wrestling with Angels: An Intimate Look at the Tough Questions of Life (through April 18) Meeting Room – Today, Guidance with Tony Campolo, pastor, author and Sociology Professor at Eastern University

A six-part video series that tackles the kind of tough, real life questions that can lead you into a deeper understanding of God. Each episode features ordinary people sharing their experiences of struggling with these questions. Their stories are interwoven with reflections and commentaries by some of the most sought-after and best selling Christian authors and speakers of our time.

Hope for the Future: Christian-Muslim Dialogue, (through March 14) - Rodney Chapel

Using Eboo Patel’s book Acts of Faith as a springboard, Presbyterian pastor Tom Davis will lead a discussion on the importance of interfaith dialogue, particularly among our youth. Guest speakers will include Syed Kahlid Akmed, a Muslim friend of Tom’s, and Peter Wenigmann, Principal of the Lower School at Wilmington Friends who hosted Eboo Patel this fall, and is investigating the establishment of a local IFYC, Interfaith Youth Core.

Bible Study on Romans (through March 28) - Classroom 6

Greg Jones will teach this class on Paul’s Letter to the Romans, which is widely acclaimed as Paul’s masterpiece. Today, Dr. Jones will summarize the first five chapters which he taught in the fall. You will learn why Paul wrote this letter, how he resolved the dilemma of whether God had abandoned the Jews in favor of Christians and how this letter impacts our lives today. Everyone is welcome to join this class.

Ongoing Classes:

Parenting Group – Ruth Christie Room

Participant led, with Yvonne Nass, Parenting Consultant, leading the first Sunday of each month

Westminster By Heart – Classroom 5

Led by Biblical Storytellers Mary-beth Howard and Shelley Gnade

Thursday Evening Class

Exploring Isaiah I, II and III

March 11 and 25, in the Rowell Conference Room, 6:30 – 7:45 p.m.

Engaging the Old and New Testaments as we explore the depths of ancient prophecy

Worship Notes

The flowers in the Sanctuary today are given to the glory of God and in loving memory of Jo Collins from Phil Collins and family.

Sanctuary Flowers - Consider giving the flowers for Sunday worship to remember or honor loved ones, or to celebrate an event, while expressing praise and thanksgiving to God. Please contact Linda Watson during business hours at 302-571-6719 or . Available date for flowers is April 11.

The Lord’s Supper is celebrated this morning at both services.

Are you wearing a nametag? Whether you are a longtime member or new to the church, wearing a nametag provides others the opportunity to meet you, greet you by name, and for you to become more familiar with others at church. Nametags and markers are in baskets at all major entrances.

“Westminster to Go” Audio tapes and DVD’s of recent Westminster worship services are available at the front desk. Printed sermons are available on the literature tables and at

Congregational Care and Prayer

Please remember in your prayers:

 Those recently hospitalized: Carol Baker, Agnes McGeehan; Reena, Shyla, and Aliya Shah, and Rick Zumsteg.

 Westminster’s homebound family who can no longer attend worship with us. Send a card, say a prayer, visit! This week we ask you to remember Elva Carty, AL and Louis Frick, HC, both of Cokesbury Village, 726 Loveville Road, Hockessin, DE 19707.

 Our brothers and sisters in worldwide ministry.

Westminster’s Covenant Prayer Group prays weekly for specific needs of the faith community. Anyone may submit a prayer requests by leaving a confidential message on 302-654-5848, ext. 335, or filling out a prayer request card (in the pew pocket) and placing it in the offering plate.

The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan often seem far away, and we may neglect to realize that Americans, as well as Iraqis, Afghans and members of coalition forces, continue to die each day. As Christians, we are called to pray for the spreading of peace and justice and an end to violence. If someone in your family is serving in these wars, please let us know, so that we may include that person on our prayer list. Contact Colleen Falasco: 302-654-5214 ext. 131, or .

This week we pray for

  • Those known to the WPC Community presently serving in the Middle East:

Afghanistan: Edward Maloney, Chris Martin, Neal Moody and Daniel Reinsenberger

  • The families of those from the U.S. who have died most recently:

Private 1st Class Zachary Lovejoy, age 20, Captain Daniel Whitten, age 28,

Sergeant 1st Class David Hartman, age 27, Sergeant 1st Class Matthew Sluss-Tiller, age 35,

Staff Sergeant Mark Stets, age 39, Sergeant Dillon Foxx, age 22,

Private 1st Class Charles Williams, age 29, Sergeant Adam Ray, age 23, Corporal Jacob Turbet, age 21, Staff Sergeant John Reiners, age 24, Sergeant Jeremiah Wittman, age 26, Specialist Bobby Pagan, age 23

Private 1st Class Jason Estopinal, age 21, Lance Corporal Noah Pier, age 25,

Petty Officer 1st Class Sean Caughman, age 43, Lance Corporal Alejandro Yazzie, age 23.

  • Those who have returned from service, possibly suffering from wounds or Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, whose scars may by deep and long-lasting.

In Concert at Westminster:

The Duke University Chorale

Dr. Rodney Wynkoop, conductor

This Thursday, March 11, 8:00 p.m.

No admission charge; free-will offering



11:15 a.m.

Worship Service

March 7, 2010, 3rd Sunday in Lent

Westminster Presbyterian Church extends an enthusiastic welcome, in Christ’s name, to all who would worship here or join us in fellowship. We affirm that there can be no exclusion within the body of Christ. We invite all children of God to join us as disciples of Christ and participate fully in the life of our congregation.

