KEER2014, LINKÖPING | JUNE 11-13 2014

KEER2014 Instructions for Camera-Ready Article

Subtitle (if necessary)

Author 11, Author 22

1 Affiliation, Country, email address

2 Affiliation, Country, email address

Abstract: This document presents the guidelines for the articles to be submitted at the International Conference of Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research 2014. The abstract should be 250 words maximum length. The full document should not exceed 5000 words (excluding Title, abstract, keywords, references, and biographies). The file (pdf format) should not exceed 10Mb. The number of keywords should not exceed 5.

Keywords: KEER2014, Camera-Ready Manuscripts, Instruction of Format.

1.  Layout instruction

In order to submit a camera-ready paper with proper layout, please follow the instruction of this document.

The paper style template is in the ‘styles and formatting’ menu of this word document. You may select the section of the text you like to format and choose formatting from the “Styles and formatting” list. The paper size for submission is A4 format (229.7cm x 21cm), in portrait orientation (higher than larger). The font used for the entire document should be Arial or any non-serif substitute font.

1.1.  Text

The main text should be in 11pt, justified left, with single-line space. Between paragraphs, there should be a space of 6pt. [style is normal]


·  Bullet text should be used with a left margin of 12pt. [style is KEER_Bullet]

1.  Numbered text should be used with Arabic numbers, a left margin of 12pt. [style is KEER_Numbered]

1.2.  Paper title and subtitle

The header KEER2014 should be left as is.

The paper title should be 18pt, bold, aligned to left, with single-line space, title case (i.e. Capital Letters on Main Words). [style is KEER_Title]
The subtitle should be 14pt, aligned to left, with single-line space, title case (i.e. Capital Letters on Main Words). The space after the subtitle should be 24pt. [style is KEER_Subtitle]

If there is a subtitle, the space between the title and the subtitle should be 2pt. However, even if there is no subtitle, the subtitle should remain present and blank.

1.3.  Author list

The list of authors should be 9pt, italic, left aligned, with single-line space. The margin at the bottom (before affiliations) should be 6pt. Each author’s affiliation should be marked with a superscript number. [style is KEER_Author]

1.4.  Affiliation

Affiliations should be italic, 11pt, left aligned, with single-line space. The left margin should be 5mm. Affiliation description should include affiliation, country, and email. [style is KEER_Affiliation]

1.5.  Abstract

The abstract should be 200 words maximum. Text should follow the normal text template. Only the term “Abstract:” should be bold. [style is KEER_Abstract]

1.6.  Keyword list

The number of keywords should not exceed 5. Keywords should 11pt, left aligned, with single-line space. The top space should be 9pt and the bottom 24pt. Only the term “Keywords:” should be bold. [style is KEER_Keywords]

1.7.  Figure

Figures should be centered, inside the page margins. Top and bottom spaces should be 14pt. Figures should be placed as close as possible to the place they are references in the text. [style is KEER_Figure]

Figures should be directly followed by figure captions. Figure caption should be 10pt, centered, with single-line space. Top space should be 0pt, and bottom one 7pt. Only the term “Figure” and the figure number should be bold. [style is KEER_Fig-caption]

Figure 1: Title of the figure

1.8.  Table

Tables should be centered, inside the page margins. Top space should be 0pt, and bottom one 14pt. Tables should be placed as close as possible to the place they are references in the text.

Tables should be directly preceded by table captions. Table caption should be 11pt, centered, with single-line space. Top space should be 14pt, and bottom one 3pt.Only the term “Table” and the table number should be bold. [style is KEER_Table-caption]

Text in the table should be as the text but in 10pt (Style KEER_Text-in-table). Caption cells should be in bold but remain 10pt (Style KEER_Title-in-table). [style is KEER_Text-in-table]

Table 1: Title of the table

Title 1 / Title 2 / Title 3 / Title 4
1 / 2 / 3 / 4
A / B / C / D

1.9.  Numbered Section Head

Numbered section heads should be in UPPERCASE, bold, 12pt, left aligned, with single-line space, and numbered. The space on top should be 20pt, the space at the bottom 7pt. Numbers should be Arabic numbers, with an indent of 20pt. [style is KEER_HEADER]

