Teacher: Ms. Linda Lirette

Rooms: Chorus (1206), Auditorium

Class meetings: 5thand 7th period

Tutorial/Lessons: Tuesday-Friday mornings (7:35 a – 8:05 a) and by appointment

Tutorial Location: Chorus Room (1206)

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Phone: 678-676-6975


Chorusseeks to develop students’ innate talents through the practice of singing and the development of musical skills. For those who know that hard work can be fun as well as rewarding, this class may be an excellent choice. Using the voice as the primary medium, students will develop expression, tone, reading skills, historical knowledge, self-confidence, and aesthetic appreciation of cultures and music.

Curriculum Overview

Course Calendar

The course calendar, outlining lessons, and assignments are available on our class website.

The event calendar, outlining dress rehearsals and concerts is also available on our website as a Google calendar you can sync with your own.

Course Description[CL1]

Chorus is a performance class and includes some outside performances as part of the curriculum. Musical literature is artistic and will be drawn from a variety of genres and styles. Students will learn to sing, respond to, read, and express a variety of choral styles.

Among other things, chorus is:

  • a means for personal growth, creative expression, and artistic development
  • a means for understanding others, for exploring history and culture
  • a means for developing technical mastery and critical thinking

I believe that every student can learn tosing. Artistic success is more about sweat and persistence than luck or talent.

Beginning chorus is designed to be accessible to the novice as well as a welcome challenge for students who have some choral background at the middle or elementary school level. It is open to all students.

Advanced chorus challenges and showcases more seasoned singers. It is open to singers by audition and instructor permission.

Announcements, Questions, Communication

Parents and students are encouraged to use the website school.lrlirette.com to stay informed and to use the official online portal (Campus Portal or ESIS) to track student grades in this class.

From time to time, I also send information via an e-newsletter.Please subscribe.

Parents[CL2], I see the educational process as a team effort, where parent, teacher, and student work together. Please complete the Family Survey online so I can get to know you!

Throughout the year, I would like to showcase student performances. To do so, I am requesting parental permission to post student work on the class website. Please complete DeKalb’s media release form (attached) and check the box on the signature page that you return for this syllabus. I will not use students’ last names in any class publications on our e-newsletter or webpage.

Students, for questions concerning grades, make-up work, additional assignment instructions, or any other personal matters, please see me after class or before school or email me. These issues will not be addressed in class.


All of CCHS and DCSS rules apply. In addition…

The rule / What it includes
1)Be prepared. /
  • Be punctual,in your assigned seat when the bell rings.

  • Have all materials in hand.

  • Complete all assignments and be ready to turn them in or perform them.

2)Be present. /
  • Participate! Attend performances. Focus on the process.

  • Listen and learn while others are performing. Take notes[CL3].

  • If you must leave class for any reason, adhere to our [CL4]Hall Pass Policy

  • Be willing to try new things and to make mistakes, and support your fellow actors when they do the same.

3)Be your best. /
  • Respect yourself: present your best self; allow personal growth.

  • Respect others: support each other. Raise your hand to speak.

  • Respect our space: Clean up after yourself. No food, gum, or drinks. Water is welcome in a closed container.

Materialsand Fees


The Stage in the School

We will also reference a variety of resources including books, scripts, CDs, DVDs, and digital media.

A workingbibliography of some of these resources and a screening/ “Clips List” request for parental consent can be found at these links:


“Clips List”

Most these materials will be provided in class or students will be given directions about how to access them freely or inexpensively (library, webpages, afterschool screenings, etc.).

Course Fees:

Throughout the year, there are expenses such as licensing fees, field trips, master-class fees, etc.

Returning choral students who do not need to purchase choral attire are asked to contribute $30.

Please makes checks payable to CCHS.

Lost or Damaged Materials Fees

Students are responsible for replacing lost or damaged materials. Books, supplies, and reference materials can cost between $5 and $50 to replace.

Students are responsible for acquiring the following materials:

Required Supplies
  • 1 1” 3-ring BLACK binder with pockets
  • (to be organized reverse-chronologically, with the most recent handouts/notes on top)
  • (you may wish to keep sheet music and audition materials in a separate section)
  • 1 pack of loose-leaf lined paper
  • 2 sharpened pencils (must have for every class)
  • concert attire (see full details below)
  • Class Contribution:______


Most of our concerts are formal and have attire to match. The concert attire (black dresses for ladies, black vest, slacks, tux shirt, and tie, for men) costs about $60.

