League of Women Voters of the Austin Area
Annual Membership Meeting, Saturday, May 20, 2017, 12:00 P.M.
Trinity United Methodist Church, 4001 Speedway
Call to Order and Quorum. The meeting was called to order at 12:35 p.m. by President Cinde Weatherby who welcomed the members to the Annual Meeting. Jaci Collins reported that a quorum was present. Weatherby introduced the LWV-AA officers and directors and honored past presidents, Maxine Barkan, Karen Haschke, and Carol Olewin who also currently serves on the Board of LWV-TX.
Membership Report. Judy Parken, Membership Co-Chair, thanked Debbi Voss for organizing the annual meeting lunch and Brenda Koegler, Membership Co-Chair, who coordinated many new member coffees during the past year as membership increased by more than 50 percent. A new membership directory was distributed to all attendees. Parken reported that the Membership Committee is recruiting additional volunteers. New members present at the meeting who introduced themselves included Mary Jane Burson, Sarah Carriker, Dixie Davis, Robyn Diaz, Eleanor Elbin, Mary Beth Foster, Jimmy Flannigan, Frances Gibich, Diane Groat, Joyce LeBombard, Cynthia McCollum, Gina McCool, Chrissy Nanton, Gretchen Otto, Chris Paton, Mollie Snow, Diana Spain, Carol Todzia, Zoe Trieff, and Debbi Voss.
Recognition of the Office Corps. Jaci Collins, VP Organization, recognized the continued dedication of all the volunteer office staff who process mail and dues, answer phones, and do a variety of tasks to keep the organization going. Office Corps staff included Davida Bilgrad, Mara Coleman, June Conway, Diane Davis, Frances Gibich, Brenda Koegler, Julia Marsden, Leo Masiello, Julie Moore, Margit Orange, Joan Quenan, Anne Roussos, Gwen Santiago, Jeanie Stanley, Carol Todzia, Cinde Weatherby, Barbara Werth and Jan Williams. Those in attendance received a round of applause. Collins reported the successful move of the office from 1011 W. 31st Street to 1609 Shoal Creek Boulevard #202 as a sub-lease with Leadership Austin. Collins noted there are a few vacancies in the schedule that need to be filled.
Appointment of the Minutes Review Committee, Parliamentarian, and Timekeeper. Weatherby appointed Gina McCool and Belia Nichols to serve as the Minutes Review Committee for the minutes of the May 20, 2017, Annual Meeting. Carol Olewin was appointed Parliamentarian, and Jaci Collins was appointed Timekeeper.
Adoption of Roberts Rules of Order for Annual Meeting. A motion by Mary Jane Burson to adopt Roberts Rules of Order for the Annual Meeting was seconded by Carol Olewin, and approved by the membership.
Approval of Minutes of 2016 Annual Meeting. The minutes of the previous meeting were distributed to the membership; therefore, the reading of the minutes was suspended. There being no corrections to the minutes, the minutes stood approved.
Treasurer’s Report. Gwen Santiago reported that current assets in the LWV Austin Area Fund as of May 18, 2017, total $23,755.08. Santiago explained that there was a substantial increase in membership dues received - from $16,687.18 on May 31, 2016, to $23,585.18, on May 18, 2017, a difference of $6,898.00. The current assets in the LWV Austin Education Fund as of May 18, 2017, total $114,595.98. Santiago explained that a bequest from the estate of Janice Evelyn Christiansen May in the amount of $50,000.00 and a contribution from Alamo Drafthouse in the amount of $31,478.50 contributed to a large increase over 2016. Details of the financial reports for both funds will be turned over to the Audit Committee for review. A snapshot of the current 2016-2017 budget is included in the Workbook pgs. 10-12 as part of the budget presentation.