1.10.  SubHeader Head

SubHeader heads should be bold, 11pt, left aligned, with single-line space, and numbered. The space on top should be 5pt, the space at the bottom 3pt. Numbers should be Arabic numbers (starting with the related numbered section number), with an indent of 30pt. [style is KEER_SubHeader]

1.10.1.  SubSubHeader Head

SubSubHeader heads should 11pt, left aligned, with single-line space. The space on top should be 0pt, the space at the bottom 2pt. Numbers should be Arabic numbers (starting with the related numbered section number, followed by the SubHeader one), with an indent of 45pt. [style is KEER_SubSubHeader]

1.11.  Acknowledgement and Reference section Head

Non-numbered section heads should be in big case, bold, 12pt, left aligned, with single-line space. The space on top should be 20pt, the space at the bottom 7pt. [style is KEER_HEADER-NONUMBER]


Any acknowledgement should be placed at the end of the paper, before the reference list. (leave it blank for reviewing)


References should follow the APA format 6th edition (Degelman & Harris, 2000), per order of alphabetic order of the first author’s name. They should 10pt, left aligned, single space. The space at the bottom should be 6pt [style is KEER_References] . Here are shown the structure for various sources of references (please remove the [grey instruction part]):

[Journal article] Lévy, P. (2013). Beyond kansei engineering: The emancipation of kansei design. International Journal of Design, 7(2), 83-94.

[Journal article, Internet-only journal] Bergen, D. (2002, Spring). The role of pretend play in children's cognitive development. Early Childhood Research & Practice, 4(1). Retrieved February 1, 2004, from

[Non-English journal article] Lin, R. T. (2006). 訴說故事,營造情境--文化創意設計的情境故事 [Scenario and story-telling approach in cross cultural design]. 藝術欣賞, 2(5), 4-10.

[Book] Abram, D. (1996). The spell of the sensuous: Language and perception in a more than human world. New York, NY: Vintage Books.

[English translation of a book] Merleau-Ponty, M. (1958). Phenomenology of perception (C. Smith, Trans). London, UK: Routledge, & Kegan Paul. (Original work published 1945).

[Article or chapter in an edited book] Schütte, S., Eklund, J., Ishihara, S., & Nagamachi, M. (2008). Affective meaning: The kansei engineering approach. In H. N. J. Schifferstein & P. Hekkert (Eds.), Product experience (pp. 477-496). New York, NY: Elsevier.

[Article in a published proceeding] Kiyoki, Y., & Chen, X. (2009). A semantic associative computation method for automatic decorative-multimedia creation with “kansei” information. In S. Link & M. Kirchberg (Eds.), Proceedings of the 6th Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (pp. 7-16). Wellington, New Zealand: ACS.

[Article in an electronic proceeding] Gentner, A., Bouchard, C., Esquivel Elizondo, D., & Favart, C. (2012b). Kansei design approaches for the new concept development process. In A. Aoussat (Ed.), Proceedings of Confere 2012 [CD ROM]. Paris, France: LCPI – Arts et Métiers ParisTech.

[Article from an online magazine or news] Wallis, C. (2005, January 09). The new science of happiness. Time Magazine. Retrieved July 15, 2006, from,9171,1015902,00.html.

[Report] Wu, J. T., & Liu, I. M. (1987). Exploring the phonetic and semantic features of Chinese words (Tech. Rep. No. NSC75 0310 H002-024). Taiwan National Science Council.

[Web document] Degelman, D., & Harris, M. L. (2000). APA style essentials. Retrieved May 18, 2000, from Vanguard University, Department of Psychology Web site:

[Stand-alone Web document (no date)] Jannsen C. (n.d.). Slow technology movement. Retrieved August 3, 2001, from


Short biography of author 1 (100 words max) (leave blank for reviewing)

Short biography of author 2 (100 words max) (leave blank for reviewing)