Quarterly Report from LIFT Fund - June 2013
Partner name / names oftownships / main activities / Updates on results and achievement
(project closed)
Budget: US $ 704,938
Period: May 2010 to 15 Sep 2011
55 villages
10,101 HHs / Ngapudaw, Mawlamyinekyun, Labutta, Pyapon, Dedaye and Bogalay /
- Cash grants/provision of agricultural and fishing inputs, small livestock and assets in processing/trade and service occupations
- Increased employment opportunities associated with community infrastructure projects for livelihood enhancement or disaster risk reduction
- Greater awareness and stronger capacity through training of community facilitators, self-help groups/interest groups and village development committees/CBOs.
- Strengthening the knowledge and skills of IPs to implement sustainable livelihood activities and institute participatory and accountable practices in communities.
- 560 Self Help Groups established
- Cash grants/ inputs were transferred directly to 1829 vulnerable households including
- Twelve agriculture technical trainings on seed production, agriculture production technology etc and 10 livestock training for pig raising, duck raising etc as well as extension workers training were conducted
- Revolving Fund were implemented in 49 villages
- 9 paddy seed banks and one rice bank was established
- 6 organizations organizational capacity assessment conducted. OD support given for 4 organisations.
- 5 action research conducted
Budget: US$ 1,965,742
June/11 – May/14
37 villages
5,465 target HH / Magway, AungLan, Taungoo and Saytoketaya /
- Strengthen the capacity of individuals, households and community based groups to develop agricultural livelihoods and organize development process, facilitate communities to integrate disaster risk reduction into livelihood activities
- 3 Food processing trainings were for 90 participants.
- Eleven tube wells were constructed. 1 tube well and one pond were renovated.
- One small dam was build. 1 other dam was renovated.
- 255 small water collection tanks were distributed.
- 1 brick water tank was constructed.
- One ‘Water pump and Pipe” installation was completed. Total of 35 Famers are benefited to grow crops (onion) on 80 acres.
- An exposure trip for 17 farmers to the demonstration plots of MAS and other farmers was conducted
- 36 Fellows were trained again on topics such as accountability, report writing, case story writing, community mobilization, Gender, etc.
- Additional 670 small farmers from 36 villages received agriculture revolving fund for agriculture production
- Six Sloping Agriculture Land Technology (SALT) training were given for 19 villages ( total of 143 participants) across 3 townships. SALT training lasts for 9 days, 5 days for theory and constructing tools (A-Frame and Y-Frame) and 4 days for practical in the field.
- Six Sloping Agriculture Land Technology (SALT) Model Plots were established across 3 townships
- 10 Farmer Field School (FFS) demo plots were initiated.
- 5 Community Forestry (CF) demo plots were initiated.
- Additional Seven nurseries for community forestry and environmental greening established
- Additional 152 households (mostly women headed and poor HHs) of 15 livestock groups in 15 villages received Livestock fund (82 HH Swaneyy, 70 ECLOF)
- Additional 172 poor HHs of 8 economic groups in 8 villages received ‘Economic fund’ for small business establishment in their villages.
- Additional 50 vulnerable people participated in Cash for work activity
- Additional 20 storage facilities for agriculture crops were built and are managed by the community
- Additional 2 Nursery Trainings were conducted for 98 participants
- Additional two Livestock training were conducted for 117 participants
- Six local NGOs working together in a consortium approach are trained and empowered to work together for improved food security and livelihood development in the Dry zone
- Village needs assessment for the project villages were conducted and detail project activities were finalized (documented in village books)
- Participatory monitoring and evaluation system is in place
- Consortium partners conducted organizational capacity assessments and an organizational development workshop
- Revolving fund management training and book keeping training were provided to members of CBO in the all intervention villages.
- 600 small farmers of 36 farmers groups in 36 villages received agriculture revolving fund for agriculture production
- 210 households (mostly women headed and poor HHs) of 15 livestock groups in 15 villages received Livestock fund
- 160 poor HHs of 8 economic groups in 8 villages received ‘Economic fund’ for small business establishment in their villages.