Worship Resources – Large print hymnals and hearing devices may be obtained from any usher. Kids’ Notes and worship bags for children are also available from the ushers. Kids’ Notes emphasize listening and seeing during worship.

1502 West 13th Street ♦ Wilmington, DE 19806 ♦ 302-654-5214 ♦

Pastoral Staff: Gregory K. Jones, Head of Staff

Anne R. Ledbetter, Associate Pastor

Church Educator: Susan Moseley

Music Staff: Paul Fleckenstein, Organist/Director of Music

Mary Beth Davis, Director of Music for Children, Youth and Handbells

Vocal Ensemble: Diana Milburn, Ruth Bailis, Justin Gonzalez, Brian Carter


This Morning at Westminster

8:45 – NoonChild Care for Cribbery (birth – toddler)

9:00 a.m.Traditional Worship Service with Communion, Westminster Choir and organ

After Time With Our Children, if you wish, your children may leave the Sanctuary and go to:

Godly Care — A unique opportunity for children ages 2 – 4 to get to know God through music, crafts, prayers and stories. Classes are in the Under Six Classrooms A & B.

Godly Play — Children in kindergarten through second grade gather in the Ruth Christie Room to learn the language of God’s people through sacred space, stories, parables and liturgical actions. You may pick up your children in Under Six Classroom C.

Godly Kids — Worship education for children in grades 3 and 4. You may pick up your children in Under Six Classroom C.

10:10 a.m.Prime Time Sunday School Classes for All Ages

 Under Six Sunday School – Under Six Classrooms

 Workshop Rotation for Grades 1 thru 5 – Grace Hall & Classrooms 1-4

 Prime Time for Grades 6 thru 8 – Classroom 7

 Confirmation Class – Classroom 8

 Senior High Gathering – Library

 Adult Education Classes – Page 6

11:15 a.m.Worship with old hymns, new songs and creative liturgy. Children are always welcome in worship, however, childcare is available in Under Six for ages

2 – Grade 2.

Hospitality and Fellowship

The Holy Toast Café, located today in Community Hall, is open from 8:30 a.m. to 11:15 a.m.

Coffee, tea and fellowship are free. Breakfast foods are available for one dollar per item.

Later Today

4:30 p.m.Living with Loss – Grief SupportRuth Christie Room

4:30 p.m.Youth ChoirYouth Music Room

5:30 p.m.180° Dinner and FellowshipCommunity Hall

Community Meetings

6:00 p.m.Clean But Not Straight – NAClub Room

8:00 p.m.AAClub Room


Welcome and Announcements

Call to Worship“Feed My Lambs”Natalie Sleeth

Sunshine Choir

Director, Sandie Reinicker

Opening Sentences

We have come to worship the living God;

who creates heaven and earth.

Let us celebrate the gift of life;

and give thanks for the wonders of God’s world.

Procession of God’s Light and WordAcolyte: Jan van Amerongen

As the acolyte lights the candle, we remember that Christ is the Light of the world.

*Song“Give Thanks”

Words and Music: Henry Smith © 1978 Integrity’s Hosanna! Music

Used with permission: CCLI #1827303

Call to Confession

Prayer of Confession

Merciful God, who would have us give thanks for all things

and fear nothing but the loss of your presence;

we confess our faithless fears and our worldly anxieties.

We have done those things we ought not to have done

and left undone those things we ought to have done.

Grant us true repentance, forgive our sins

and give us grace to put away all that is harmful.

Silent Prayer

Assurance of God’s Forgiveness

Anthem“Let There Be Peace on Earth”Sandie Reinicker

Sunshine Choir

Shelley Sprague, Percussion

Let there be peace on earth

Let it begin with me.

I can spread kindness and love.

Even if sometimes it isn’t so easy,

There always is help from above.

Our God loves everyone

So we should love them too.

Love will soon spread through the land.

Person to person and country to country

Someday we will all understand.

Let there be peace on earth

Let it begin with me

That is what Jesus would do.

So we should live each day

Spreading His love and joy.

I’m going to try! How ‘bout you?

Time With Our Children Susan Moseley

Prayer for IlluminationBarbara Stratton, Lay Liturgist

Scripture LessonPsalm 88Old Testament, page 508


Sermon “Why Do We Pray?”Greg Jones


During the offering, please sign your name and pass the red folders down each row.

As folders are returned to the center aisle, note the names of fellow worshippers on your pew.

Offertory Music

Celebration Of The Lord’s Supper

Invitation to the Lord’s Table

According to the standards of our culture, this is not an elaborate feast.

It is not how the world teaches us to eat, drink and be merry.

Yet this meal is the ultimate celebration because at this table we receive food for our souls.

Let us feast on the food of heaven that unites us with God and one another.

The Great Prayer of Thanksgiving

The Lord be with you.

And also with you.

Lift up your hearts.

We lift them to the Lord.

Eternal God...

“The Lord’s Prayer”Vocal EnsembleBradley Ellingboe

Words of Institution

Communion of the People

When the congregation is invited to come forward for the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper, please approach the communion table from the center aisle and return to your pew from one of the side aisles. When you reach the communion station, please take a piece of bread, the symbol of Christ’s body, and dip it in the cup, representing the new life in Christ. If you are
unable to come forward, please tell an usher so that you may be served in your pew.

Prayer following Communion

*Hymn No. 263“Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise”St. Denio


Adult Education Classes

This Morning, 10:10 – 11:00 a.m.

Wrestling with Angels: An Intimate Look at the Tough Questions of Life (through April 18) Meeting Room – Today, Guidance with Tony Campolo, pastor, author and Sociology Professor at Eastern University