Report on Transition to All 501(c)(3) Status. As discussed and approved at the May, 2016, Annual Meeting, under new IRS rulings, LWV-AA will transition to an all 501(c)(3) organization by combining the Austin Area and Education funds. Initially the Austin Area operating fund was a 501(c)(4) and the education fund was classified a 501(c)(3). The IRS designation for 501(c)(3) is based on certain guidelines, including money spent on advocacy which is zero. Both LWV-TX and LWVUS recommended that local leagues consider consolidating their operating and education funds into one 501(c)(3) under the IRS code. LWV-AA consulted with legal counsel experienced in the non-profit sector. Santiago proposed that we consolidate the assets and membership of the League of Women Voters Austin Area, from both the 501(c)(4) League and the 501(c)(3) Education Fund, into a single 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation which will operate as the League of Women Voters Austin Area. A motion was made by Karen Haschke to accept Santiago’s proposal, seconded by Jaci Collins, and passed.
Weatherby thanked Santiago for her many hours expended in making certain LWV-AA was in compliance with IRS rulings and for her work with LWV-TX and legal counsel in determining that all details were handled.
Consideration of Proposed Bylaws Amendments. Gwen Santiago reported the Bylaws Committee recommendations for bylaws amendments. She worked with Bylaws Chair Maxine Barkan and her Committee and consulted with the LWV-TX Board and Tom Carson, husband of LWVUS President Chris Carson, who has been assisting local leagues with the conversion to 501(c)(3) status. Additional help was rendered by the Austin Community College Non-Profit Center. Many recommended other minor changes were made to achieve consistency in formatting, abbreviations, and capitalization. The changes recommended by legal counsel and LWV-TX for Texas corporate and IRS rules include:
- Definition of special committee membership. (Article IV, Section 4).
- A majority of the Board members constitutes a quorum. (Article IV, Section 6).
- Composition of Executive Committee. (Article IV, Section 7).
- Procedure for acceptance of motions by electronic voting. (Article IV, Section 8).
- Board member participation in meetings by electronic communications equipment so long as all participants can be heard simultaneously. (Article IV, Section 9).
- Provisions for not allowing proxies, procedures for removal of Board members, and prohibiting compensation for Officers and Directors were added. (Article IV, Sections 10, 11, and 12.).
- To comply with IRS rules on tax exemption, dues will go into the new 501(c)(3) organization. (Article VI, Section 2).
- Definition of Tax Exemption was added. (Article VI, Section 5).
- Provision for facilitating a vote of the members via mail, fax, email or any combination. (Article VII, Section 4).
- Indemnification of Officers, Directors and agent was added. (Article XIV, Section 1).
- Registered Office and Registered Agent were added per legal advice. (Article XV, Section 1).
- A clause was added making all monies and securities owned by LWV-AA transferable to LWV-TX in the event of dissolution. (Article XVI, Section 1).
Santiago moved acceptance of the Bylaws, as changed by the League of Women Voters Austin Area, which will serve as the Bylaws for the organization effective May 20, 2017, and going forward, in LWV-AA’s new 501(c)(3) form. The motion was seconded by Voss, and passed.
President’s Annual Report to the Membership. Cinde Weatherby referenced her report which is detailed on pg. 6 of the 2017 Workbook. Vern Phillips, our long-time landlord, passed away May 6, 2017. Several members will attend his services and the League has sent condolences to the Phillips family. The Phillips family allowed us to lease office space at 1011 W. 31st Street for over 33 years at a very low under-market rate for most of those years. After the Merlin Building was sold, Susan Phillips was quite generous with the time allowed for us to vacate the building and waived the six week’s rent—for which we are grateful.
Weatherby highlighted the following:
- Advocacy Director, Frances McIntyre, sent regular Action Alerts for all three levels of government.
- VP Programs, Lea Masiello, significantly increased the number of programs and collaborations with other organizations to enable the membership and public to learn about what is going on in our community and to meet with local elected officials.
- Communications Director, Charlotte Slack, has done a great service.
- Voter Editor, Donna Pauler, assured that we had a newsletter that came out on time with excellent information and improved upon the format.
