Reagan Elementary Parking Plan

Drop-off/Pick-up Lanes:

  • Parents are encouraged to use the Drop-off/Pick-up Lanes in the morning and after school. Both lanes will enter using the entrance closest to Grandview. The traffic turningwest off of Grandview will turn right into the parking lot, taking the inside lane closest to the building. The traffic traveling east down 21st Street will turn left into the parking lot, taking the outside lane closest to the street. Staff and/or designated parent volunteers will assist the children as they cross at a crosswalk.
  • The inside lane, closest to the building, must turn right and exit north down the ONE-WAY ALLEY. The outside lane, closest to the street, must make aRIGHT TURN ONLY, exiting west back onto 21st Street.
  • Parents who choose to park and walk their children into the school or walk to pick their children up have two different entrances to use to enter the designated parking area; 1) traffic traveling 21st Street may use entrance closest to Grandview, mergingwith outside Drop-off/Pick-up Lane, or 2) traffic traveling 21st Street may enter the middle entrance off of 21st Street. Parking is then available at the west end of the parking lot (closest to the building).
  • DESIGNATED PARKING AREA IS NOT A DROP-OFF/PICK-UP LANE. Parents choosing to park must get out of their car and use the crosswalks to either drop off and/or pick up their child/children.
  • ONE-WAY ALLEY IS NOT A DROP-OFF/PICK-UP LANE. This lane is designated for busses and traffic exiting from inside Drop-off/Pick-up Lanes. Staff is also authorized to use this lane to legally enter the back FACULTY PARKING LOT. FACULTY PARKING LOT IS FOR FACULTY PARKING ONLY. THIS LOT IS NOT TO BE USED FOR PARENT DROP-OFF OR PICK-UP.

Please remember that the surrounding businesses (Lutheran Church of the Risen Lord and My Community Federal Credit Union) have been very clear that cars parking in their lots will be towed. We must also be cautious that we do not block-in residents living in the apartments on 21st Street or residents living in houses around the school.

With the physical location of our building, parking will always be a challenge. Faculty and staff will only park in the designated back parking lot. This will free up parking space in front of the school. School–wide events will not be planned during our hectic morning and afternoon traffic. For events that require more parking (i.e. Star Wars, Track & Field, PTA meetings/grade level performances, Awards Assemblies), we will be able to use the regular parking lot area, as well as use the Drop-off/Pick-up Lanes for two lanes of parallel parking, leaving the lane down the middle for cars to exit. We can always open the back gate and use the vacant lot north of the playground if necessary.

After-school Pick-up Procedures:

  • ALL students, except for bus/daycare students will be escorted out of the grade level wings by their teachers to the color-coded stations behind the front fenced in area. Colors are assigned according to last name. (A-C (RED), D-J (BLUE), K-P (GREEN), and Q-Z (ORANGE). Parents and/or persons given parent permission to pick up children should each carry this color-coded card (provided during registration) in their vehicles. Each family includes all sibling names on one card. If a parent is picking up another parent’s child, list this child’s name on your family card.
  • Parents choosing to park and pick up their child/children must wait in the front playground area, not at the end of the wings or inside the building. Parents are to pick up their child/children after they are escorted to the front fenced in area. Because it is very difficult for the kids to hear as we begin to call names for pick-up, we ask that parents not using the pick-up lane exit the playground as promptly as possible to keep the congestion/noise at a minimum.
  • No students or siblings are allowed to play on playground equipment after school.
  • Students who ride a school bus or who are picked up by a daycare bus must exit through the front foyer doors where they are met by staff whowill walk them safely to the bus loading lane in the alley.
  • Students given permission by parents to meet them at a designated pick-up area will be escorted out of the buildingwith all other students (out grade level wings). The front foyer or other locations inside the building (i.e. library, gym) may be NOT be designated as a pick-up area. We currently have over 650 students who could ask for the same privilege. We cannot safely accommodate this many students and families in the building.

Alternate Dismissal:

  • In the case that we have bad weather or other conditions (i.e. rain, drizzle, extreme cold weather, muddy playground, lightening, etc.) that will not allow us to run our regular dismissal procedures, the only major change will be that students will all be escorted to the gym/cafeteria. Students will be lined up according to the same color-coded system as outside.
  • Students who have been given priorpermission to meet parents at a predetermined location (teacher must have signed Alternate Dismissal Form on file) will be allowed to leave from the gym/cafeteria.
  • Parents choosing to park and walk into the school to pick up their child/children will be asked to enter the gym/cafeteria through the doors closest to the stage. This prevents congestion in the front foyer area.Due to safety concerns, no onemay wait in the hallways for pick up. Parents and students will exit using the gym/cafeteria doors in the front.
  • Pick-up procedures will remain the same. Using radios, staff members will still come to the cars and ask for student names. Students will then becalled from the gym/cafeteria and escorted to their cars.