UNIANOVA totsra BY agegr WITH mark
/DESIGN=mark agegr.
Univariate Analysis of Variance
[DataSet1] C:\Users\LabUser\Downloads\datar.sav
gender = בנים
Between-Subjects FactorsaValue Label / N
agegr / 1.00 / עד 12 / 10
2.00 / 16-18 / 10
3.00 / מ-19 / 10
a. gender = בנים
Descriptive Statisticsa
Dependent Variable: totsra
agegr / Mean / Std. Deviation / N
עד 12 / 3.1600 / .48325 / 10
16-18 / 1.6500 / .30031 / 10
מ-19 / 1.9167 / .98260 / 10
Total / 2.2422 / .92089 / 30
a. gender = בנים
Tests of Between-Subjects Effectsa
Dependent Variable: totsra
Source / Type III Sum of Squares / df / Mean Square / F / Sig. / Partial Eta Squared
Corrected Model / 13.872b / 3 / 4.624 / 11.214 / .000 / .564
Intercept / .436 / 1 / .436 / 1.056 / .314 / .039
mark / .882 / 1 / .882 / 2.139 / .156 / .076
agegr / 13.767 / 2 / 6.883 / 16.693 / .000 / .562
Error / 10.721 / 26 / .412
Total / 175.420 / 30
Corrected Total / 24.593 / 29
a. gender = בנים
b. R Squared = .564 (Adjusted R Squared = .514)
Estimated Marginal Means
1. Grand MeanaDependent Variable: totsra
Mean / Std. Error / 95% Confidence Interval
Lower Bound / Upper Bound
2.242b / .117 / 2.001 / 2.483
a. gender = בנים
b. Covariates appearing in the model are evaluated at the following values: mark = 79.6778.
2. agegr
EstimatesaDependent Variable: totsra
agegr / Mean / Std. Error / 95% Confidence Interval
Lower Bound / Upper Bound
עד 12 / 3.204b / .205 / 2.782 / 3.626
16-18 / 1.641b / .203 / 1.224 / 2.059
מ-19 / 1.881b / .205 / 1.461 / 2.302
a. gender = בנים
b. Covariates appearing in the model are evaluated at the following values: mark = 79.6778.
Pairwise Comparisonsa
Dependent Variable: totsra
(I) agegr / (J) agegr / Mean Difference (I-J) / Std. Error / Sig.c / 95% Confidence Interval for Differencec
Lower Bound / Upper Bound
עד 12 / 16-18 / 1.563* / .289 / .000 / .822 / 2.303
מ-19 / 1.323* / .292 / .000 / .575 / 2.071
16-18 / עד 12 / -1.563* / .289 / .000 / -2.303 / -.822
מ-19 / -.240 / .288 / 1.000 / -.976 / .497
מ-19 / עד 12 / -1.323* / .292 / .000 / -2.071 / -.575
16-18 / .240 / .288 / 1.000 / -.497 / .976
Based on estimated marginal means
*. The mean difference is significant at the .05 level.
a. gender = בנים
c. Adjustment for multiple comparisons: Bonferroni.
Dependent Variable: totsra
Sum of Squares / df / Mean Square / F / Sig. / Partial Eta Squared
Contrast / 13.767 / 2 / 6.883 / 16.693 / .000 / .562
Error / 10.721 / 26 / .412
The F tests the effect of agegr. This test is based on the linearly independent pairwise comparisons among the estimated marginal means.
a. gender = בנים
gender = בנות
Between-Subjects FactorsaValue Label / N
agegr / 1.00 / עד 12 / 10
2.00 / 16-18 / 10
3.00 / מ-19 / 10
a. gender = בנות
Descriptive Statisticsa
Dependent Variable: totsra
agegr / Mean / Std. Deviation / N
עד 12 / 3.3100 / .44446 / 10
16-18 / 1.3433 / .11337 / 10
מ-19 / 3.0233 / .56131 / 10
Total / 2.5589 / .97031 / 30
a. gender = בנות
Tests of Between-Subjects Effectsa
Dependent Variable: totsra
Source / Type III Sum of Squares / df / Mean Square / F / Sig. / Partial Eta Squared
Corrected Model / 23.318b / 3 / 7.773 / 50.700 / .000 / .854
Intercept / .636 / 1 / .636 / 4.151 / .052 / .138
mark / .743 / 1 / .743 / 4.848 / .037 / .157
agegr / 19.340 / 2 / 9.670 / 63.075 / .000 / .829
Error / 3.986 / 26 / .153
Total / 223.741 / 30
Corrected Total / 27.304 / 29
a. gender = בנות
b. R Squared = .854 (Adjusted R Squared = .837)
Estimated Marginal Means
1. Grand MeanaDependent Variable: totsra
Mean / Std. Error / 95% Confidence Interval
Lower Bound / Upper Bound
2.559b / .071 / 2.412 / 2.706
a. gender = בנות
b. Covariates appearing in the model are evaluated at the following values: mark = 80.5444.