- Cash for work activity for 23 vulnerable HH was created where each HH earns around 45,000 Kyats
- Eight storage facilities for agriculture crops were built and are managed by the community
- Self-help group revolving funds were initiated in all project villages
- Eight nurseries for community forestry and environmental greening established
- Livelihoods support training such as liquid soap making training, agro-forestry training, traditional loom making training, home garden training, compost making training and pest management training, were conducted in all communities
- 15 land use plans of pasture land developed in 15 villages
- Climate change adaptation and natural resource Management sensitization training were conducted in nine villages
Budget: US$ 1,571,360
Sept/11 – Sept/14
24 villages / Bogale, Mawlamyainggyun /
- Strengthen the organizations capacities of NGO partners to implement sustainable livelihood programmes, and to have functioning community-based organizations working for development and social protection in their villages
- Seven partners have conducted organizational capacity assessments
- Fellow training was conducted for 24 fellows
- Technical livelihoods skills training was conducted for partners’ staff
- Village Bank accounts were opened for 22 CBOs
- Participants identified suitable social protection mechanisms and beneficiaries. 21 social protection initiatives have started in 21 villages
- Clarity workshop on social protection activities was conducted for fellows and IP staff
- Nine livelihoods models are developed and implemented for 455 HHs on
- farming, rice mill, home gardening, agricultural input, animal banks ( individual and group), pharmacy, vocation training ( youth and women)
- Livestock breeding training was conducted for 12 villages in 4 partner’s area
- Technical Agricultural skills training was conducted 12 villages
- Township level fishery activity was started in Mawlamyinegyun and
- under process in Bogalae. 76 representatives from 6 villages of two IPs area attended “Awareness raising and discussion for new fishery law” which was conducted together with Mawlamyainegyun fishery department.
- Eight local NGOs working together in a consortium approach are trained and empowered to work together for improved food security and livelihood development in the Delta
- Six partners have conducted organizational capacity assessments
- Technical livelihoods skills training was conducted for partners’ staff
- 24 CBOs were formed and village books developed for each village
- Social protection feasibility analysis for the project area has been conducted and documented.
- Social protection training for partner staff has been conducted.
- Social protection awareness training has been conducted for fellows and CBOS in all project villages. Participants identified suitable social protection mechanisms and beneficiaries. 10 social protection initiatives have started and over 500 HHs are involving in it.
- Nine livelihoods models are developed and implemented for 455 HHs on farming, rice mill, home gardening, agricultural input, animal banks ( individual and group), pharmacy, vocation training ( youth and women)
ActionAid/ Gender Equality Network (GEN)
Budget: US$ 391,426
Jul/12 - Jun/15 / National /
- Provision of technical support to develop and operationalize laws, policies, structures and practices to achieve women’s rights and participation at every level
- Undertake research on cultural norms and social practices and campaign to address gender discriminatory norms and practices
- Reduce gender-based violence
- Women’s participation in leadership and public life
- GEN participated in the learning and sharing workshop named “Strengthening Civil Society for Advocacy: Sharing from Experience”, organized by Paung Ku on the 28th of June at “Royal Rose” restaurant together with other LIFT partners working immensely with the civil society organizations for policy advocacy; Social Policy and Poverty Research Group (SPPRG) and Land Core Group (LCG).
- GEN’s monthly coordination meetings for its members as well as non-members have been held.
- GEN provided support and arranged for a number of members to attend a White Ribbon Day event being held by the Mon Women Network in Mawlamyine, Mon State.
- Three (3) Briefing Papers outlining legal reforms concerning gender equality and women published and shared with Government and key stakeholders.
- GEN’s needs assessment report on 17 IDP camps in non-government controlled areas in Kachin State has been published in three languages; Myanmar, Kachin and English.
- GEN Steering Committee (SC) representatives met with the new Minister MSWRR (Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement) and submitted the latest Myanmar draft of the National Strategic Plan for the Advancement of Women 2012 – 2021 (NSPAW). The Minister indicated that the next step in the process would be to seek endorsement of the Plan from the Myanmar National Committee for Women's Affairs (MNCWA) in January 2013.
- A training program on Women’s Protection and Needs Assessment was held in Mandalay and a Women's Needs Assessment was carried out in 17 IDP camps in non government controlled areas in Kachin State, the data is currently being analysed.
- A large public walk (450+ people) and event (570+ people) were held in Yangon to mark International Day of Elimination of Violence Against Women and the start of the global 16 Days of Activism against Gender Violence Campaign.
- Expressions of Interest were sought internationally for a technical specialist to develop a VAW qualitative research proposal and to carry out capacity development with key stakeholders about the research.
