November 8, 2016
Attendees: Betty Harris, Cassandra Parsons, Kenneth McCall, Gregory Cameron, Eric Jarvi, Larry Lamie, Diane Blanchette, Amelia Arnold, Dan Mikool, Deb Sturpe, Lisa Martin
- Minutes fromSeptember Meeting
Motion made to approve minutes from September Meeting. Seconded. No discussion. Minutes Approved.
- Treasurer’s Report (Eric)
Treasurer’s report sent to board and proposed budget. Income $5,958 to Expenses $9,447.91 Net of -$3489.52. This is common and not unexpected for this point in the year. Compared to last year, account was -$7121.67, but Hotel bill from fall not yet paid. The balance sheet checking $80,225.92, Invest at Cost $43,894.82,Invest at market $14,507.43 total Balance Sheet total of $138,628.17 versus last year $109513.37. No questions. Motion to accept report. Seconded. Approved.
Eric presented the 2016-2017 budget. He used past data and incorporated to the best of expectation the sesquicentennial. Entered executive session. Budget will be reviewed, commented and voted on in the December meeting.
- Conventions (Larry)
- Spring 2017 – One Day Continuing Education Programming – Date of April 8th since Easter is the 16th and Passover begins the 10th. Membership prefers the meetings earlier in April.
Location will be either Hollywood Casino or Husson? Mac suggested we have it at Husson to see if the change works. We may find it is better and may save some money. Betty asked if we should do a separate track of MTM. Dan has several inquiries and is certified. Eric was concerned about the immunization update would be missed if people attend the MTM. Mac suggested putting the Immunization Update online and make it available. Betty deferred the MTM to the education committee to see if there is a need. Eric will check with Husson for space and will discuss programming and speakers in December.
- Sesquicentennial -2017 –October 13-15, 2017, Holiday Inn by the Bay, Portland, ME
Betty asked if everyone has a committee to participate on and access to google drive.
Eric sent a form for signing up for a reception for the Spring APhA meeting. The early bird deadline was missed. However, he thought that maybe the potential $10,000 price tag was too high for our organization. He suggested that we create name tag ribbons for our event to distribute. Mac was curious if there were other New England states hosting a receception and we have a shared reception.
Access to Google Drive folders and responsibility. Betty thought we should keep the time line and start the enthusiasm we had on October 1st. Betty wanted to pump things back up again. She said that we should take a look at who is on the committee with you and hold each other accountable. It is going to take a village.
- Legislative Update /Board of Pharmacy (Mac & Greg)
Mac provided update. We still are waiting new opioid prescribing law. Did get confirmation from BoP regarding the naloxone rules and are aware of July 2017 date and will have draft in the spring. Greg shared will be opening all the rules for review at some point.
- Membership Committee (Betty)
Betty will be creating a brochure to share with pharmacist and will take it on the road in late December. Betty looks forward to participation.
- Education Committee (Dan)
Nothing to report.
- Awards (Lisa)
Lisa reported that she will be meeting with Cassie and Deb during the second week in December to discuss the Dr. Kay Award.
- MPA Office Report (Linda)
Linda reported that the Insurance for the association is current.
Still working with Hollywood Casino regarding the bill. A few charges are being reviewed.
Received a thank you note from Becky Brush to appreciation of the Bowl of Hygeia recognition.
- MPA History Archive
Eric shared they are cataloging items with the intent to have ready for the sesquicentennial. Larry has some items to get to Eric. Steve Maki reached out to URI and they are interested in participating. Working on getting a list of president and challenge the ASP to see what they can come up with.
- New Business
No new business
Next meeting: Friday, December 9, 2016 at 11:00am