2. agegr
EstimatesaDependent Variable: totsra
agegr / Mean / Std. Error / 95% Confidence Interval
Lower Bound / Upper Bound
עד 12 / 3.299b / .124 / 3.045 / 3.554
16-18 / 1.404b / .127 / 1.143 / 1.665
מ-19 / 2.974b / .126 / 2.715 / 3.232
a. gender = בנות
b. Covariates appearing in the model are evaluated at the following values: mark = 80.5444.
Pairwise Comparisonsa
Dependent Variable: totsra
(I) agegr / (J) agegr / Mean Difference (I-J) / Std. Error / Sig.c / 95% Confidence Interval for Differencec
Lower Bound / Upper Bound
עד 12 / 16-18 / 1.895* / .178 / .000 / 1.440 / 2.351
מ-19 / .326 / .176 / .227 / -.125 / .776
16-18 / עד 12 / -1.895* / .178 / .000 / -2.351 / -1.440
מ-19 / -1.570* / .182 / .000 / -2.036 / -1.104
מ-19 / עד 12 / -.326 / .176 / .227 / -.776 / .125
16-18 / 1.570* / .182 / .000 / 1.104 / 2.036
Based on estimated marginal means
*. The mean difference is significant at the .05 level.
a. gender = בנות
c. Adjustment for multiple comparisons: Bonferroni.
Dependent Variable: totsra
Sum of Squares / df / Mean Square / F / Sig. / Partial Eta Squared
Contrast / 19.340 / 2 / 9.670 / 63.075 / .000 / .829
Error / 3.986 / 26 / .153
The F tests the effect of agegr. This test is based on the linearly independent pairwise comparisons among the estimated marginal means.
a. gender = בנות
UNIANOVA totsra BY gender WITH mark
/DESIGN=mark gender.
Univariate Analysis of Variance
[DataSet1] C:\Users\LabUser\Downloads\datar.sav
agegr = עד 12
Between-Subjects FactorsaValue Label / N
gender / 1 / בנים / 10
2 / בנות / 10
a. agegr = עד 12
Descriptive Statisticsa
Dependent Variable: totsra
gender / Mean / Std. Deviation / N
בנים / 3.1600 / .48325 / 10
בנות / 3.3100 / .44446 / 10
Total / 3.2350 / .45838 / 20
a. agegr = עד 12
Tests of Between-Subjects Effectsa
Dependent Variable: totsra
Source / Type III Sum of Squares / df / Mean Square / F / Sig. / Partial Eta Squared
Corrected Model / .869b / 2 / .434 / 2.365 / .124 / .218
Intercept / .867 / 1 / .867 / 4.722 / .044 / .217
mark / .756 / 1 / .756 / 4.118 / .058 / .195
gender / .022 / 1 / .022 / .118 / .735 / .007
Error / 3.123 / 17 / .184
Total / 213.297 / 20
Corrected Total / 3.992 / 19
a. agegr = עד 12
b. R Squared = .218 (Adjusted R Squared = .126)
Estimated Marginal Means
1. Grand MeanaDependent Variable: totsra
Mean / Std. Error / 95% Confidence Interval
Lower Bound / Upper Bound
3.235b / .096 / 3.033 / 3.437
a. agegr = עד 12
b. Covariates appearing in the model are evaluated at the following values: mark = 79.1000.
2. gender
EstimatesaDependent Variable: totsra
gender / Mean / Std. Error / 95% Confidence Interval
Lower Bound / Upper Bound
בנים / 3.201b / .137 / 2.912 / 3.490
בנות / 3.269b / .137 / 2.980 / 3.558
a. agegr = עד 12
b. Covariates appearing in the model are evaluated at the following values: mark = 79.1000.
Pairwise Comparisonsa
Dependent Variable: totsra
(I) gender / (J) gender / Mean Difference (I-J) / Std. Error / Sig.b / 95% Confidence Interval for Differenceb
Lower Bound / Upper Bound
בנים / בנות / -.067 / .196 / .735 / -.481 / .346
בנות / בנים / .067 / .196 / .735 / -.346 / .481
Based on estimated marginal means
a. agegr = עד 12
b. Adjustment for multiple comparisons: Bonferroni.
Dependent Variable: totsra
Sum of Squares / df / Mean Square / F / Sig. / Partial Eta Squared
Contrast / .022 / 1 / .022 / .118 / .735 / .007
Error / 3.123 / 17 / .184
The F tests the effect of gender. This test is based on the linearly independent pairwise comparisons among the estimated marginal means.