ActionAid/ Social Policy and poverty research group
Budget: US$ 307,163
Oct./12 - Oct/14 / National /
- Conduct research into social policy and poverty issues in order to strengthen the evidence base for policy development by government and non-government actors in the fields of social policy and poverty reduction
- Promote and build capacity for effective, evidence based policy development by government and non -government actors
- Develop research capacity in Myanmar, in government and non – government actors, to enable long term, sustainable research to continue to inform policy development
- Conducted 2 research tutorials in Yangon on basic statistics and legal research, and in Mandalay (2 times) on basic statistics and legal research, in total over 100 participants
- Conducted 2 day training on vulnerability mapping for The Leprosy Mission International for 25 persons
- Conducted 2 day training on research method & questionnaire design for Mandalay YMCA
- Facilitation of workshop on Peace, Development and Social Protection in Kayin State
- Round table discussion on Budget accountability, 17th May (Yangon)
- Research on Socio-economic impact of epilepsy and mental health (linked to inclusive livelihoods)
- Analysis of data from 40 villages on Community Based Social Protection
- Analysis of cost-effectiveness of social protection approaches for older persons (using 5,000 household sample from Magwe/Sagaing/Mandalay)
- Research on Inclusive livelihoods for persons with disabilities: optimal pathways
- Analysis of constitutional and legal framework for Social Protection
- Publication on Dimensions of Child Poverty and Technical paper: Social Protection and Poverty Reduction
- The project has formed the core team comprise of research director, coordinator, research assistant, and media.
- SPPRG has launched monthly research tutorials
- Has published 5 research bulletins
- Trained research methods to 41 ActionAid fellows in the dry zone
- Have drafted disability policy for DSW
- Provided a social protection training to staff from DSW, ministry of labor and ministry of national economic planning in Chin State, Mandalay region and Nay Pyi Taw
ActionAid/Social Economic Development Network
Budget: US$ 1,312,936
Mar./13-Mar./17 / Pakkoku, Myaing and Bagan Townships, Magwe Region /
- A Socio Economic Development Network has been established and strengthened to manage a multi-sectoral referral system, effectively addressing the health, education and social needs of the target groups.
- Income generation opportunities of poor rural women have been enhanced through skills training and the production and sale of handcrafts
- A project inception workshop conducted in Magwe Region with core government departments, private sector actors, CSOs and Fellows who will engage with the SEDN and/or CPN during and following the project
- Agreements with the various service providers who will participate in the Socio Economic Development Network
- The Technical Advisor trained 34 Fellows on how to identify beneficiaries for vocational training, how to lead a “social interview” to identify their needs so that they can be referred to the appropriate service providers including vocational training
- The first round of vocational training for each sector e.g. i) sewing & embroidery, ii) weaving and iii) rattan is being planned
(project closed)
Budget: US$ 1,353,120
Period: April 2010-March 2011
Villages- 38
Target HHs- 5498 / Labutta /
- Provision of cash grants for agricultural, fishery and home garden inputs to smallholder farmers, fisher households and landless households
- Mangrove rehabilitation activities through cash for work
- Formation of SHGs for saving mobilization and strengthening income generating activities
- Capacity building of CBOs, forest user groups (FUGs) and SHGs through respective trainings
- 3,370 HHs (1115 farming HHs, 1970 fishery HHs and 268 fish trading HHs, 17 home gardening HHs) were provided with agricultural, fishery and other inputs through cash grants
- 500 acres of mangrove forest were rehabilitated and 5 mangrove-friendly aquaculture ponds established
- Formed 5 FUGs and planted 50 acres of riverbank sides and 50 acres of windbreak areas
- Created 17,465 person days of mangrove related cash for work activities
- Provided 10,908 person days of DRR related cash for work mitigation activities
- Formed 476 self-help groups with 5,498 members. Saving functions are well mobilized
- 5,498 households participated in environmental protection awareness measures
- 39 village level disaster management committee (VDMC) and 156 task forces were formed and trained.
