English-Chinese Translator
Certified Member of American Translators Association
Association of Translators and Interpreters of Ontario
12 Wood Fern Way, North York, Ontario, M2J4P5, Canada
Tel: (416) 897-1659; eFax: (440)337-6296; Skype Phone: 201-984-3234
E-mail: ; Website:
SPECIALIZATIONS: Professional English-Chinese translation and interpretation services in the areas of business, financial services, legal and social services, arts and entertainment, etc.
Master of Business Administration, SchulichSchool of Business, YorkUniversity, April 2000
- Specialisation: Marketing
- Graduate Diploma: Arts & Media Administration
Bachelor of Arts,Beijing Foreign StudiesUniversity, July 1992
- Major: English Language & Culture
Freelance Experiences:
- Translation: agencies include 1-800-Translate, New York;International Monetary Fund, Washington DC.; Language Works, New York; Multilingual Community Interpreter Services, Toronto; Fox Translation, Ottawa; Language Services Associates, Philadelphia; INF Translations, Vancouver; etc.
- Interpretation:
Canadian Securities Institute: financial training and certification programmes for China’s banking and finance industry executives and governments
YorkUniversity: training projects for visiting Chinese corporate/governmental delegations to Canada; subjects include public administration, higher education, finance, environment
Other regular clients: Ontario Government; Toronto Government, Markham Government;
Simultaneous interpretation: Amero Communications, Global Translations & Interpreters Services, Market Segment Recruitment/Translation;
- Publishing
New Star Press, Beijing, China:
- Taking the Train to Tibet, Chinese into English, completed in 2008, a guide book on travelling to Tibet by the recently completed Qinghai-Tibet Railway.
- The Beijing Olympics Handbook, Chinese into English, completed in 2008, a guide book on the ins and outs of the Beijing Olympics for international visitors
- 798, Chinese into English, completed in 2009, a comprehensive coverage of the historical morphing of and old factory in suburban Beijing into a modern art district
The Children’s Group, Ontario, Canada:
- Beethoven Lives Upstairs, English into Chinese, CD and symphonic presentation script, for mainland China market; by Susan Hammond, musician, Juno Award recipient and founder of the Classical Kids label
- Mozart’s Magnificent Voyage, English into Chinese, latest Classical Kids production by Susan Hammond, premiered at Beijing International Music Festival in October 2006
People’s Music Publish Press, Beijing, China: Introduction to the Performance of Bach,English into Chinese, published 2003 and reprinted in 2009; three volume treatises by Rosalyn Tureck, world renowned musician and Bach specialist, founder of the Tureck Bach Research Institute, New York, USA
On Position Services:
- Language Works, New York, USA, 2003-2004
-Managing translation service projects, client contacts, coordinating translation assignment, editing, and proof reading.
- Beijing Music Radio, Beijing, China, 1992-1996:
-Translating and localizing US programs “American Top 40”, “The World Chart Show”, both among the top rating pop music shows of the Company.
Marketing Analyst, Amati Conservatory, Tenafly, NJ and Amati Music Festival, Hunter, NY
February 2002 –December 2003
- Fundraising, Marketing, Financial Analysis and Budgeting
Concert & Education Co-ordinator, The Children’s Group, Toronto, January– July 2000
- Planning, budgeting, bidding and touring of the Classical Kids live concert shows.
Producer, Beijing Music Radio, Beijing, China, August, 1992 – April, 1996
- Negotiating international cooperative programmes; producing classical music programs and interviewing international artists.
- CAT: Trados Freelance, MultiTerm
- Windows7, Microsoft Office 2007Professional,
- Hi-speed Internet
REFERENCES: Available upon request