Extension of time request- s15AB

Applicant Details:

Ben Grubb

Date Received:

11 February 2013

Current Due Date:

16 April 2013

S15AA extension of an additional 30 days granted on 8 March 2013. (amended due date 12 April2013)

S24AB notice issued on 2 April 2013 and a reply received on 6 April 2013 (Current due date 16 April 2013)

Requested Due Date:

3 May 2013 (a further 17 day extension)

Our Reference:

MYM Number 60089

The agency's reason for requesting an extension and plan for processing

We are seeking an extension of time on the grounds that the request is complex

The request relates to a breach of the tax agent portal. The documents include sensitive internal system controls as well as specific tax agent material. The decision maker will have to consult internally with security and other areas of the office. We will also have to consult withanother Commonwealth agency in relation to some of the documents.

Work done to date

We have informally discussed a reduction in scope with the applicant by phone and in our acknowledgment letter. We then sent a s24AB notice of our intention to refuse access on 2 April 2013 when we had located over 3,000 pages relevant to the request. The applicant reduced the scope of the request on 6 April 2013 but we considered the scope still to broad. The applicant agreed to reduce the scope of the request further on 10 April 2013. We have today identified 12 documents relevant to the reduced scope.

Work to be done in the additional time

Days 1 -7 –Review the documents and commence consultation with another commonwealth agency.

Days 8-15 –Consult internally with various business lines regarding the security aspects of the documents

Days16 and 17 - receive response from other Commonwealth agency, schedule documents and draft decision letter

Further issues for consideration

I have been unable to contact Mr Grubb by phone today to discuss the extension but will send him a copy of this extension application.