Budget: US$ 2,813,778
Nov/2010 - Oct/2013
50 villages
5,152 target HH / Pakokku, Myaing, Seikphyu /
- Provision of agricultural & livestock inputs & training for increased yield & income
- Improvement of water supply infrastructure for drinking and agriculture water
- Provision of vocational training for increased income & employment opportunities,
- Awareness on DRR & climate change adaptation measures for drought management
- 74 households (SHG members) have been granted cash input for different livelihood activities,
- 82 sets of farm tools were provided to farmer groups in 3 townships
- 38 agriculture training sessions had been conducted and 38% of total trainees applied knowledge to improved techniques received from the training
- 82 sets of farm tools were provided to farmer groups in 3 townships
- 302 compost pits had been done
- 27 farmers received vermin-compost tank in 8 villages
- 44 livestock training sessions had been conducted and 30% of total trainees have applied improved techniques received from the training
- One study tour for livestock trainees has been completed
- Five demo plots had been established
- 32 refreshers’ trainings had been conducted and 474 trainees from different vocational had been trained
- Two micro-enterprises formed by women, who attended clothing training, are now well functioning and received incomes;
- 14 food processing trainees opened shops and received incomes through trainings
- Three auto mechanic trainees opened workshops and five trainees work in home based
- Nine types of village water systems (5 sand dams, 5 mini dams, 37 shallow tube wells, 12 deep tube wells, 25 hand dug wells, 29 rain water collection tanks, 22 pipe water supply system by gravity and pumping, 1400 household water storage tanks (50 gallons) were installed in 50 project villages
- 20 acres of degraded land had been rehabilitated and 20 acres of community forest had been established through NRM and CF implementation.
- 1,586 households (SHG members) have been granted cash input for different livelihood activities,
- Seeds (pulses and oil seeds) collected from ten seed banks has been transferred to beneficiary farmers from ten new villages,
- 1,816 people received technical trainings (827- basic agriculture training, 989 - basic Livestock training)
- 38 agriculture training sessions had been conducted and 38% of total trainees applied knowledge to improved techniques received from the training
- 196 households received home garden support,
- 82 sets of farm tools were provided to farmer groups in 3 townships
- 302 compost pits had been done
- 27 farmers received vermin-compost tank in 8 villages.
- 50- livestock banks (Pig- 164 & Goat- 308) are well functioning with 241 beneficiaries in 50 villages
- 44 livestock training sessions had been conducted and 30% of total trainees have applied improved techniques received from the training
- One study tour for livestock trainees has been completed
- Five demo plots had been established
- 1,784 villagers received basic vocational trainings (mechanic, carpentry, food preservation and sewing)
- 32 refreshers’ trainings had been conducted and 474 trainees from different vocational had been trained
- 210 small enterprise startup kits were provided for the different vocational training
- Two micro-enterprises formed by women, who attended clothing training, are now well functioning and received incomes;
- 31 individual sewing trainees opened their own shops
- Nine carpentry trainees applied knowledge and received incomes from working in home based and outside
- 14 food processing trainees opened shops and received incomes through trainings
- Three auto mechanic trainees opened workshops and five trainees work in home based
- Nine types of village water systems (5 sand dams, 5 mini dams, 37 shallow tube wells, 12 deep tube wells, 25 hand dug wells, 29 rain water collection tanks, 22 pipe water supply system by gravity and pumping, 1400 household water storage tanks (50 gallons) were installed in 50 project villages
- 1922-HHs have increased access to water volume average 167 gal/day/Household in 50 villages (28 gal / day/ person)
- 39 operations and maintenance training were conducted for 272 trainees in 39 villages to maintain and sustain the water supply systems
- 10 FUGs were formed with 250 members from ten villages through which 10 multi-purpose tree nurseries were established and a total of 325,000 seedlings had been produced
- 2341 women (i.e. mothers and care givers) were trained on health, nutrition and environmental sanitation through 102 Hearth training sessions conducted in 50 villages by which 1,164 trainees made compost pits and 404 trainees follow at least two nutrition and hygiene practices with behavior change
- Provided incomes and employment through CfW 85,043 person days for various activities, (soil conservation and reforestation, water supply activities, livestock, agriculture, health) to members of vulnerable households
- 2,978 women (i.e. mothers and care givers) were trained on health, nutrition and environmental sanitation through 65 PD Hearth and 178 Hygiene & Nutrition training sessions conducted in 50 villages by which 1,237 trainees made compost pits and 404 trainees follow at least two nutrition and hygiene practices with behavior change.
- 50 disaster resilient management action plans and 40 drought management plans have been developed.
- 74 of 100 task forces had been trained on disaster management and disaster mitigation.
- 4525 no. of IEC materials distributed to beneficiaries from 35 project villages
- 20 acres of degraded land had been rehabilitated and 20 acres of community forest had been established through NRM and CF implementation..