West Citrus Democratic Club
Meeting Minutes
Meeting Date: October 14, 2017
The West Citrus Democratic Club met on Saturday, Oct 14, at the Riviera in Crystal River.
Roger Cullen, president, convened the meeting at 1:00 PM. He introduced three new members: Zena White, Noel Blair and Kathy Wright. Roger commented that we now have 98 paid members.
TREASURY; Jack Mulder reported the Club’s balance after the funds raised at the FDR/LBJ Dinner.The motion to accept the report was made by Nancy Keefer & seconded by Pat Hanley.Minutes were accepted.
MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING; Stan Clewett made a motion to accept the minutes as emailed; Jack Mulder seconded. The minutes were accepted.
DINNER, Sept 30: Keynote speaker, Sean Shaw, said he will come any time; Special thanks were acknowledged by Roger to all who contributed to the Dinner’s success:
Terry Green for his donation,Linda Meyer for the Gift Basket, Geleria Hoffman for the Pendants, Tom Flannery running the video, Committee members, Laura & Gil Martinez, and a special thank you to Pat Hanley.Roger also thanked Karen Nottage & the staff of the Elks Club.
Volunteer of the Year Award 2017 was presented to Mary “Scap” Gregory for her commitment to the club and time as Recording Secretary.
DEC; SUSAN REEDER, COMMITTEEWOMAN, started by saying there is a lot of bad news so put some limits on your listening. There are many natural disasters.
In Sumter County, Stephen Bittel talked about his trip to Punzi, Puerto Rico, bringing medical supplies.It was mentioned that people from Puerto Rico who come to Florida should be registered as Democrats.
Pam Keith is running for District 18. She has a wonderful resume. Pam Keith has been on the Joy Reid show. She said Michelle Obama said “when they go low we go high”. Pam said hold them accountable. Annette Tadeo winning is very good news.
There were about 15 at the Al Franken book discussion.
Paul Stuckey of Peter,Paul & Mary was at a Lake County fund raiser.
Petitions to have Ron Reid on the ballot are still available to be signed at the DEC office in the Crystal River Mall.
Susan reminded that the convention in Orlando is coming up.
We now have an active Progressive Caucus and a Veterans Caucus.
NOVEMBER MEETING; Chris King, candidate for governor, will be our speaker.
We are resourcing for a Club designated video projector.
The meeting adjourned at 1:35 PM