a. agegr = עד 12
agegr = 16-18
Between-Subjects FactorsaValue Label / N
gender / 1 / בנים / 10
2 / בנות / 10
a. agegr = 16-18
Descriptive Statisticsa
Dependent Variable: totsra
gender / Mean / Std. Deviation / N
בנים / 1.6500 / .30031 / 10
בנות / 1.3433 / .11337 / 10
Total / 1.4967 / .27121 / 20
a. agegr = 16-18
Tests of Between-Subjects Effectsa
Dependent Variable: totsra
Source / Type III Sum of Squares / df / Mean Square / F / Sig. / Partial Eta Squared
Corrected Model / .485b / 2 / .243 / 4.523 / .027 / .347
Intercept / .603 / 1 / .603 / 11.246 / .004 / .398
mark / .015 / 1 / .015 / .282 / .602 / .016
gender / .434 / 1 / .434 / 8.079 / .011 / .322
Error / .912 / 17 / .054
Total / 46.198 / 20
Corrected Total / 1.398 / 19
a. agegr = 16-18
b. R Squared = .347 (Adjusted R Squared = .271)
Estimated Marginal Means
1. Grand MeanaDependent Variable: totsra
Mean / Std. Error / 95% Confidence Interval
Lower Bound / Upper Bound
1.497b / .052 / 1.387 / 1.606
a. agegr = 16-18
b. Covariates appearing in the model are evaluated at the following values: mark = 78.5333.
2. gender
EstimatesaDependent Variable: totsra
gender / Mean / Std. Error / 95% Confidence Interval
Lower Bound / Upper Bound
בנים / 1.646b / .074 / 1.490 / 1.801
בנות / 1.348b / .074 / 1.192 / 1.503
a. agegr = 16-18
b. Covariates appearing in the model are evaluated at the following values: mark = 78.5333.
Pairwise Comparisonsa
Dependent Variable: totsra
(I) gender / (J) gender / Mean Difference (I-J) / Std. Error / Sig.c / 95% Confidence Interval for Differencec
Lower Bound / Upper Bound
בנים / בנות / .298* / .105 / .011 / .077 / .519
בנות / בנים / -.298* / .105 / .011 / -.519 / -.077
Based on estimated marginal means
*. The mean difference is significant at the .05 level.
a. agegr = 16-18
c. Adjustment for multiple comparisons: Bonferroni.
Dependent Variable: totsra
Sum of Squares / df / Mean Square / F / Sig. / Partial Eta Squared
Contrast / .434 / 1 / .434 / 8.079 / .011 / .322
Error / .912 / 17 / .054
The F tests the effect of gender. This test is based on the linearly independent pairwise comparisons among the estimated marginal means.
a. agegr = 16-18
agegr = מ-19
Between-Subjects FactorsaValue Label / N
gender / 1 / בנים / 10
2 / בנות / 10
a. agegr = מ-19
Descriptive Statisticsa
Dependent Variable: totsra
gender / Mean / Std. Deviation / N
בנים / 1.9167 / .98260 / 10
בנות / 3.0233 / .56131 / 10
Total / 2.4700 / .96378 / 20
a. agegr = מ-19
Tests of Between-Subjects Effectsa
Dependent Variable: totsra
Source / Type III Sum of Squares / df / Mean Square / F / Sig. / Partial Eta Squared
Corrected Model / 7.788b / 2 / 3.894 / 6.714 / .007 / .441
Intercept / .001 / 1 / .001 / .002 / .969 / .000
mark / 1.665 / 1 / 1.665 / 2.870 / .108 / .144
gender / 5.504 / 1 / 5.504 / 9.490 / .007 / .358
Error / 9.860 / 17 / .580
Total / 139.667 / 20
Corrected Total / 17.649 / 19
a. agegr = מ-19
b. R Squared = .441 (Adjusted R Squared = .376)
Estimated Marginal Means
1. Grand MeanaDependent Variable: totsra
Mean / Std. Error / 95% Confidence Interval
Lower Bound / Upper Bound
2.470b / .170 / 2.111 / 2.829
a. agegr = מ-19
b. Covariates appearing in the model are evaluated at the following values: mark = 82.7000.
2. gender
EstimatesaDependent Variable: totsra
gender / Mean / Std. Error / 95% Confidence Interval
Lower Bound / Upper Bound
בנים / 1.943b / .241 / 1.434 / 2.452
בנות / 2.997b / .241 / 2.488 / 3.506
a. agegr = מ-19
b. Covariates appearing in the model are evaluated at the following values: mark = 82.7000.
Pairwise Comparisonsa
Dependent Variable: totsra
(I) gender / (J) gender / Mean Difference (I-J) / Std. Error / Sig.c / 95% Confidence Interval for Differencec
Lower Bound / Upper Bound
בנים / בנות / -1.054* / .342 / .007 / -1.775 / -.332
בנות / בנים / 1.054* / .342 / .007 / .332 / 1.775
Based on estimated marginal means
*. The mean difference is significant at the .05 level.
a. agegr = מ-19
c. Adjustment for multiple comparisons: Bonferroni.
Dependent Variable: totsra
Sum of Squares / df / Mean Square / F / Sig. / Partial Eta Squared
Contrast / 5.504 / 1 / 5.504 / 9.490 / .007 / .358
Error / 9.860 / 17 / .580
The F tests the effect of gender. This test is based on the linearly independent pairwise comparisons among the estimated marginal means.
a. agegr = מ-19