We also have pre-owned attire available for purchase $35 or rental $25 in some sizes.

Closed-toe black dress shoes for all. Minimal, tasteful jewelry is permitted. More information regarding order forms and attire will be forthcoming.


Scale and Percentages

A = 90100, B = 8089, C = 7179, D = 70, F = 069

DeKalb Country School System’s Assessment Categories

  1. Formative Assessment0%
  2. Assessment During Learning25.0%
  3. Guided, Independent, or Group Practice45.0%
  4. Summative Assessment or Assessment of Learning30.0%

Many [CL5]assignments will have multiple, casual assessments. To encourage students to take creative risks and to work with less self-consciousness, sometimes these will be graded; sometimes they will be “feedback only.” We want to encourage healthy reflection and critical analysis, not the kind of self-consciousness that hinders students. In addition, students will receive grades on their participation in class and their contribution to the learning process.

Late Work, Make-Ups and Do-Overs

Late Assignments Policy

Except for excused absences, I do not accept late assignments. Sorry[CL6].

Make-Up Policy

For work missed during official excused absences, I follow the CCHS make up policy. In such instances, when students miss something that cannot be made up, they may submit an approved make-up assignment.

Excessive absences will hurt students’ chances of success in this course. There is an additional absence policy regarding rehearsals and performances which take place outside of school.

Do-over Policy

When assignments are not satisfactory, students may correct and resubmit for second consideration if possible. (For instance, do-overs are not granted for pop quizzes.)

Absence Policy

Chorus teaches performance skills, so outside performances are a part of the curriculum and are required. A performing group is dependent upon people making a commitment to attend rehearsals and performances.

A schedule will be given at the beginning of the term. Please clear your calendar for required dates. Any changes to the calendar will be communicated as far in advance as possible. If any changes are made with less than two weeks’ notice (truly a very rare thing!), I will accommodate any students who have pre-existing commitments.

Conflicts resulting from rehearsal being scheduled at the same time as another team's practice= SPLIT TIME (half of one practice and half of the other)Absences resulting from sporting matches, meets, or games occurring at the same time as rehearsal are counted as excused as long as the form is filled out in time and the information has been communicated to the director at least two weeks in advance. (See more details in the Absence Request Form.

If a student is unable to attend a scheduled rehearsal or performance, he/she must:

1)Submit an “Absence Request Form” online as early as possible.

2)Complete the appropriate make-up assignment as outlined on the website and approved by me.

I reserve the right to change any part of this syllabus in order to better meet the needs of students.

I am excited to have each of you in this class and I’m looking forward to a successful year!

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[CL1]Musical theatre is a passion of mine, and over the course of our class, I hope to share with you how broadly applicable such a specific study can be.

[CL2]Direct to parents, not students in class.

[CL3]in your journal

[CL4]Go over hall pass policy

[CL5]Examples of types of tasks/learning products

  • Quick Check Quizzes (for reading/viewing/listening assignments)
  • Sponges/Freeze Frames/and Class Notes (in Journal). Entries must be dated.
  • 2 contrasting songs (ballad and up-tempo, full versions and 16 bar versions, pre-approved)
  • 2 contrasting monologues (under 2 minutes each, pre-approved)
  • 2 two-minute auditions (16-32 bars of one of your songs and 1 monologue) (This is part of your exam)
  • The Dance audition: Perform showing a solid technique, quick recall of combinations, and appropriate style. Performance technique will build on the foundation laid in ballet, jazz, and tap classes.
  • 1 small-ensemble performance (scene, dance, song, with 2-3 performers)
  • Full ensemble performances (multiple casual formative assessments; at least 2 formal guided/group practice assessments per semester)
  • Additional solo/duet material presented beyond those required will garner extra credit.
  • Music/Lyric/Scene Analysis: Must be completed for each Solo, Duet and Trio presented. (in journal)
  • Weekly Journal Reflections: completed each time a student performs in front of the class, also completed at least once weekly to outline what we have learned in class and how student is progressing toward goals
  • 2 Reflection/Analysis Papers on live stage productions you have seen or participated in during the school year.
  • 1 mini-lesson (10 minutes) on an important PERSON from the list. Presentation should have a visual component, engage your fellow classmates, and be thorough while also being concise.
  • 1 mini-lesson (10 minutes) on an important SHOW from the list. Presentation should have a visual component, engage your fellow classmates, and be thorough while also being concise.
  • Group Projects

[CL6]In extenuating circumstances, I may grant deadline extensions, provide students email me in advance.