- Membership Co-Chairs, Judy Parken and Brenda Koegler, hosted many new member coffees at cafes and in their homes to welcome our rapidly growing membership in one-on-one conversations.
- VP Voters Service Jacklyn Williams and Voter Registration Director June Conway actively participated in widespread education on new Voter ID requirements for the November, 2016, election. They made special contributions to our collaboration with Travis County Voter Registrar Bruce Elfant’s First Vote! initiatives in the AISD high schools. June and Jacklyn both had to resign their positions one month prior to the end of their terms for health reasons but successfully recruited new members, Joyce LeBombard and JoAnn McKenzie, to assume their positions and staff additional committees.
- More than 80,000 voters checked out the November 2016 Voters Guide produced under the direction of Editor Frances McIntyre online and in the Austin American-Statesman.
- Carol Eckelkamp coordinated several well-attended candidate forums covering Austin and Kyle City Council, AISD and ACC races.
- Membership annual dues and all donations will now be tax-deductible with the League’s reclassification as a 501(c)(3) organization.
- Special Events Chair Elizabeth Cooper and former Chair Eliza May did a fantastic job with arrangements for the State of the City Dinner. Alamo Drafthouse Cinema, ThunderCloud Subs, and Tech Votes were honored with our Making Democracy Work® Awards.
- LWV-AA was extremely pleased to be a beneficiary of a legacy gift by former member, Janice May who was a long-time member, former president, and parliamentarian. The Board will be evaluating a special way to use this gift.
Weatherby concluded her report by thanking the membership for a successful year.
Presentation and Adoption of Local Program. Lea Masiello reported that the focus this year was to coordinate with other local non-profit organizations to Get Out the Vote. There were no studies from either LWVUS or LWV-TX as their intent was to get out the vote. Research shows that voter participation increases among poor and minority communities if non-profits discuss the need to be voters with their clients. To that end we formed collaborations and networked with El Buen Samaritano, Disability Rights Texas, Huston-Tillotson, and Women Vote in order to reach, educate, and register low-propensity voters.
The Workbook, pg. 8, lists programs in development for spring, summer and fall, 2017 which address four LWV-AA positions on Education, Affordable Housing, Healthcare, and Environmental Quality:
- Successful After School Support Programs, Foundation Communities.
- Education Roundtable, Austin Community College
- CodeNEXT and Affordable Housing, Sustainable Food Center.
- Women’s Health Unit Meetings, Jane’s Due Process.
- Protecting the Edwards Aquifer, Jim Blackburn from Sustainable Planning and Design from Rice University.
- Education Roundtable at Austin Community College, Vive Griffin, on math and writing for adults.
For the 2016-2017 State Program, a committee headed by Frances McIntyre, wrote and distributed an update to the LWV-TX Position on Redistricting to Include a Recommendation for Independent Citizen Redistricting Committees which was approved by the LWV-TX Board and general membership in January, 2017. As an additional comment, Joanne Richards mentioned the work done on redistricting by Common Ground Texas and a recent panel gathered by that organization to discuss independent citizens redistricting commissions which included Frances McIntyre.
Masiello recommended that the 2017-2018 Local Program focus on reviewing and updating six current LWV-AA positions:
- Affordable housing in Austin
- Current environmental issues
- Criminal justice in Austin
- Transportation
- Education and equal opportunities, and
- Healthcare.
Members were encouraged to sign up for participation on committees and in General and Unit meetings to evaluate and update these positions. Regional Units will be strengthened in North, South and possibly Central Austin and will meet in homes or libraries for discussion.
A motion to accept the 2017-2018 Program recommendations was made by Lea Masiello, seconded by Cynthia McCollum, and passed unanimously.
Presentation and Adoption of Proposed FY 2017-2018 Budget. Budget Chair Michelle Goerdel was unable to attend the meeting. Gwen Santiago reported on the proposed budget for 2017-2018, found on pgs. 10-12 of the Workbook. The format is changed to combine the AA and Education Fund budgets for FY15, FY16, and current year for comparison purposes. Though membership increased by more than 50 percent this year, a more conservative estimate of member growth was budgeted for 2018 of only 31 percent over the YTD actual for 2017. Our new rent is $380.00 per month but was originally budgeted for $700. Moving expenses, new stationery, and printing expense will take up part of the rental savings differential. Santiago proposed that LWV-AA adopt the Budget Committee’s recommended budget of $68,016.00 with matching expenses, was seconded by Hal Jennings, and passed unanimously.
Recognition of Outgoing Leaders. Frances McIntyre recognized and acknowledged the outstanding contributions made by outgoing Board leaders:
- Judy Parken joined the League in 2002 and became a Board member right away as a highly dedicated Membership Chair. At that time, there was a telephone tree, The VOTER was mailed to everyone, and Judy mastered the task of coordinating membership at nearly 400. Parken is inspired by the people in the League who are good natured, and ready to work. Her advice to new members is that “you get as much as you give”.
- June Conway joined the League in Atlanta in 1964 and was on their board until 1968 doing Voters Service activities. She retired in 2012 and joined LWV-AA where she has been an energetic leader of the voter registration effort working tirelessly with Travis County. She is impressed with the smart, intelligent League members and the amount of work they get done. Conway feels that we should never give up on registering voters, whether an election is scheduled or not. She thinks we need to be more visible and network to be in more places where there is lower voter turnout.
- Donna Pauler joined LWV-AA in the early 1990’s. Pauler originally did the whole Voters Guide which was published by a printing firm in Austin and was only distributed to approximately 10,000 people. Since the Austin- American Statesman began publishing, distribution is close to 200,000 people. We were one of the firsts to be able to use the LWVUS VOTE411 system to coordinate our contact with candidates for Voters Guide production. Pauler has also produced The VOTER newsletter since 2015. Her favorite thing about the League is meeting all the people and she admires all the different things the League does. Her advice is to get involved with the League because there will always be a lot to achieve.
- Charlotte Slack joined the Austin League in 2015 and also became an immediate Board member as the Communications Director. This was at a time that LWV-AA was organizing its media approach. Slack is very glad that Cindy Schaufenbuel is taking the lead on the Communications portfolio and Charlotte has accepted the opportunity to become the Nominating Committee Chair for next year.
- Jacklyn Williams joined the League in 2011, worked in the office for a year, then joined the Board as the VP Voters Service. She was elected to the State Board in June, 2014, where she served on the Development and Long-Range Planning Committees until August, 2015. She then once again joined the Austin Board as the VP Voters Service. Her favorite project was First Vote!, working with the high schools on voter registration and education. Williams also helped with many candidate forums in 2016. Williams said, “Being a League member offered me the opportunity to work with people as dedicated to civic engagement as I was in a very meaningful way. It was a way for me to get to know what was going on in my city. Through the League, we can start with an idea about how better to serve our community based on our positions and end up with laws passed by the State legislature, county or city. You also get the opportunity to meet very interesting people.”
McIntyre honored the three people to whom this Annual Meeting is dedicated: Maxine Barkan, Margit Orange, and Jaci Collins. Flowers, VOTE pins, and LWV pins were presented to the honorees. Frances also presented Cinde Weatherby with a flower for NOT leaving the Board and continuing in her term as President.
Nominations Committee and Election of Board Members and Directors. In the absence of Chair Margit Orange, Nominating Committee member Charlotte Slack presented the proposed slate of Officers, Directors, and Off-Board Chairs for 2017-2019. Other members of the Nominating Committee were Hal Jennings, Belia Nichols, and Brenda Koegler. Slack reported that if your name was on the list of candidates, you must be a talented, bright, and dedicated person. Weatherby called for additional nominations from the floor. There being no further nominations for Officers, nominations were closed. On a motion from Carol Olewin to accept the Nominating Committee’s recommendations, seconded by Judy Jennings, the following officers, Directors, and off-board chairs were unanimously elected for the 2017-2019 term: